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Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs

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Contains links to 4609 digitized books (> 647486 pages )
and to 577 digitized journals/seminars (> 4303824 pages).
(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.)

Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Library",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003 [Local Copy]
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Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an
overview of the repositories.

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Author:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
Title:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Remark: Repositories marked by '*' require paid subscription.

Nr. Repository: Author, Title (Books only): Pages: Year(s): Type:
1 Gallica Abat, Bonaventure.: Amusements philosophiques sur diverses parties des sciences, et principalement de la physique et des mathématiques 597 1995 book
2 Michigan Abbott, Edwin Abbott: Flatland; a romance of many dimensions, by a square, with illustration by the author 124 1899. book
3 IA Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926: Flatland: a romance of many dimensions book
4 IA Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, 1829-1913: Elementary theory of the tides; the fundamental theorems demonstrated without mathematics, and the influence on the length of the day discussed book
5 IA Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, 1829-1913: Elementary theory of the tides: the fundamental theorems demonstrated without mathematics, and the influence on the length of the day discussed book
6 GDZ Abel, Niels Henrik: Abhandlungen über die Algebraische Auflösung der Gleichungen 163 1889 book
7 Michigan Abel, Niels Henrik: Abhandlung über eine besondere Klasse algebraisch auflösbarer Gleichungen. Von N. H. Abel (1829). Hrsg. von Alfred Loewy. 50 1900. book
8 Michigan Abel, Niels Henrik: Untersuchungen über die Reihe: 46 1895. book
9 Gallica Abel, Niels Henrik.: Oeuvres complètes 619 1995 book
10 TIFR Abhyankar, S.S.: On Expansion Techniques in Algebraic Geometry book
11 GDZ Ackermann, Heinrich Wilhelm Rudolf: Böschungsstrahlen und Böschungsflächen 72 1913 book
12 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 03) book
13 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 05) book
14 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 06) book
15 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 08) book
16 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 09) book
17 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 10) book
18 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 11) book
19 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 13) book
20 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 14) book
21 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 15) book
22 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 16) book
23 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 17) book
24 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 18) book
25 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 19) book
26 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 20) book
27 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 21) book
28 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 22) book
29 IA Actuarial Society of America: Transactions (Volume 23) book
30 Michigan Adams, Carl: Das Malfattische problem ... 24 1846. book
31 IA Adamson, John William, 1857-1947: The practice of instruction, a manual of method general and special book
32 EEBO* Addison, Thomas, fl. 1625.: Arithmeticall nauigation: or, an order thereof: compiled and published for the aduancement of navigation more particularly, for the benefit of English mariners, or sea-faring men that delight therein. By Thomas Addison, practicioner in the art of nauigation. paid subscription required, German NatL 72 1625 book
33 IA A. de Furuhjelm , Annie Margaret Clive Bayley, Lily Wolffsohn , Anne Charlotte Leffler, Sonja Kovalevsky: Sonya Kovalevsky: A Biography book
34 Cornell Adler, August: Theorie der geometrischen Konstruktionen, Mit 177 Figuren 301 1906 book
35 IA Adrian Albert A.: Introduction To Algebraic Theories book
36 GDZ Adrian, Theodor: Ueber Projectivitäts- und Dualitätsbeziehungen im Gebiete mehrfach unendlicher Kegelschnittschaaren 55 1882 book
37 IA Agnesi, Maria Gaetana, 1718-1799: Analytical institutions in four books: originally written in Italian book
38 Cornell Ahrens, W.: Scherz und Ernst in der Mathematik, geflügelte und ungeflügelte Worte 522 1904 book
39 Gallica Ahrens, Wilhelm.: Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele 428 1995 book
40 IA Ahrens, W. (Wilhelm), 1872-1927: Scherz und Ernst in der Mathematik; geflügelte und ungeflügelte Worte book
41 Michigan Airy, George Biddell, Sir: A treatise on trigonometry. By George Biddell Airy. 94 1855. book
42 Michigan Airy, George Biddell, Sir: Mathematical tracts on the lunar and planetary theories, the figure of the earth, precession and nutation, the calculus of variations, and the undulatory theory of optics. 390 1842 book
43 IA Airy, George Biddell, Sir, 1801-1892: On the algebraical and numerical theory of errors of observations and the combination of observations book
44 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften, Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen. Hrsg. im Auftrage der Akademieen der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Leipzig, München und Wien, sowie unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen (Volume 2, pt.1, no.1) book
45 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften, Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen. Hrsg. im Auftrage der Akademieen der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Leipzig, München und Wien, sowie unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen (Volume 2, pt.1, no.2) book
46 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften, Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen. Hrsg. im Auftrage der Akademieen der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Leipzig, München und Wien, sowie unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen (Volume 4, pt.4) book
47 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 3:2:2) book
48 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 1:1) book
49 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 1:2) book
50 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 2:1:1) book
51 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 2:1:2) book
52 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 2:2) book
53 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 2:3:1) book
54 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 2:3:2) book
55 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 3) book
56 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 3:1:1) book
57 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 3:3) book
58 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 4:2) book
59 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 4:3) book
60 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 5:2) book
61 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 5:3) book
62 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 6:1) book
63 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 6:2:1) book
64 IA Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen: Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (Volume 6:2:2) book
65 msri Alan H. Schoenfeld: Assessing Mathematical Proficiency 391 2007 book
66 IA Albert, Adrian.: Solid Analytic Geometry First Edition book
67 IA Albert Taylor Bledsoe: The Philosophy of Mathematics: With Special Reference to the Elements of Geometry and the ... book
68 AMS Aleksandrov, A, D. and Zalgaller, V. A.: Intrinsic Geometry of Surfaces 327 1967 book
69 Michigan Aleksandrov, Ivan.: Problèmes de géométrie élémentaire groupés d'après les méthodes à employer pour leur résolution, par Ivan Alexandroff. Traduit du russe, sur la sixiéme éd. par D. Aitoff. 154 1899. book
70 GDZ Aleksandrov, Pavel: Topologie 637 1935 book
71 Michigan Alembert, Jean Le Rond d': Traité de dynamique, par Jean d'Alembert. 287 1921. book
72 IA Alexander, de Villa Dei: The Earliest arithmetics in English * book
73 IA Alexander Ingram: A concise system of mathematics book
74 EEBO* Alexander, Johannes, d. ca. 1690.: Synopsis algebraica opus posthumum Johannis Alexandri Bernatis-Helvetii : in usum scholae mathematicae apud hospitium-Christi Londinense, à Carolo II, fundatae, editum. paid subscription required, German NatL 425 1693 book
75 IA Alexander Macfarlane: Bibliography of Quaternions and Allied Systems of Mathematics book
76 icm Alexiewicz A.: Analiza funkcjonalna book
77 Cornell Alezais, Raymond: Sur une Classe de Fonctions Hyperfuchsiennes et sur Certaines Substitutions Lineaires qui s'y Rapportent 196 1901 book
78 IA Alfred Monroe Kenyon , William Vernon Lovitt: Mathematics for Collegiate Students of Agriculture and General Science book
79 IA Alfred North Whitehead: An Introduction to Mathematics book
80 IA Alfred North Whitehead: An Introduction to Mathematics * book
81 IA Alfred Wrigley: A collection of examples in pure and mixed mathematics, with hints and answers, by A. Wrigley ... * book
82 IA Alfred Wrigley: A collection of examples in pure and mixed mathematics, with hints and answers, by A. Wrigley ... * * book
83 IA Alfred Wrigley: Collection of Examples and Problems in Pure and Mixed Mathematics: With ... book
84 IA Alfred Wrigley: Collection of Examples and Problems in Pure and Mixed Mathematics: With ... * book
85 IA Alfred Wrigley , William Henry Johnstone: A collection of examples in pure and mixed mathematics, with hints and answers, by A. Wrigley ... book
86 EEBO* Alingham, William, fl. 1694-1710.: An epitome of geometry being a compendious collection of the first, third, fifth, sixth, eleventh and twelfth books of Euclid, with their application to several of the most useful parts of the Mathematicks : also, Euclid's second book and doctrine of proportion, algebraically demonstrated : to which is subjoin'd, A treatise of measuring superficies and solids, vulgarly decimally and practically, with the customs used by artificers in measuring their several works : likewise, directions for measuring board and timber, making vessels of any bigness, taking the plan of any court, yard, garden, &c. : also, the cutting the five regular bodies. paid subscription required, German NatL 304 1700 book
87 EEBO* Alingham, William, fl. 1694-1710.: Geometry epitomiz'd being a compendious collection of the most useful propositions in the first, third, fourth, fifth and sixth books of Euclid : together with their uses, in several practical parts of the mathematicks : also, Euclid's second book and doctrine of proportion, alegebraically [sic] demonstrated, with some of the most useful problems required in practise / by William Alingham. paid subscription required, German NatL 304 1695 book
88 IA Allen, R. G. D: Mathematical Analysis For Economists * book
89 IA Allen, R.G.D.: Mathematical Analysis For Economists book
90 IA Allman, George Johnston, 1824-1904: Greek geometry from Thales to Euclid book
91 IA Alpheus Spring Packard: Address on the Life and Character of William Smyth, D. D.: Late Professor of Mathematics Ad ... book
92 IA Alpheus Spring Packard: Address on the Life and Character of William Smyth, D. D.: Late Professor of Mathematics Ad ... * book
93 Michigan Amaldi, Ugo: Lezioni di meccanica razionale ... 584 1920. book
94 IA Amédée Mannheim: Cours de géométrie descriptive de l'École polytechnique: comprenant les éléments de la Géométrie ... book
95 IA American Mathematical Society: Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society * book
96 IA American Mathematical Society: Lectures on mathematics, delivered from September 2 to 5, 1903, before members of the American Mathematical Society in connection with the summer meeting held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass book
97 IA American Mathematical Society: Symposium on mathematics for engineering students being the proceedings of the joint sessions of the Chicago section of the American mathematical society and Section A, Mathematics, and Section D, Mechanical science and engineering of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held at the University of Chicago December 30 and 31, 1907 book
98 IA American Mathematical Society: The Princeton colloquium; lectures on mathematics, delivered September 15 to 17, 1909, before members of the American Mathematical Society in connection with the summer meeting held at Princeton University, Princeton, N. J book
99 IA American Mathematical Society. Colloquium (4th : 1903 : Boston, Mass.): The Boston colloquium lectures on mathematics delivered from September 2 to 5, 1903, before members of the American mathematical society in connection with the summer meeting held at the Massachusetts institute of technology, Boston, Mass book
100 IA American Mathematical Society. Colloquium (4th : 1903 : Boston, Mass.): The Boston colloquium. Lectures on mathematics delivered from September 2 to 5, 1903, before members of the American Mathematical Society in connection with the summer meeting held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. book
101 IA American Mathematical Society Colloquium. (6th : 1909 : Princeton): The Princeton Colloquium; lectures on mathematics, delivered September 15 to 17, 1909, before members of the American Mathematical Society in connection with the summer meeting held at Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. By Gilbert Ames Bliss and Edward Kasner book
102 IA American Mathematical Society Colloquium , Edward Burr Van Vleck , Henry Seely White , Frederick Shenstone Woods: The Boston Colloquium. Lectures on Mathematics Delivered from September 2 to ... book
103 IA American Society for Engineering Education , American Society for Engineering Education Committee on the teaching of mathematics to students of engineering, Edward Vermilye Huntington , Committee on the Teaching of Mathematics to Students of Engineering: Syllabus of Mathematics: A Symposium Compiled by the Committee on the ... book
104 IA American Society for Engineering Education Committee on the Teaching of Mathematics to Students of Engineering: Syllabus of Mathematics: A Symposium book
105 IA American Society for Engineering Education. Committee on the Teaching of Mathematics to Students of Engineering: Syllabus of mathematics: a symposium book
106 IA American Society for Engineering Education. Committee on the Teaching of Mathematics to Students of Engineering: Syllabus of mathematics; a symposium compiled by the Committee on the Teaching of Mathematics to Students of Engineering. Accepted by the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education at the nineteenth annual meeting, held at Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 1, 1914 book
107 IA American Society for Engineering Education Committee on the teaching of mathematics to students of engineering, Edward Vermilye Huntington , Committee of the teaching of mathematics to students of engineering, Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education (U .S.): Syllabus of Mathematics: A Symposium Compiled by the Committee on the ... * book
108 Gallica Amico, Giovanni Battista.: Joannes Baptistae Amici... De motibus corporum coelestium juxta principia peripapetica fine eccentricis & epicyclis 59 1995 book
109 Gallica Ampère, André-Marie.: Exposé méthodique des phénomènes électro-dynamiques et des lois de ces phénomènes 22 1995 book
110 Gallica Ampère, André-Marie (1775-1836): Théorie mathématique des phénomènes électro-dynamiques uniquement déduite de l'expérience 387 1990 book
111 AMS AMS: Volume II: Semicentennial Addresses of the American Mathematical Society, 316 1938 book
112 EEBO* Anderson, Robert, fl. 1668-1696.: Dary's miscellanies examined and some of his fundamental errors detected by authority of ancient and modern mathematicians ... : to which is added a task for Mr. Dary of his own setting / by Robert Anderson. paid subscription required, German NatL 16 1670 book
113 EEBO* Anderson, Robert, fl. 1668-1696.: Gaging promoted an appendix to stereometrical propositions / by Robert Anderson. paid subscription required, German NatL 34 1669 book
114 Michigan Andoyer, H. (Henri): Leçons sur la théorie des formes et la géométrie analytique supérieure, à l'usage des étudiants des facultés des sciences. 508 1900- book
115 Michigan Andrade, Jules Frédéric Charles: Leçons de mécanique physique ... 413 1898. book
116 IA Andrew H. Baker: Complete Arithmetic; Or, Third Book of a Series of Mathematics book
117 IA Andrew H. Baker: Complete Arithmetic; Or, Third Book of a Series of Mathematics. book
118 IA Andrew H. Baker: Elementary Arithmetic; Or, Second Book of a Series of Mathematics book
119 IA Andrew Russel Forsyth: A Treatise On Differential Equations book
120 IA Andrew Russel Forsyth: A Treatise On Differential Equations * book
121 Michigan Andrews, Grace: The primitive double minimal surface of the seventh class and its conjugate. 30 1901. book
122 MPIWG Angeli, Stefano (1623 - 1697):: Miscellaneum hyperbolicum et parabolicum : in quo praecipue agitur de centris grauitatis hyperbolae, partium eiusdem, atque nonnullorum solidorum, de quibus nunquam geometria locuta est, parabola nouiter quadratur dupliciter, ducuntur infinitarum parabolarum tangentes, assignantur maxima inscriptibilia, minimaque circumscriptibilia infinitis parabolis, conoidibus ac semifusis parabolicis aliaque geometrica noua exponuntur scitu digna 215 1659 book
123 GDZ Angervo, Juho Mauri: Entwicklung der Funktion in Partialproduktreihen 27 1930 book
124 IA Angus, Taylor E.: Calculus With Analytic Geometry book
125 EEBO* Anon.: A brief (yet full) account of the doctrine of vulgar and decimal fractions, with a specimen on their demonstrations by William Alingham, teacher of the mathematicks. paid subscription required, German NatL 80 1698 book
126 EEBO* Anon.: An Ephemeris or diary shewing the interest and rebate of money at 6 percentum, according unto simple and compound interest, for every day in the year : together with other tables shewing the increase and rebate of money and annuities by years, halfs and quarters at the aforesaid rate in pounds and decimal parts of a pound according to compound interest. paid subscription required, German NatL 112 1667 book
127 EEBO* Anon.: A Table shewing the true value of the hundred, and the halfe quartern of haperdepois [sic] weight at any price whatsoever ... paid subscription required, German NatL 2 1625 book
128 IA Anthony Granville, William.: Plane And Spherical Trigonometry book
129 Michigan Antomari, Xavier: Application de la méthode dinématique à l'étude des surfaces réglées; mouvement d'un corps solide assujetti à cinq conditions ... 105 1894. book
130 Michigan Antomari, Xavier: Cours de mécanique à l'usage des candidats a l'École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr ... 268 1895. book
131 Michigan Antomari, Xavier: Leçons de cinématique et de dynamique suivies de la détermination des centres de gravité 232 1892. book
132 Gallica Aoust, Barthélémy.: Analyse infinitésimale des courbes tracées sur une surface quelconque 314 1995 book
133 Gallica Aoust, Barthélémy.: Sur l'analyse des courbes rapportées à un système quelconque de coordonnées 27 1995 book
134 Gallica Aoust, Barthélémy.: Théorie des coordonnées curvilignes quelconques 15 1995 book
135 Cornell Aoust, M. l'abbé (Louis Stanislas Xavier Barthélemy): Analyse infinitésimale des courbes dans l'espace 564 1876 book
136 Cornell Aoust, M. l'abbé (Louis Stanislas Xavier Barthélemy): Analyse infinitésimale des courbes planes, contenant la résolution d'un grand nombre de problèmes choisis, à l'usage des candidats à la licence ès sciences 418 1873 book
137 Michigan Aoust, M. l'abbé (Louis Stanislas Xavier Barthélemy): Analyse infinitésimale des courbes tracées sur une surface quelconque; par M. l'abbé Aoust. 314 1869. book
138 MPIWG Apollonius: (ca. 200 B.C.): book
139 Gallica Apollonius de Perga.: Apollonii Pergaei quae graece exstant cum commentariis antiquis 1974 book
140 Gallica Apollonius de Perga.: Apollonii Pergei... opera per doctissimum philosophum Joannem Baptistam Memum... de graecon latinum traducta 83 1995 book
141 IA Apollonius, of Perga: Treatise on conic sections book
142 EEBO* Apollonius, of Perga.: Apollonii Conica methodo nova illustrata, & succinctè demonstrata / per Isaacum Barrow ... paid subscription required, German NatL 121 1675 book
143 Michigan Appell, Paul: Éléments d'analyse mathématique à l'usage des ingénieurs et des physiciens, cours professé à l'École centrale des arts et manufactures, par M. Appell. 719 1898. book
144 Cornell Appell, Paul: Leçons sur l'attraction et la fonction potentielle, professées à la Sorbonne en 1890-1891 ... rédigées par M. Charliat 63 1892 book
145 Michigan Appell, Paul: Traité de mécanique rationnelle, par Paul Appell. 549 1893- book
146 Gallica Appell, Paul Émile (1855-1930).: Dynamique des systèmes 584 1995 book
147 Gallica Appell, Paul Émile (1855-1930).: Principes de la théorie des fonctions elliptiques et applications 421 1995 book
148 Gallica Appell, Paul Émile (1855-1930).: Statique - dynamique du point 634 1995 book
149 Gallica Arago, François (1786-1853).: Essai d'une méthode de calcul commune aux distances lunaires et aux occultations 122 1902 book
150 EEBO* Arbuthnot, John, 1667-1735.: Of the laws of chance, or, A method of calculation of the hazards of game plainly demonstrated and applied to games at present most in use : which may be easily extended to the most intricate cases of chance imaginable. paid subscription required, German NatL 117 1692 book
151 Cornell Archibald, Raymond Clare: Euclid's book On divisions of figures, with a restoration based on Woepcke's text and on the Practica geometriae of Leonardo Pisano 88 1915 book
152 IA Archibald, Raymond Clare, 1875-1957: Mathematical instruction in France book
153 IA Archibald, Raymond Clare, 1875-1957: The training of teachers of mathematics : for the secondary schools of the countries represented in the International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics book
154 EEBO* Archimedes.: Archimedis Opera ; Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum libri IIII ; Theodosii Sphaerica methodo nova illustrata, et succinctè demonstrata, per Is. Barrow ... paid subscription required, German NatL 17 1675 book
155 EEBO* Archimedes.: Archimidous tou Syrakousiou Phammites, kaì kuklou métreis eytokiou askaloeitou, eis auten o omnema Archimedis syracusani Arenarius, et Dimensio circuli : Eutocii Ascalonitae, in hanc commentarius, cum versione & notis Joh. Wallis, SS. Th.D. geometriae professoris saviliani. paid subscription required, German NatL 215 1676 book
156 MPIWG Archimedes (287 - 212 v.):: Archimedis De iis qvae vehvntvr in aqva libri dvo [Archimedis De iis quae vehuntur in aqua libri duo] 47 1565 book
157 MPIWG Archimedes (287 - 212 v.):: Archimedis De insidentibvs aqvae[Archimedis De insidentibus aquae] 16 1565 book
158 MPIWG Archimedes (287 - 212 v.):: Des unvergleichlichen Archimedis Kunst-Bücher oder heutigs Tags befindliche Schrifften 427 1670 book
159 MPIWG Archimedes (287 - 212 v.):: Opera, quae quidem extant, omnia, multis iam seculis desiderata, atque à quàm paucissimis hactenus visa, nuncque primùm Graecè Latinè in lucem edita 139 1544 book
160 MPIWG Ardüser, Johann (1584 - 1665):: Geometriae theoricae et practicae oder von dem Feldmässen [Feldmessen] XIV. Bücher : in welchen die Fundament Euclidis und derselbigen Gebrauch, im abmässen [Abmessen] und visieren aller Längen, Flächen und Cörpern [Körpern]: mit dem Feld-Wein-Treit und Gwichtrühten begriffen .. 308 book
161 GDZ Argand, Jean Robert: Essai sur une maniére de représenter les quantités imaginaires dans les constructions géométriques 125 1874 book
162 EEBO* Aristarchus, of Samos.: Aristarchou Samiou Peri megethon kai apostematon heliou kai selenes biblion Aristarchi Samii De magnitudinibus & distantiis solis & lunae liber. Pappou Alexandreos tou tes synagoges bibliou 2 apospasma = Pappi Alexandrini secundi libri mathematicae collectionis fragmentum, hactenus desideratum / e codis MS. edidit, Latinum fecit, notisque illustravit Johannes Wallis ... paid subscription required, German NatL 170 1688 book
163 IA Aristotle: De lineis insecabilibus book
164 Michigan Armellini, Giuseppe: Corso di meccanica razionale. 571 1921. book
165 GDZ Armstrong, Gorden Nelson: Eine Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit rekurrenter Reihen zur Aufsuchung versteckter Periodizitäten 103 1913 book
166 GDZ Arndt, Johann Albert: Disquisitiones historicae de Maximis et Minimis 53 1833 book
167 Michigan Arneth, Arthur: System der Geometrie. Lehrbuch für akademische Vorträge und höhere Unterrichts-Anstalten, von Dr. A. Arneth. Von der geraden Linien in der Ebene. 1. und 2. Abth. 372 1840. book
168 IA Arnott, Neil, 1788-1874: Elements of physics, or, Natural philosophy, general and medical : explained independently of technical mathematics, and containing new disquisitions and practical suggestions, in two volumes (Volume 2) book
169 IA Arnott, Neil, 1788-1874: Elements of physics; or, Natural philosophy, general and medical, explained independently of technical mathematics, and containing new disquisitions and practical suggestions (Volume 1) book
170 Michigan Arnoult, Jules.: Sur le mouvement d'un fil dans l'espace. 144 1911. book
171 IA Aronszajn N.: Transactions Of The Symposium On Partial Differential Equations book
172 IA Arthur Kirchhoff: Die akademische Frau: Gutachten hervorragender Universitätsprofessoren, Frauenlehrer und ... book
173 IA Arthur Lee Sparkes: Guide to the study of mathematics for the B.A. and B.Sc. examinations of the University of London book
174 IA Arthur Schultze: The Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools book
175 IA Artin, E.: Geometric Algebra book
176 TIFR Artin, M.: On Deformations of Singularities book
177 IA Aryabhata, b. 476: The Aryabhatiya; with the commentary Bhatadîpikâ of Paramâdîçvara book
178 Michigan Aschieri, Ferdinando: Geometria analitica dello spazio, per F. Aschieri. 196 1888. book
179 Michigan Aschieri, Ferdinando: Geometria analitica del piano, per F. Aschieri. 194 1887. book
180 Michigan Aschieri, Ferdinando: Geometria projettiva di Ferdinando Aschieri. 1886. book
181 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 10) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * * * * book
182 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 12) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * * * * * * * * * * book
183 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 13) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * * * * * * * * * * * book
184 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 14) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * * * * * * book
185 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 1) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * * * * * * * * * book
186 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 2) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * * * book
187 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 3) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * * * * * * * book
188 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 4) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * * book
189 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 5) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. book
190 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 6) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * * * * * * * * book
191 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 7) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * * * * * book
192 IA A. Serret, sous les auspices du ministre de l'instruction publique (Volume 9) - Lagrange, J. L. (Joseph Louis), 1736-1813: Oeuvres. Publiées par les soins de J. * book
193 Michigan Ashcraft, Thomas Bryce: Quadratic involutions on the plane rational quartic ... by Thomas Bryce Ashcraft. 1911. 29 [1912] book
194 GDZ Ashton, Charles Hamilton: Die Heineschen O-Funktionen und ihre Anwendungen auf die elliptischen Funktionen 65 1909 book
195 Michigan Askwith, E. H. (Edward Harrison): A course of pure geometry; containing a complete geometrical treatment of the properties of the conic sections, by E. H. Askwith, D. D. 284 1917. book
196 IA Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching , John James Milne: A Syllabus of Modern Plane Geometry book
197 Michigan Atchison, Clyde Shepherd: Curves with a directrix. 1908 book
198 IA Atkins, Edward: Pure mathematics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and plane trigonometry book
199 IA Auerbach, Matilda: An elementary course in graphic mathematics book
200 IA Auguste Comte: The Philosophy of Mathematics book
201 IA Auguste Comte: The Philosophy of Mathematics * book
202 IA Auguste Comte: The Philosophy of Mathematics * * book
203 GDZ August, Fridericus: Disquisitiones de superficiebus tertii Ordinis 40 1862 book
204 IA Augustus De Morgan: On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics book
205 IA Autolycus: Autolyci De sphaera quae movetur liber ; De ortibus et occasibus libri duo : una cum scholiis antiquis e libris manu scriptis edidit book
206 Gallica Autonne, Léon .: Sur la décomposition d'une substitution linéaire, réelle et orthogonale, en un produit d'inversion 124 1995 book
207 Gallica Autonne, Léon.: Sur les formes mixtes 194 1995 book
208 Gallica Autonne, Léon.: Sur les substitutions crémoniennes dans l'espace à N-1 dimensions 1995 book
209 Gallica Autonne, Léon.: Sur les substitutions crémoniennes quadratiques 4 1995 book
210 EEBO* Ayres, John, fl. 1680-1700.: Arithmetick a treatise designed for the use and benefit of trades-men : wherein the nature and use of fractions, both vulgar and decimal, are taught by a new and easie method, as also the mensuration of solids and superficies / by J. Ayres. paid subscription required, German NatL 194 1695 book
211 EEBO* Ayres, John, fl. 1680-1700.: Arithmetick a treatise designed for the use and benefit of trades-men : wherein the nature and use of fractions, both vulgar and decimal, are taught by a new and easie method, as also the mensuration of solids and superficies / by J. Ayres. * paid subscription required, German NatL 192 1698 book
212 EEBO* Ayres, John, fl. 1680-1700.: Arithmetick a treatise fitted for the use and benefit of such trades-men as are ignorant in that art : teaching the nature and use of fractions, both vulgar & decimal, by a new and easie method made familiar to an ordinary capacity, also the mensuration of solids and superficies &c. / by J. Ayres ... paid subscription required, German NatL 225 1693 book

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