DML: Digital Mathematics Library
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Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs

New items here since 1. 1. 2013, most recent first Start

Contains links to 4609 digitized books (> 647486 pages )
and to 577 digitized journals/seminars (> 4303824 pages).
(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.)

Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Library",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003 [Local Copy]
A similar list is offered at

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Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an
overview of the repositories.

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Author:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
Title:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Remark: Repositories marked by '*' require paid subscription.

Nr. Repository: Title, Author: Pages: Year(s): Type:
1 AMS Factorizations of bn±1, b=2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 Up to High Powers, Third Edition (by Brillhart, John, Lehmer, D.H., Selfridge, J.L., Tuckerman, Bryant, and Wagstaff Jr., S.S.,) 236 2002 book
2 Michigan Famous problems of elementary geometry: the duplication of the cube; the trisection of an angle; the quadrature of the circle; an Authorized translation of F. Klein's Vorträge über ausgewählte fragen der elementargeometrie, ausgearbeitet von F. Tägert, by Wooster Woodruff Beman and David Eugene Smith ... (by Klein, Felix) 80 1897. book
3 GDZ Faraday und seine Entdeckungen (by Tyndall, John; Faraday, Michael; Helmholtz, Hermann) 228 1870 book
4 IA Fast track to success (by Career Times - Career Times Online Limited) book
5 EuDML FCAA 2007 journal
6 EuDML FCAA * 2004-2009 journal
7 Michigan Festschrift David Hilbert zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstag am 23. Januar 1922 gewidmet von Schülern und Freunden. 566 1922 book
8 Michigan Festschrift Heinrich Weber zu seinem siebzigsten Geburtstag am 5, März 1912, gewidmet von Freunden und Schülern; mit dem Bildnis von H. Weber in Heliogravüre und Figuren im Text. 500 1912. book
9 IA Festschrift Heinrich Weber zu seinem siebzigsten Geburtstag am 5. März 1912 gewidmet von Freunden und Schülern; mit dem Bildnis von H. Weber in Heliogravüre und Figuren im Text (Volume 6) (by Weber, Heinrich, 1842-1913) book
10 Michigan Festskrift til H. G. Zeuthen fra venner og elever i anledning af hans 70 aars fodselsdag 15. februar 1909. 156 1909 book
11 googlebooks The Fibonacci Quarterly journal
12 Cornell Fields of force, supplementary lectures, applications to meteorology; a course of lectures in mathematical physics delivered December 1 to 23, 1905, by Vilhelm Friman Koren Bjerknes (by Bjerknes, V. (Vilhelm)) 160 1906 book
13 Michigan Final report of the Naitonal committee of fifteen on geometry syllabus. Authorized jointly by the National education association and the American federation of teachers of the mathematical and natural sciences. 88 1913?] book
14 IA Financial Mathematics (by Richardson, Clarence H.) book
15 Cornell Finite collineation groups, with an introduction to the theory of groups of operators and substitution groups (by Blichfeldt, Hans Frederik) 194 1917 book
16 IA First (by year Mathematics for Secondary Schools - Ernst Rudolph Breslich) book
17 IA First * (by year mathematics for secondary schools - Myers, George William, b. 1864) book
18 IA First * * (by year mathematics for secondary schools - Breslich, Ernst R. (Ernst Rudolph), 1874-) book
19 IA First * * * (by year Mathematics for Secondary Schools - Ernst Rudolph Breslich, George William Myers, William Rockwell Wickes, Harris Franklin MacNeish , Ernest August Wreidt) book
20 IA First * * * * (by year Mathematics for Secondary Schools - George William Myers) book
21 IA First * * * * * (by year mathematics for secondary schools - Myers, George William, b. 1864) book
22 IA First 498 Bernoulli Numbers, The (by Plouffe, Simon, Editor) book
23 IA First book in arithmetic (by California. State Text-book Committee) book
24 IA First Book in General Mathematics (by Frank S. Pugh) book
25 IA First book of mathematics (by Hugo Reid) book
26 IA First book of mathematics, being an easy and practical introduction to the study; for self (by instruction and use in schools - Reid, Hugo, 1809-1872) book
27 IA A first book of practical mathematics (by Usherwood, Thomas Scriven) book
28 IA A First Course In Mathematical Statistics (by Weatherburn, C.E.) book
29 IA A First Course In Mathematics For Technical Students (by Haler, P. J) book
30 IA A first course in nomography (by Brodetsky, Selig, 1888-1954) book
31 IA First mnemonical lessons in geometry, algebra, and trigonometry (by Kirkman, T. P. (Thomas Penington), 1806-1895) book
32 Cornell The first six books of the Elements of Euclid, and propositions I.-XXI. of book XI, and an appendix on the cylinder, sphere, cone, etc., with copious annotations and numerous exercises, by John Casey (by Euclid) 314 1885 book
33 IA The First Six Books Of The Elements Of Fuclid (by Casey, John.) book
34 IA The First Three Sections of Newton's Principia: With an Appendix and the Ninth and Eleventh Sections (by John Harrison Evans , Philip Thomas Main , Isaac Newton) book
35 IA First year mathematics (by Evans, George W) book
36 IA First Year Mathematics (by George William Evans , John A. Marsh) book
37 IA First Year Mathematics * (by George William Evans , John A. Marsh) book
38 IA Five (by figure logarithmic and other tables - Castle, Frank, 1856-) book
39 IA Five figure logarithmic and other tables (by McAulay, Alexander) book
40 IA Five Figure Tables (by Borthwick Dale, John.) book
41 icm Fixed point theory (by Dugundji J., Granas A.) book
42 EuDML Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2004-2009 journal
43 GDZ Flächentheoretische Integralsätze (by Scholz, Edmund) 27 1933 book
44 IA Flatland: a romance of many dimensions (by Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926) book
45 Michigan Flatland; a romance of many dimensions, by a square, with illustration by the author (by Abbott, Edwin Abbott) 124 1899. book
46 msri Flavors of Geometry (by Silvio Levy) 1997 book
47 Michigan Fondamenti di calcolo delle variazioni. (by Tonelli, Leonida) [1921-23] book
48 Cornell Fondamenti di geometria a più dimensioni e a più specie di unità rettilinee esposti in forma elementare. Lezioni per la scuola di magistero in matematica (by Veronese, Guiseppe) 630 1891 book
49 Cornell Fondamenti per la teorica delle funzioni di variabili reali (by Dini, Ulisse) 407 1878 book
50 IA The foreign and domestic commercial calculator; or, A complete library of numerical, arithmetical, and mathematical facts, tables, data, formulas, and practical rules for the merchant and mercantile accountant (by Winslow, Ezra S) book
51 MPIWG Formazione e misvra [misura] di tutti i cieli : con la struttura, e quadratura esatta dell' intero, e delle parti di un nuovo cielo ammirabile, e di uno degli antichi delle volte regolari degli architetti ; curiosa esercitazione matematica (by Viviani, Vincenzo (1622 - 1703):) 32 1692 book
52 Michigan Formeln und Lehrsätze zum Gebrauche der elliptischen Functionen. nach Vorlesungen und Aufzeichnungen des Hern K. Weierstrass, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von H. A. Schwarz. (by Weierstrass, Karl) 96 1883-[85] book
53 Cornell Formeln und Lehrsätze zum Gebrauche der elliptischen Functionen, nach Vorlesungen und Aufzeichnungen des K. Weierstrass, bearb. und Hrsg. von H. A. Schwarz (by Weierstrass, Karl) 1893 book
54 GASL Formelsammlung und Repetitorium der Mathematik. Dritte Auflage. (by Bürklen, O. Th.) 227 1926 book
55 icm Formes extérieures et leurs applications (by Lebodziski W.) book
56 icm Formes extérieures et leurs applications * (by Romanovski P.) book
57 EEBO* Forster's arithmetick. Or, That useful art made easie Explaining the grounds and principles thereof, both in whole numbers and fractions. By such plain, easie, and familiar rules and precepts, that any person of a reasonable capacity, may (in a short time) attain to a competent proficiency therein, without the help of any tutor. Newly corrected, and much enlarged, by Henry Coley, teacher of the mathematicks. (by Forster, William, fl. 1632.) paid subscription required, German NatL 288 1686 book
58 EuDML Forum mathematicum 1989-1997 journal
59 GDZ Forum Mathematicum 3600 1989-1997 journal
60 IA Foundations Of Algebraic Topology (by Eilenberg, Samuel.) book
61 IA The foundations of mathematics : a contribution to the philosophy of geometry (by Carus, Paul, 1852-1919) book
62 Cornell The foundations of mathematics, a contribution to the philosophy of geometry (by Carus, Paul) 141 1908 book
63 IA The foundations of mathematics; a contribution to the philosophy of geometry (by Carus, Paul, 1852-1919) book
64 IA The foundations of mathematics; a contribution to the philosophy of geometry * (by Carus, Paul, 1852-1919) book
65 GDZ Foundations of potential theory (by Kellogg, Oliver Dimon) 379 1967 book
66 IA Four (by figure mathematical tables - Knott, Cargill Gilston, 1856-1922) book
67 IA Four * (by figure mathematical tables - Knott, Cargill Gilston, 1856-1922) book
68 IA Fourcer Series (by Rogosinskiw.) book
69 IA Four figure mathematical tables; comprising logarithmic and trigonometrical tables, and tables of squares, square roots, and reciprocals (by Bottomley, James Thomson) book
70 IA Four figure mathematical tables: comprising logarithmic and trigonometrical tables, and tables of squares, square roots, and reciprocals .. (by Bottomley, J. T. (James Thomson), 1845-1926) book
71 Cornell Four lectures on mathematics, delivered at Columbia University in 1911 (by Hadamard, Jacques) 52 1915 book
72 IA Four lectures on mathematics, delivered at Columbia University in 1911 * (by Hadamard, Jacques, 1865-1963) book
73 IA Four place tables of logarithms and trigonometric functions, with auxiliary tables (chiefly to three figures) of squares, square roots, cubes, cube roots, reciprocals, circumferences and areas of circles, exponentials, natural logarithms, radians, and constants (by Huntington, E. V. (Edward Vermilye), 1874-1952) book
74 IA The Fourth Dimension (by Neville, E.H.) book
75 Michigan The fourth dimension, by E. H. Neville. (by Neville, Edward Hope.) 55 1921. book
76 Michigan The fourth dimension simply explained; a collection of essays selected from those submitted in the Scientific American's prize competition, with an introduction and editorial notes, by Henry P. Manning. (by Manning, Henry Parker) 248 1921. book
77 IA Fragmente zur Theorie des arithmetisch (by geometrischen Mittels aus den Jahren 1797-1799 [von] C.F. Gauss. Über Gauss' Arbeiten zur Funktionentheorie von L. Schlesinger - Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 1777-1855) book
78 EEBO* Francisci Vietaei opera mathematica in quibus tractatur canon mathematicus, seu ad triangula. Item Canonion triangulorum laterum rationalium: vnà cum vniuersalium inspectionum ad Canonem mathematicum, libro singulari. (by Viète, François, 1540-1603.) paid subscription required, German NatL 232 1589 book
79 Gallica Francisci Vietae Opera mathematica (by Viète, François (1540-1603).) 554 1646 book
80 Michigan Franz Neumanns Gesammelte Werke. (by Neumann, F. E. (Franz Ernst)) 1906-1928 [v.1, '28] book
81 Michigan Freie Perspektive [centrale Projektion] in ihrer Begründung und Anwendung mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse höherer Lehranstalten und das Selbststudium von dr. Gustav Ad. v. Peschka. (by Peschka, Gustav Adolf von.) 1888-89. book
82 IA Funadamentals Of Physical Science Second Edition (by Bates Krauskopf Konrad.) book
83 IA Functional Analysis And Semi Groups (by Einar Hille) book
84 AMS Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups (by Hille, Einar and Phillips, R. S.) 808 1957 book
85 icm Functional equations in a single variable (by Kuczma M.) book
86 IA Functions Of A Complex Variable (by Phillips, E.G.) book
87 Cornell Functions of a complex variable (by Fiske, Thomas Scott) 99 1907 book
88 Cornell Functions of a complex variable * (by Townsend, Edgar Jerome) 384 1915 book
89 Michigan Functions of a complex variable, by James Pierpont. (by Pierpont, James) 583 [c1914] book
90 IA Functions Of A Complex Variable Vol II (by Goursat, Edouard.) book
91 IA Functions of Three Real Variables (by Henry Livingston Coar) book
92 Wien Functors and categories of Banach spaces. (by Michor, Peter W.) 99 1978 book
93 IA Fundamental conceptions of modern mathematics (by Richardson, Robert Porterfield, 1876-) book
94 IA Fundamental conceptions of modern mathematics (Volume 1) (by Richardson, Robert P. (Robert Porterfield), 1876-) book
95 IA Fundamentals of High School Mathematics: A Textbook Designed to Follow Arithmetic (by Harold Ordway Rugg , John Roscoe Clark , 1887-, John Roscoe Clark) book
96 IA Fundamentals of High School Mathematics: A Textbook Designed to Follow Arithmetic * (by Harold Ordway Rugg , John Roscoe Clark) book
97 IA Fundamentals of High School Mathematics: A Textbook Designed to Follow Arithmetic * * (by Harold Ordway Rugg , John Roscoe Clark) book
98 IA Fundamentals of practical mathematics (by Wentworth, George, b. 1868) book
99 IA Fundamentals of practical mathematics * (by Wentworth, George Albert) book
100 icm Fundamenta Mathematicae 1920-1993 journal
101 Kobe Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 16624 1958-2004 journal
102 DML-JP Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 2003-present journal
103 icm Funkcje analityczne (by Saks S., Zygmund A.) book
104 icm Funkcje analityczne i harmoniczne (by Leja F.) book
105 icm Funkcje rzeczywiste (by Sikorski R.) book
106 icm Funkcje rzeczywiste II (by Sikorski R.) book
107 icm Funktionalgleichungen der Theorie der geometrischen Objekte (by Nikodym O., Acz J.él) book
108 Michigan Funktionentheoretische Vorlesungen. (by Burkhardt, Heinrich) 1920-1921. book
109 Michigan Funktionentheorie, von Dr. Konrad Knopp. (by Knopp, Konrad) 1913. book

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