Nr. |
Repository: |
Author, Title (Books only): |
Pages: |
Year(s): |
Type: |
1 |
Cornell |
Bachelier, Louis Jean Baptist: Calcul des probabilités, Tome I
516 |
1912 |
book |
2 |
Bachmann, Fridericus: De rectorum Radiorum systematis, quorum superficies Mediae sint Planae
28 |
1861 |
book |
3 |
Bachmann, Paul: Niedere Zahlentheorie
900 |
1902 |
book |
4 |
Michigan |
Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich: Die analytische Zahlentheorie / dargestellt von Paul Bachmann.
494 |
1894. |
book |
5 |
Michigan |
Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich: Die Arithmetik der quadratischen Formen, dargestellt von Paul Bachmann.
1162 |
1925, c1923. |
book |
6 |
Michigan |
Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich: Die Elemente der Zahlentheorie / dargestellt von Paul Bachmann.
264 |
1892. |
book |
7 |
Bachmann, Paulus: De substitutionum theoria meditationes quaedam
32 |
1862 |
book |
8 |
Bacon, Rogerus (1214 (1219) - 1292):: Rogerii Bacconis Angli, Viri Eminentissimi Perspectiva in qua, quae ab aliis fuse traduntur, succincte, nervose ita pertractantur, ut omnium intellectui facile pateant
83 |
1614 |
book |
9 |
Baer, Werner Siegbert: Beiträge zum Waringschen Problem
76 |
1913 |
book |
10 |
Cornell |
Bahier, Eugène: Recherche méthodique et propriétés des triangles rectangles en nombres entiers
266 |
1916 |
book |
11 |
IA |
Bain, Archibald Watson: The modern teacher : essays on educatioal aims and methods
book |
12 |
IA |
Baker, Andrew H: Elementary arithmetic; or, Second book of a series of mathematics
book |
13 |
Cornell |
Baker, Arthur Latham: Elliptic functions. An elementary text-book for students of mathematics
118 |
1890 |
book |
14 |
Cornell |
Baker, Arthur Latham: Quaternions as the Results of Algebraic Equations
92 |
1911 |
book |
15 |
Cornell |
Baker, H. F.: Abel's theorem and the allied theory, including the theory of the theta functions
684 |
1897 |
book |
16 |
IA |
Baker, H.F.: Abels Theorem And The Allied Theory
book |
17 |
Michigan |
Baker, H. F. (Henry Frederick): An introduction to the theory of multiply periodic functions, by H.F. Baker.
335 |
1907. |
book |
18 |
Michigan |
Baker, H. F. (Henry Frederick): Principles of geometry, by H. F. Baker.
1922- |
book |
19 |
Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587.: Such as are desirous, eyther themselues to learne, or to haue theyr children or seruants instructed in any of these artes and faculties heer vnder named, it may please them to repayre vnto the house of Humfry Baker
paid subscription required, German NatL |
2 |
1590 |
book |
20 |
Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587.: The well-spring of sciences teaching the perfect worke and practise of arithmetick, both in numbers and fractions / set forth by Hvmfrey Baker, Londoner, and now againe perused, augmented, and amended ... by the said authour ; whereunto are also added certaine tables ... measures and weights ...
paid subscription required, German NatL |
362 |
1646 |
book |
21 |
Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587.: The well-spring of sciences teaching the perfect works and practise of arithmetick, both in numbers and fractions / set forth by Humfrey Baker, Londoner, and now againe perused, augmented, and amended ... by the said authour, whereunto are also added certaine tables ... measures and weights ...
paid subscription required, German NatL |
374 |
1650 |
book |
22 |
Michigan |
Baker, Richard Philip: The problem of the angle-bisectors.
99 |
[1911] |
book |
23 |
Baker, Thomas, 1624 or 5-1690.: A catalogue of the mathematical works of the learned Mr. Thomas Baker, Rector of Bishop Nympton in Devonshire with a proposal about printing the same, and first one intituled The geometrical key, or, The gate of aequations unlockt.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
7 |
1683 |
book |
24 |
Michigan |
Baker, William Martin.: Algebraic geometry. A new treatise on analytical conic sections, by W. M. Baker.
325 |
1906. |
book |
25 |
IA |
Baker, W.M.: A Key To Elementary Geometry
book |
26 |
Balam, Richard.: Algebra: or, The doctrine of composing, inferring, and resolving an equation. By which any resolvable question, requiring either a number, or a magnitude, may be fully satisfyed, and consequently new, usefull, & sometimes admirable inventions, may infinitely be added to the mathematicks. / By Rich: Balam.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
166 |
1653 |
book |
27 |
Baldus, Richard: Über Strahlensysteme, welche unendlich viele Regelflächen 2. Grades enthalten
52 |
1910 |
book |
28 |
Cornell |
Ball, Robert S.: A treatise on the theory of screws
544 |
1900 |
book |
29 |
Gallica |
Ball, Walter William Rouse.: Récréations mathématiques et problèmes des temps anciens et modernes
325 |
1995 |
book |
30 |
Gallica |
Ball, Walter William Rouse.: Récréations mathématiques et problèmes des temps anciens et modernes *
362 |
1995 |
book |
31 |
IA |
Ball, W. W. Rouse (1850-1925): A short account of the history of mathematics
book |
32 |
Michigan |
Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse): An essay on Newton's "Principia, " by W. W. Rouse Ball.
175 |
1893. |
book |
33 |
Michigan |
Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse): A short account of the history of mathematics, by W. W. Rouse Ball.
522 |
1919. |
book |
34 |
IA |
Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse), 1850-1925: A history of the study of mathematics at Cambridge
book |
35 |
IA |
Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse), 1850-1925: A history of the study of mathematics at Cambridge *
book |
36 |
IA |
Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse), 1850-1925: Histoire des mathématiques. Traduit sur la 3. éd. anglaise par L. Freund
book |
37 |
IA |
Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse), 1850-1925: Histoire des mathématiques. Traduit sur la 3. éd. anglaise par L. Freund (Volume 2)
book |
38 |
Michigan |
Bally, Émile.: Principes et premiers développements de géométrie générale synthétique moderne, par Émile Bally.
218 |
1922. |
book |
39 |
Michigan |
Baltzer, Richard: Analytische Geometrie.
535 |
1882. |
book |
40 |
Cornell |
Baltzer, Richard: Theorie und Anwendung der Determinanten
278 |
1881 |
book |
41 |
Gallica |
Baltzer, Richard.: Théorie et applications des déterminants, avec l'indication des sources originales
235 |
1995 |
book |
42 |
Gallica |
Baltzer, Richard.: Théorie und Anwendung der Determinanten
129 |
1995 |
book |
43 |
icm |
Banach S.: Mechanics
book |
44 |
icm |
Banach S.: Mechanika I
book |
45 |
icm |
Banach S.: Mechanika II
book |
46 |
icm |
Banach S.: Théorie des opérations linéaires
book |
47 |
icm |
Banach S.: Wstp do teorii funkcji rzeczywistych
book |
48 |
IA |
Baranenkow, G: Problems In Mathematical Analysis
book |
49 |
Michigan |
Barbarin, Paul Jean Joseph: La géométrie non euclidienne, par P. Barbarin.
79 |
1902. |
book |
50 |
Cornell |
Bardey, Ernst: Zur Formation Quadratischer Gleichungen
390 |
1884 |
book |
51 |
IA |
Barker, E. H. (Eugene Henry), b. 1870: Applied mathematics for junior high schools and high schools
book |
52 |
IA |
Barker, E. H. (Eugene Henry), b. 1870: Computing tables and mathematical formulas
book |
53 |
Cornell |
Barlow, Peter: An elementary investigation of the theory of numbers, with its application to the indeterminate and Diophantine analysis, the analytical and geometrical division of the circle, and several other curious algebraical and arithmetical problems
528 |
1811 |
book |
54 |
IA |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862: A new mathematical and philosophical dictionary, comprising an explantion of the terms and principles of pure and mixed mathematics, and such branches of natural philosophy as are susceptible of mathematical investigation
book |
55 |
IA |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862: Barlow's tables of squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, reciprocals of all integer numbers up to 10, 000
book |
56 |
Michigan |
Barnard, Robert James Allman.: Elementary dynamics of the particle and rigid body, by R.J.A. Barnard.
374 |
1916. |
book |
57 |
IA |
Barnard. S: Higher Algebra
book |
58 |
Michigan |
Barre, Eugène.: Sur une classe de solutions des équations indéfinies de l'équilibre d'élasticité ...
192 |
1911. |
book |
59 |
Cornell |
Barrow, Isaac: The geometrical lectures of Isaac Barrow, translated, with notes and proofs, and a discussion on the advance made therein on the work of his predecessors in the infinitesimal calculus, by J. M. Child
218 |
1916 |
book |
60 |
Barrow, Isaac (1630 - 1677):: Lectiones opticae geometricae : in quibus phaenomenon opticorum genuinae rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur: et generalia curvarum linearum symptomata declarantur
127 |
1674 |
book |
61 |
Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677.: Isaaci Barrow, mathematicae professoris lucasiani, lectiones habitae in scholis publicis Academiae Cantabrigiensis An. dom. MDCLXV.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
390 |
1684 |
book |
62 |
Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677.: Isaaci Barrow Mathematicae Professoris Lucasiani Lectiones habitae in scholis publicis Academiae Cantabrigiensis an. Dom. M. DC. LXV.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
390 |
1684 |
book |
63 |
Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677.: Issaci Barrow, lectiones mathematicae XXIII, in quibus principia matheseôs generalia exponuntur habitae Cantabrigiae A.D. 1664, 1665, 1666, accesserunt ejusdem lectiones IV, in quibus theoremata & problemata Archimedis De sphaerâ & cylindro, methodo analyticâ eruuntur.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
158 |
1685 |
book |
64 |
Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677.: Lectiones habitae in scholis publicis Academiae Cantabrigiensis, An. Dom. M.DC.LXIV Isaaci Barrow ...
paid subscription required, German NatL |
155 |
1683 |
book |
65 |
Michigan |
Barthel, Ernst: Polargeometrie, von Dr. Ernst Barthel. Mit 23 Figuren.
95 |
1919. |
book |
66 |
Cornell |
Bartlett, Dana Prescott: General principles of the method of least squares, with applications
142 |
1915 |
book |
67 |
Michigan |
Bartol, William C.: The elements of solid geometry.
95 |
[c1893] |
book |
68 |
Michigan |
Barton, Edwin Henry: An introduction to the machanics of fluids, by E.H. Barton. With diagrams and examples.
249 |
1915. |
book |
69 |
Baruch, Alfred: Über die Differentialrelationen zwischen den Thetafunktionen eines Arguments
35 |
1910 |
book |
70 |
Michigan |
Bass, Edgar W. (Edgar Wales): Elements of differential calculus.
354 |
1903. |
book |
71 |
Michigan |
Basset, Alfred Barnard: An elementary treatise on cubic and quartic curves, by A. B. Basset.
255 |
1901. |
book |
72 |
Cornell |
Bassett, Alfred Barnard: A treatise on the geometry of surfaces
291 |
1910 |
book |
73 |
Bass, H.: On Topics in Algebraic K-Theory
book |
74 |
Bielefeld |
Bass, Hyman: Algebraic K-Theory
791 |
1968 |
book |
75 |
IA |
Bateman, H.: Partial Differential Equations
book |
76 |
Michigan |
Bateman, Harry: The quartic curve and its inscribed configurations ... by H, Bateman.
386 |
1914] |
book |
77 |
IA |
Bates, Edward L: Practical mathematics : a complete course for students in technical and trade schools, evening classes, and for engineers, artisans, draughtsmen, architects, builders, surveyors, & c.
book |
78 |
IA |
Bates Krauskopf Konrad.: Funadamentals Of Physical Science Second Edition
book |
79 |
Baumann, Julius: Die Lehre von Raum, Zeit und Mathematik in der neueren Philosophie nach ihrem ganzen Einfluß dargestellt und beurtheilt
1222 |
1868 |
book |
80 |
IA |
Bayne, Samuel G. (Samuel Gamble), 1844-1924: The pith of astronomy (without mathematics); the latest facts and figures as developed by the giant telescopes
book |
81 |
Becker, Ernst Emil: Nova elementa Amphitrites planetae ex observationibus duodecim oppositionum annorum MDCCCLIV-MDCCCLXVIII deducta et cum observatione Besseliana anni MDCCCXXV conciliata ;; Sunt additae tabulae motum planetae he
24 |
1869 |
book |
82 |
IA |
Beck, Ernest G. (Ernest George): Real mathematics, intended mainly for practical engineers, as an aid to the study and comprehension of mathematics
book |
83 |
Michigan |
Beck, Gerard van.: Over monoïden.
79 |
1907] |
book |
84 |
Bedwell, William, ca. 1561-1632.: Mesolabium architectonicum that is, a most rare, and singular instrument, for the easie, speedy, and most certaine measuring of plaines and solids by the foote: necessary to be knowne of all men whatsoeuer, who would not in this case be notably defrauded: inuented long since by Mr. Thomas Bedwell Esquire: and now published, and the vse thereof declared by Wilhelm Bedwell, his nephew, Vicar of Tottenham.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
16 |
1631 |
book |
85 |
Bedwell, William, ca. 1561-1632.: Mesolabium architectonicum that is, a most rare, and singular instrument, for the easie, speedy, and most certaine measuring of plaines and solids by the foote: necessary to be knowne of all men whatsoever, who would not in this case be notably defrauded: inuented long since by Mr. Thomas Bedwell Esquire: and now published, and the use thereof declared by Wilhelm Bedwell, his nephew, Vicar of Tottenham.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
20 |
1639 |
book |
86 |
Behrend, Felix: Über numeri abundantes
17 |
1933 |
book |
87 |
Belgrado, Jacopo (1704 - 1789):: Theoria Cochleae Archimedis ab observationibus, experimentis, et analyticis rationibus ducta
157 |
1767 |
book |
88 |
Cornell |
Bellacchi, Giacomo: Introduzione storica alla teoria delle funzioni ellittiche
316 |
1894 |
book |
89 |
IA |
Bell, A.H.: Practical Mathematics
book |
90 |
Cornell |
Bellavitis, Giusto: Exposition de la méthode des equipollences, traduit de l'italien, par O. A. Laisant
183 |
1874 |
book |
91 |
IA |
Bell, E.T.: Queen Of The Sciences
book |
92 |
Belli, Silvio ( - 1575):: Libro del misurar con la vista : nel quale s' insegna, senza travagliar con numeri, à misurar facilissimamente le distantie, l' altezze, e le profondita con il quadrato geometrico, e con altri stromenti..
131 |
1570 |
book |
93 |
IA |
Bell, Robert J. T: An Elementary Treatise On Coordinate Geometry
book |
94 |
IA |
Bell, Robert J.T.: An Elementary Treatise On Coordinate Geometry *
book |
95 |
Michigan |
Beltrami, Eugenio: Opere matematiche di Eugenio Beltrami.
1947 |
1902-20 |
book |
96 |
Gallica |
Beltrami, Eugenio.: Opere matematiche
433 |
1995 |
book |
97 |
Gallica |
Beltrami, Eugenio.: Opere matematiche *
465 |
1995 |
book |
98 |
IA |
Beltrami, Eugenio, 1835-1900: Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della Facoltà di scienze della R. Università di Roma (Volume 1)
book |
99 |
IA |
Beltrami, Eugenio, 1835-1900: Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della Facoltà di scienze della R. Università di Roma (Volume 2)
book |
100 |
IA |
Beltrami, Eugenio, 1835-1900: Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della Facoltà di scienze della R. Università di Roma (Volume 3)
book |
101 |
Michigan |
Beman, Wooster Woodruff: New plane and solid geometry, by Wooster Woodruff Beman and David Eugene Smith.
382 |
[c1900] |
book |
102 |
IA |
Beman, Wooster Woodruff, 1850-1922: Brief History Of Mathematics
book |
103 |
Michigan |
Bemmel, P. M. van.: De ruimtedriehoek of drievlakshoek; een hoofdstuk uit de ruimte-meetkunde, bewet voor leerlingen van hoogere burgerscholen en gymnasia.
26 |
1911. |
book |
104 |
Benedetti, Giovanni Battista de (1530 - 1590):: Io. Baptistae Benedicti [Benedetti] diversarum speculationum mathematicarum, et physicarum liber : quarum feriem sequens pagina indicabit
426 |
1585 |
book |
105 |
Benedetti, Giovanni Battista de (1530 - 1590):: Io. Baptistae Benedicti .. Diversarvm specvlationvm [Diversarum speculationum] mathematicarum, et physicarum liber : quarum seriem sequens pagina indicabit ; [annotated and critiqued by Guidobaldo Del Monte]
1585 |
book |
106 |
Benese, Richard, d. 1546.: The boke of measurying of lande as well of woodland as plowland, & pasture in the feelde: & to compt the true nombre of acres of the same. Newly corrected, & compiled by Sir Richarde de Benese.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
112 |
1565 |
book |
107 |
Benese, Richard, d. 1546.: The boke of measuryng of lande as well of woodland as plowland, [and] pasture in the feelde: [and] to compt the true nombre of acres of the same. Newly corrected, [and] compiled by Sir Richarde de Benese.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
112 |
1563 |
book |
108 |
Benese, Richard, d. 1546.: The hidden treasure discovered by the surveyors schoolmaster. Teaching and setting forth the most exact and readiest way that is practised in that art or science. With the true measuring of Woodland, hils, mountaines, or whatever: and the best and readiest way for dividing of all land; with the measuring of timber, square or round boards, tables, glasse, &c. by foot or square. Written by Sir Ric. Benet, and now revised and enlarged by Tho. Norton, professor of the art.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
191 |
1651 |
book |
109 |
Benese, Richard, d. 1546.: This boke newely imprynted sheweth the maner of measuryng of all maner of lande as well of woodlande, as of plowelande, and pastore in the felde, [and] comptynge the true nombre of acres of the same. Newely inuented and compyled by Syr Rycharde Benese, Chanon of Marton Abbay besyde London.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
112 |
1550 |
book |
110 |
Benese, Richard, d. 1546.: This boke newely imprynted sheweth the maner of measuryng of all maner of lande as well of woodlande, as of plowelande, and pastour in the felde, [and] comptynge the true nombre of acres of the same. Newely inuented and compyled by Syr Rycharde Benese, Chanon of Marton Abbay besyde London.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
112 |
1553 |
book |
111 |
Benese, Richard, d. 1546.: This boke sheweth the maner of measurynge of all maner of lande as well of woodlande, as of lande in the felde, and comptynge the true nombre of acres of the-same [sic]. Newlye inuented and compyled by Syr Rycharde Benese Chanon of Marton Abbay besyde Lond on [sic].
paid subscription required, German NatL |
208 |
1537 |
book |
112 |
IA |
Benjamin Peirce: Linear Associative Algebra
book |
113 |
Michigan |
Bergbohm, Julius.: Entwurf einer neuen Integralrechnung auf Grund der Potenzial- und Logarithmal- und Numeralrechnung.
188 |
1892-93. |
book |
114 |
Gallica |
Berger, Charles-Hippolyte.: Théorie élémentaire des séries
45 |
1995 |
book |
115 |
Michigan |
Berger, Franz: Das Gesetz des Kraftverlaufes beim Stoss;
191 |
1924. |
book |
116 |
Berger, M.: On Geodesics in Riemannian Geometry
book |
117 |
IA |
Berkeley, George, 1685-1753: The analyst; or, a discourse addressed to an infidel mathematician. Wherein it is examined whether the object, principles, and inferences of the modern analysis are more distinctly conceived, or more evidently deduced, than religious mysteries and points of faith
book |
118 |
IA |
Berkeley, George, 1685-1753: The analyst, or, A discourse addressed to an infidel mathematician : wherein it is examined whether the object, principles, and inferences of the modern analysis are more distinctly conceived, or more evidently deduced, than religious mysteries and points of faith
book |
119 |
Michigan |
Berkeley, Hastings.: Mysticism in modern mathematics.
264 |
1910 |
book |
120 |
Michigan |
Berkhan, Carl August Wilhelm: Das Problem des Pappus von den Berührungen, durch die geometrischen Oerter aufgelöst und erweitert, nebst einer Reihe von Lehrsätzen und Aufgaben über Berührungen, Zur Beförderung des geometrischen Studiums in den mittleren und oberen Klassen der Gymnasien ... Von W. Berkhan.
40 |
1857. |
book |
121 |
Michigan |
Berliner, Henoch: Involutionssyteme in der Ebene des Dreiecks von Dr. Phil. H. Berliner.
212 |
1914. |
book |
122 |
Berliner, Henoch: Theorie der Polaren in Bezug auf Dreiecke in synthetischer Behandlung
100 |
1912 |
book |
123 |
Bernays, Paul: Über die Darstellung von positiven, ganzen Zahlen durch die primitiven, binären quadratischen Formen einer nicht-quadratischen Diskriminante
140 |
1912 |
book |
124 |
Berner, Theodor Mauritius: De Transformatione secundi ordinis ad figuras geometricas adhibita
24 |
1865 |
book |
125 |
Michigan |
Bernoulli, Jakob: Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (Ars conjectandi) von Jakob Bernoulli (1713) Uebers. und hrsg. von R. Haussner.
162 |
1899. |
book |
126 |
Cornell |
Bernoulli, Johann: Die erste Integralrechnung; eine Auswahl aus Johann Bernoullis mathematischen Vorlesungen über die Methode der Integrale und anderes, aufgeschrieben zum Gebrauch des Herrn Marquis de l'Hospital in den Jahren 1691 und 1692, als der Verfasser sich in Paris aufhielt. Mit 119 Textfiguren. Aus dem Lateinischen übers. und hrsg. von dr. Gerhard Kowalewski
187 |
1914 |
book |
127 |
Cornell |
Bertini, Eugenio: Introduzione alla geometria proiettiva degli iperspazi, con appendice sulle curve algebriche e loro singolarità
426 |
1907 |
book |
128 |
Cornell |
Bertrand, Joseph: Éloges académiques
399 |
1902 |
book |
129 |
Cornell |
Bertrand, Joseph: Traite d'algèbre (II), Revue et mise en harmonie avec les derniers programmes officiels, par Joseph Bertrand et par Henri Garcet
394 |
1878 |
book |
130 |
Cornell |
Bertrand, Joseph: Traite d'algèbre (I), Revue et mise en harmonie avec les derniers programmes officiels, par Joseph Bertrand et par Henri Garcet
336 |
1878 |
book |
131 |
Gallica |
Bertrand, Joseph (1822-1900).: Calcul des probabilités
332 |
1995 |
book |
132 |
IA |
Bertrand, Joseph, 1822-1900: Rapport sur les progrès les plus récents de l'analyse mathématique
book |
133 |
IA |
Bertrand Russell: Essai sur les fondements de la géométrie
book |
134 |
Cornell |
Besant, William Henry: Conic Sections Treated Geometrically
286 |
1895 |
book |
135 |
Cornell |
Besant, William Henry: Notes on Roulettes and Glissettes
99 |
1890 |
book |
136 |
icm |
Bessaga C., Peczyski A.: Selected topics in infinite dimensional topology
book |
137 |
Bessel-Hagen, Erich: Ueber eine Art singulärer Punkte der einfachen Variationsprobleme in der Ebene
142 |
1920 |
book |
138 |
Michigan |
Bettazzi, Rodolfo: La risoluzione dei problemi numerici e geometrici.
100 |
1893. |
book |
139 |
Michigan |
Betti, Enrico: Opere matematiche di Enrico Betti, pubblicate per cura della R. Accademia de' lincei.
909 |
1903-1913 |
book |
140 |
IA |
Betti, Enrico, 1823-1892: Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della R. Accademia de'Lincei (Volume 1)
book |
141 |
IA |
Betti, Enrico, 1823-1892: Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della R. Accademia de'Lincei (Volume 2)
book |
142 |
IA |
Bettinger, Alvin K.: Algebra And Trigonometry
book |
143 |
Gallica |
Bettini, Mario.: Apiaria universae philosophiae mathematicae in quibus paradoxa et nova pleraque machinamenta ad usus eximios traducta & facillimis demonstrationibus confirmata... opus
1642 |
book |
144 |
Michigan |
Betz, William: Solid geometry, by William Betz and Harrison E. Webb with editorial coöperation of Percey F. Smith.
177 |
[c1916] |
book |
145 |
Michigan |
Betz, William.: Plane geometry, by William Betz and Harrison E. Webb, with the editorial coöperation of Percey F. Smith.
332 |
[c1912] |
book |
146 |
Michigan |
Beutel, Eugen: Algebraische kurven, von Eugen Beutel.
1909-11. |
book |
147 |
Michigan |
Beutel, Eugen.: Die Quadratur des Kreises, von Eugen Beutel. Mit 11 Figuren im Text.
56 |
1920. |
book |
148 |
Michigan |
Beyda, Heinrich Friedrich Theodor.: Mathematische Beschäftigungen aus früheren Jahren.
289 |
1883 |
book |
149 |
Michigan |
Beyel, Christian: Der mathematische Gedanke in der Welt; Plaudereien und Betrachtungen eines alten Mathematikers.
144 |
[1922] |
book |
150 |
Gallica |
B.-G.-Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft (Leipzig, Allemagne).: B. G. Teubner Verlag auf dem Gebiete der Mathematik, Naturwissenschaft, Technik
92 |
1995 |
book |
151 |
IA |
Bhagavantam, S.: Theory Of Groups And Its Application
book |
152 |
IA |
Bhaskaracarya, b. 1114: Bija Ganita: or, The algebra of the Hindus
book |
153 |
Cornell |
Bianchi, Luigi: Lezioni di geometria analitica
744 |
1903-1904 |
book |
154 |
Michigan |
Bianchi, Luigi: Lezioni di geometria differenziale.
1922-[1924] |
book |
155 |
Michigan |
Bianchi, Luigi: Lezioni di geometria differenziale di Luigi Bianchi.
952 |
1894. |
book |
156 |
Cornell |
Bianchi, Luigi: Lezioni sulla teoria dei gruppi di sostituzioni e delle equazioni algebriche secondo Galois
283 |
1899 |
book |
157 |
Cornell |
Bianchi, Luigi: Lezioni sulla teoria delle funzioni di variabile complessa e delle funzioni ellittiche
744 |
1916 |
book |
158 |
Bianchi, Luigi: Vorlesungen über Differentialgeometrie
679 |
1899 |
book |
159 |
Bieberbach, Ludwig: Theorie der Differentialgleichungen
400 |
1930 |
book |
160 |
Bieberbach, Ludwig: Zur Theorie der automorphen Funktionen
47 |
1910 |
book |
161 |
Gallica |
Bierens de Haan, David .: Nouvelles tables d'intégrales définies
374 |
1995 |
book |
162 |
Gallica |
Bierens de Haan, David .: Nouvelles tables d'intégrales définies *
200 |
1995 |
book |
163 |
Biermann, Guilelmus Gustavus Adolphus: Problemata quaedam mechanica functionum ellipticarum ope soluta
39 |
1865 |
book |
164 |
Cornell |
Biermann, Otto: Theorie der analytischen Functionen
452 |
1887 |
book |
165 |
Cornell |
Biermann, Otto: Vorlesungen über mathematische Näherungsmethoden
226 |
1905 |
book |
166 |
IA |
Bigelow, Anson Hardin, 1867-: Elements of business arithmetic
book |
167 |
Michigan |
Binder, Wilhelm.: Theorie der unicursalen Plancurven vierter bis dritter Ordnung in synthetischer Behandlung.
396 |
1896. |
book |
168 |
Gallica |
Biot, Jean-Baptiste (1774-1862).: Traité de physique expérimentale et mathématique
538 |
1995 |
book |
169 |
Gallica |
Biot, Jean-Baptiste (1774-1862).: Traité de physique expérimentale et mathématique *
552 |
1995 |
book |
170 |
Gallica |
Biot, Jean-Baptiste (1774-1862).: Traité de physique expérimentale et mathématique * *
514 |
1995 |
book |
171 |
Gallica |
Biot, Jean-Baptiste (1774-1862).: Traité de physique expérimentale et mathématique * * *
780 |
1995 |
book |
172 |
Michigan |
Birkemeier, Wilhelm.: Über den Bildungswert der Mathematik. Ein Beitrag zur philosophischen Pädagogik.
191 |
1923. |
book |
173 |
Birkhoff, George D.: Dynamical Systems
305 |
1927 |
book |
174 |
Cornell |
Bjerknes, Carl Anton: Niels-Henrik Abel, tableau de sa vie et son action scientifique. Traduction française revue et considérablement augmentée par l'auteur
368 |
1885 |
book |
175 |
Gallica |
Bjerknes, Carl Anton.: Oeuvres complètes *
338 |
1995 |
book |
176 |
Cornell |
Bjerknes, V. (Vilhelm): Fields of force, supplementary lectures, applications to meteorology; a course of lectures in mathematical physics delivered December 1 to 23, 1905, by Vilhelm Friman Koren Bjerknes
160 |
1906 |
book |
177 |
Cornell |
Bjerknes, V. (Vilhelm): Vorlesungen über hydrodynamische Fernkräfte nach C. A. Bjerknes' Theorie (Volume 1)
358 |
1900 |
book |
178 |
Cornell |
Bjerknes, V. (Vilhelm): Vorlesungen über hydrodynamische Fernkräfte nach C. A. Bjerknes' Theorie (Volume 2)
340 |
1900 |
book |
179 |
IA |
Blackwell, David, 1919- ive: An oral history with David Blackwell : oral history transcript / 2003
book |
180 |
Blagrave, John, d. 1611.: The mathematical ievvel shewing the making, and most excellent vse of a singuler instrument so called: in that it performeth with wonderfull dexteritie, whatsoeuer is to be done, either by quadrant, ship, circle, cylinder, ring, dyall, horoscope, astrolabe, sphere, globe, or any such like heretofore deuised: ... The vse of which iewel, is so aboundant and ample, that it leadeth any man practising thereon, the direct pathway ... through the whole artes of astronomy, cosmography, ... and briefely of whatsoeuer concerneth the globe or sphere: ... The most part newly founde out by the author, compiled and published ... by Iohn Blagraue of Reading gentleman and well willer to the mathematickes, who hath cut all the prints or pictures of the whole worke with his owne hands. 1585.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
138 |
1585 |
book |
181 |
IA |
Blakesley, Thomas, 1847-: A table of hyperbolic cosines and sines : or Values of cosh [theta] and sinh [theta] from [theta] = .01 to [theta] = 4, at intervals of .01
book |
182 |
Blaschke, Wilhelm: Geometrie der Gewebe
336 |
1938 |
book |
183 |
Michigan |
Blaschke, Wilhelm: Vorlesungen über Differentialgeometrie und geometrische Grundlagen von Einsteins Relativitätstheorie, von Wilhelm Blaschke.
489 |
1921-29. |
book |
184 |
Blasendorff, Max: Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen zwei allgemeinen Strahlensystemen ...
40 |
1883 |
book |
185 |
Blass, Margarete: Über ein Problem der Integration von Differentialfunktionen mit zwei unabhängigen Veränderlichen
85 |
1915 |
book |
186 |
Michigan |
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor: The philosophy of mathematics, with special reference to the elements of geometry and the infinitesimal method.
241 |
1886 |
book |
187 |
Bleicher, Emil Kurt: Zur Theorie der übergeschlossenen Gelenksysteme
86 |
1910 |
book |
188 |
Blenck, Gustav: Untersuchungen über das Amiotsche Theorem bei den Flächen zweiter Ordnung und über Ezeugungsarten des elliptischen Kegels
100 |
1911 |
book |
189 |
Cornell |
Blichfeldt, Hans Frederik: Finite collineation groups, with an introduction to the theory of groups of operators and substitution groups
194 |
1917 |
book |
190 |
Blondel, Francois: Cours De Mathématique ... : A L'Usage De Monseigneur Le Dauphin Par Monsieur Blondel, De l'academie Reyale [!] des Sciences ... Professeur du Roy
198 |
1699 |
book |
191 |
Blondel, Francois: Cours De Mathematique ... : A L'Usage De Monseigneur Le Dauphin Par Monsieur Blondel, De l'academie Reyale [!] des Sciences ... Professeur du Roy Tome Second: Qui contient L'Aritmetique Speculative. Et L'Aritmetique Pratique
236 |
1699 |
book |
192 |
Bluhm, Bruno: Über konjugierte Kurven und Flächen
91 |
1911 |
book |
193 |
Blumberg, Henry: Über algebraische Eigenschaften von linearen homogenen Differentialausdrücken
53 |
1912 |
book |
194 |
Cornell |
Blumenthal, Otto: Principes de la théorie des fonctions entières d'ordre infini
150 |
1910 |
book |
195 |
Michigan |
Bobek, Karl Joseph: Einleitung in die projektivische Geometrie der Ebene. ... .
210 |
1889. |
book |
196 |
Cornell |
Bobek, Karl Joseph: Einleitung in die Theorie der Elliptischen Funktionen
274 |
1884 |
book |
197 |
Cornell |
Bobillier, Ètienne E.: Principes d'algèbre, à l'usage des écoles d'arts et métiers et des écoles professionnelles
392 |
1877 |
book |
198 |
Cornell |
Bôcher, Maxime: Leçons sur les méthodes de Sturm dans la théorie des équations différentielles linéaires et leurs développements modernes, professées a la Sorbonne en 1913-1914. Recueillies et rédigées par Gaston Julia
118 |
1917 |
book |
199 |
Michigan |
Bôcher, Maxime: Plane analytic geometry, with introductory chapters on the differential calculus.
235 |
[c1915] |
book |
200 |
Michigan |
Bôcher, Maxime: Regular points of linear differential equations of the second order, by Maxime Bôcher.
23 |
1896. |
book |
201 |
Cornell |
Bôcher, Maxime: Ueber die Reihenentwickelungen der Potentialtheorie, mit einem Vorwort von Felix Klein
258 |
1894 |
book |
202 |
Bochner, Salomon: Über orthogonale Systeme analytischer Funktionen
33 |
1922 |
book |
203 |
Gallica |
Boèce (0480?-0524).: Anicii Manlii Torquati Severini Boetii de institutione arithmetica libri duo
492 |
1995 |
book |
204 |
Michigan |
Boeddicker, Otto: Erweiterung der Gauss'schen Theorie der Verschlingungen mit Anwendungen in der Electrodynamik. Von dr. Otto Boeddicker.
68 |
1876. |
book |
205 |
Cornell |
Boehm, Karl: Elliptische Funktionen (Volume 1)
1908 |
book |
206 |
Cornell |
Boehm, Karl: Thetafunktionen und hyperelliptische Funktionen, Mit 5 figuren
1902 |
book |
207 |
Michigan |
Boer, Marten Jan de.: De rationale krommen van den vijfden graad in Ren R
128 |
[1907] |
book |
208 |
Cornell |
Boethius: Anicii Manlii Torquati Severini Boetii De institutione arithmetica libri duo, De institutione musica libri quinque. Accedit geometria quae fertur Boetii. E libris manu scriptis edidit Godofredus Friedlein
492 |
1867 |
book |
209 |
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (ca. 480 - 524):: De institutione arithmetica libri duo. De institutione musica libri quinque
492 |
1867 |
book |
210 |
Michigan |
Böger, Rudolf: Ebene Geometrie der Lage, von Dr. Rudolf Böger. Mit 142 Figuren.
289 |
1900. |
book |
211 |
Bograd, Jacob: Die Astroidenfläche
55 |
1909 |
book |
212 |
Cornell |
Bohler, Otto: Über die Picard'schen Gruppen aus dem Zahlkörper der dritten und der vierten Einheitswurzel
102 |
1905 |
book |
213 |
IA |
Bohr, Harald: Collected Mathematical Works III
book |
214 |
Bois-Reymond, Paul du: De Aequilibrio fluidorum
23 |
1859 |
book |
215 |
Gallica |
Bois-Reymond, Paul du.: Théorie générale des fonctions
222 |
1995 |
book |
216 |
Michigan |
Boltzmann, Ludwig: Vorlesungen über die Principe der Mechnik.
576 |
1897-1920. |
book |
217 |
Michigan |
Bólyai, Farkas: Geometrische Untersuchungen mit Unterstützung der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, hrsg. von Paul Stäckel.
553 |
1913. |
book |
218 |
Michigan |
Bólyai, Farkas: Wolfgangi Bolyai de Bolya Tentamen iuventutem studiosam in elementa matheseos purae elementaris ac sublimioris methodo intuitiva evidentiaque huic propria introducendi, cum appendice triplici.
1114 |
1897-1904. |
book |
219 |
Michigan |
Bólyai, János: Ioannis Bolyai de Bolya Appendix scientiam spatii absolute veram exhibens: a veritate aut falsitate axiomatis XI. euclidei, a prior haud unquam decidenda, independentem: adiecta ad casum falsitatis quadratura circuli geometrica.
40 |
1903. |
book |
220 |
Michigan |
Bólyai, János: J. Bolyai Scientia spatii absolute vera.
143 |
1897. |
book |
221 |
Michigan |
Bólyai, János: The science absolute of space; independent of the truth or falsity of Euclid's axiom XI (which can never be decided a priori).
71 |
1896. |
book |
222 |
Bolzano, Bernhard: Bolzano Collection
1816ff |
book |
223 |
Michigan |
Bolza, O. (Oskar): Lectures on the calculus of variations; by Oskar Bolza.
271 |
1904. |
book |
224 |
Michigan |
Bolza, O. (Oskar): Vorlesungen über Variationsrechnung, von Dr. Oskar Bolza. Umgearb. und stark verm. deutsche Ausgabe der "Lectures on the calculus of variations" desselben Verfassers. Mit 117 Figuren im Text.
10 |
1909. |
book |
225 |
Bolza, Oskar: Über die Reduction hyperelliptischer Integrale erster Ordnung und erster Gattung auf elliptische, insbesondere über die Reduction durch eine Transformation vierten Grades
40 |
1886 |
book |
226 |
IA |
Bolza, Oskar.: Lectures On The Calculus Of Variations
book |
227 |
Michigan |
Bonnel, J. F. (Joseph Florentin): Essai sur les définitions géométriques, par J.-F. Bonnel.
111 |
1870-74. |
book |
228 |
Michigan |
Bonnel, J. F. (Joseph Florentin): Les atomes et hypothèses dans la géométrie, par J. F. Bonnel.
159 |
1897. |
book |
229 |
Cornell |
Bonnet, Pierre Ossian: Astronomie sphérique, notes sur le cours professé pendant l'année 1887; rédigées par [J.] Blondin et [A.] Guillet
116 |
1889 |
book |
230 |
Michigan |
Bonola, Roberto: Die nichteuklidische Geometrie, historisch-kritische Darstellung ihrer Entwicklung.
207 |
1921. |
book |
231 |
Cornell |
Bonola, Roberto: La geometria non-euclidea, esposizione storico-critica del suo sviluppo
213 |
1906 |
book |
232 |
Bonsall, F.F.: On Some Fixed Point Theorems of Functional Analysis
book |
233 |
IA |
Bookman, C. M. (Clarence Monroe), 1882-: Business arithmetic
book |
234 |
IA |
Boole, George: Calculus Of Finite Differences Fourth Edition
book |
235 |
Cornell |
Boole, George: Die Grundlehren der endlichen Differenzen- und Summenrechnung, Deutsch bearb. von Dr. C. H. Schnuse
1867 |
book |
236 |
Cornell |
Boole, Mary Everest: Philosophy And Fun Of Algebra
90 |
1909 |
book |
237 |
IA |
Boole, Mary Everest, 1832-1916: The mathematical psychology of Gratry and Boole, translated from the language of the higher calculus into that of elementary geometry
book |
238 |
IA |
Booth, David: Tables of simple interest, on a new plan of arrangement; by which the interest of any number of pounds, from one to a thousand, for any number of days not exceeding a year, will be found, at one view, without the trouble or risk of additions, at any rate per cent; with subsidiary tables ... to which are added tables of commission or exchange ..
book |
239 |
Cornell |
Booth, James: A treatise on some new geometrical methods (Volume 1)
442 |
1873 |
book |
240 |
Cornell |
Booth, James: A treatise on some new geometrical methos (Volume 2)
1873 |
book |
241 |
Cornell |
Booth, James: The theory of elliptic integrals, and the properties of surfaces of the second order, applied to the investigation of the motion of a body round a fixed point
159 |
1851 |
book |
242 |
Michigan |
Borchardt, Carl Wilhelm: Gesammelte Werke.
511 |
1888 |
book |
243 |
IA |
Bordazar de Artazu, Antonio: Proporcion de monedas, pesos, i medidas, con principios practicos de arithmetica, i geometria, para su uso
book |
244 |
Borel, A. and Casselman, W., Editors: Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L-Functions I, II
322 |
1979 |
book |
245 |
Borel, A. and Casselman, W., Editors: Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L-Functions III, IV
382 |
1979 |
book |
246 |
Borel, Armand and Mostow, George D., Editors: Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups
426 |
1966 |
book |
247 |
Michigan |
Borel, Emile: Leçons sur les fonctions entières, par Émile Borel.
124 |
1921. |
book |
248 |
Cornell |
Borel, Émile: Introduction à l'étude de la théorie des nombres et de l'algèbre supérieure par Émile Borel et Jules Drach. D'après des conférences faites à l'École normale supérieure par M. Jules Tannery
350 |
1895 |
book |
249 |
Cornell |
Borel, Émile: Introduction géométrique à quelques théories physiques
152 |
1914 |
book |
250 |
Cornell |
Borel, Émile: Leçons sur la théorie de la croissance professées à la Faculté des sciences de Paris, recueillies et rédigées par Arnaud Denjoy
168 |
1910 |
book |
251 |
Cornell |
Borel, Émile: Leçons sur les fonctions méromorphes, professées au Collège de France. Recueillies et rédigées par Ludovic Zoretti
122 |
1903 |
book |
252 |
Cornell |
Borel, Émile: Leçons sur les fonctions monogènes uniformes d'une variable complexe, rédigées par Gaston Julia
163 |
1917 |
book |
253 |
Cornell |
Borel, Émile: Leçons sur les séries à termes positifs, professées au Collège de France, recueillies et rédigées par Robert d'Adhémar
91 |
1902 |
book |
254 |
msri |
Boris Hasselblatt: Dynamics, Ergodic Theory, and Geometry
324 |
2007 |
book |
255 |
Michigan |
Born, Max: Dynamik der Kristallgitter, von Max Born, mit einer Tafel und 2 Figuren im Text.
122 |
1915. |
book |
256 |
IA |
Boron, Leo F.: Differential Geometry
book |
257 |
Borrel, Jean (1492 - 1572):: Ioan. Bvteonis Delphinatis opera geometrica
158 |
1559 |
book |
258 |
icm |
Borsuk K.: Geometria analityczna w n- wymiarach
book |
259 |
icm |
Borsuk K.: Multidimensional analytic geometry
book |
260 |
icm |
Borsuk K.: Theory of retracts
book |
261 |
icm |
Borsuk K.: Theory of shape
book |
262 |
IA |
Borthwick Dale, John.: Five Figure Tables
book |
263 |
Cornell |
Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus von: Die Iterationen, Ein Beitrag zur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
226 |
1917 |
book |
264 |
Gallica |
Bossut, Charles (1730-1814).: Essai sur l'histoire générale des mathématiques
1802 |
book |
265 |
IA |
Bossut, Charles, 1730-1814: A general history of mathematics from the earliest times to the middle of the eighteenth century
book |
266 |
Michigan |
Bottasso, Matteo: Astatique, par M. Bottasso avec une préface de R. Marcolongo.
159 |
1915. |
book |
267 |
IA |
Bottomley, James Thomson: Four figure mathematical tables; comprising logarithmic and trigonometrical tables, and tables of squares, square roots, and reciprocals
book |
268 |
IA |
Bottomley, J. T. (James Thomson), 1845-1926: Four figure mathematical tables: comprising logarithmic and trigonometrical tables, and tables of squares, square roots, and reciprocals ..
book |
269 |
Gallica |
Bottrigari, Ercole.: Opere
81 |
1995 |
book |
270 |
Michigan |
Bouasse, H. (Henri): Cours de mécanique rationelle et expérimentale, spécialement écrit pour les physiciens et les ingénieurs conforme au programme du certificat de mécanique rationelle, par H. Bouasse.
692 |
[1910] |
book |
271 |
Cornell |
Boucher, Maurice: Introduction à la géometrie à quatre dimensions d'après les méthods de la géométrie élémentaire
150 |
1917 |
book |
272 |
Michigan |
Boucher, Maurice.: Essai sur l'hyperspace, le temps, la matière et l'énergie.
210 |
1905. |
book |
273 |
Gallica |
Bouelles, Charles de.: Que hoc volumine continuentur
197 |
1995 |
book |
274 |
Michigan |
Bouligand, Georges: Précis de mécanique rationnelle à l'usage des élèves des facultés des sciences, par Georges Bouligand.
282 |
1925- |
book |
275 |
Cornell |
Bourdon, Louis Peirre Marie: Éléments d'algèbre
590 |
1876 |
book |
276 |
Michigan |
Bourdon, M. (Louis Pierre Marie): Application de l'algebre à la géométrie, comprenant la géométrie analytique à deux et à trois dimensions. Par M. Bourdon.
648 |
1880. |
book |
277 |
Cornell |
Bourget, Justin: Géométrie analytique à trois dimensions
435 |
1872 |
book |
278 |
Michigan |
Bourlet, C. (Carlo): Leçons de trigonométrie rectiligne ...
322 |
1898. |
book |
279 |
Michigan |
Boussinesq, Joseph: Application des potentiels à l'étude de l'équilibre et du mouvement des solides élastiques, principalement au calcul des deformations et des pressions que produisent, dans ces solides, des efforts quelconques exercés sur und petite partie de leur surface ou de leur intérieur;memoire suivi de notes étendues sur divers points de physique mathématique et d'analyse; par m. J. Boussinesq.
721 |
1885. |
book |
280 |
Cornell |
Boussinesq, Joseph: Cours d'analyse infinitésimale, à l'usage des personnes qui étudient cette science en vue de ses applications mécaniques et physiques (Volume 1, Pt. 1)
286 |
1887 |
book |
281 |
Cornell |
Boussinesq, Joseph: Cours d'analyse infinitésimale, à l'usage des personnes qui étudient cette science en vue de ses applications mécaniques et physiques (Volume 1, Pt. 2)
326 |
1887 |
book |
282 |
Cornell |
Boussinesq, Joseph: Cours d'analyse infinitésimale, à l'usage des personnes qui étudient cette science en vue de ses applications mécaniques et physiques (Volume 2, Pt. 1)
298 |
1887 |
book |
283 |
Cornell |
Boussinesq, Joseph: Cours d'analyse infinitésimale, à l'usage des personnes qui étudient cette science en vue de ses applications mécaniques et physiques (Volume 2, Pt. 2)
602 |
1887 |
book |
284 |
Gallica |
Boussinesq, Joseph.: Cours d'analyse infinitésimale
263 |
1995 |
book |
285 |
Gallica |
Boussinesq, Joseph.: Cours d'analyse infinitésimale *
312 |
1995 |
book |
286 |
Cornell |
Boutroux, Pierre: Leçons sur les fonctions définies par les équations différentielles du premier ordre, professées au Collége de France. avec une note de M. Paul Painlevé
190 |
1908 |
book |
287 |
Michigan |
Boutroux, Pierre: L'idéal scientifique des mathématiciens dans l'antiquité et dans les temps modernes.
274 |
1920 |
book |
288 |
Gallica |
Boutroux, Pierre.: L'idéal scientifique des mathématiciens
1995 |
book |
289 |
Gallica |
Boutroux, Pierre.: L'idéal scientifique des mathématiciens dans l'antiquité et dans les temps modernes
274 |
1995 |
book |
290 |
Michigan |
Bowden, Joseph: Elements of the theory of integers, by Joseph Bowden.
258 |
1903. |
book |
291 |
IA |
Bowley, A. L. (Arthur Lyon), Sir, 1869-1957: A general course of pure mathematics, from indices to solid analytical geometry
book |
292 |
Michigan |
Boyer, Jacques: Histoire des mathématiques, par Jacques Boyer.
260 |
1900. |
book |
293 |
IA |
Boyer, Jacques, 1869-: Histoire des mathématiques * *
book |
294 |
Gallica |
Boyer, Jacques (1869-19..).: Histoire des mathématiques *
260 |
1995 |
book |
295 |
Boyman, Johann Robert: De Lineis loxodromicis in datis superficiebus, imprimis de loxodromia sphaerica et sphaeroidica
40 |
1839 |
book |
296 |
Cornell |
Boys, C. V.: Soap-bubbles and the forces which mould them, Being a course of three lectures delivered in the theatre of the London Institution on the afternoons of Dec. 30, 1889, Jan. 1 and 3, 1890, before a juvenile audience. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
178 |
1890 |
book |
297 |
IA |
Bradley A D: Mathematics Of Air And Marine Navigation
book |
298 |
IA |
Bragdon, Claude Fayette, 1866-1946: Architecture and democracy
book |
299 |
IA |
Brahmagupta, 7th cent: Algebra, with Arithmetic and mensuration, from the Sanscrit of Brahmegupta and Bháscara. Translated by Henry Thomas Colebrooke
book |
300 |
Braikenridge, William (um 1733):: Exercitatio geometrica de descriptione linearum curvarum
70 |
1733 |
book |
301 |
IA |
Braithwaite Arnett: Recent military, naval, and civil service examination papers in mathematics, with answers
book |
302 |
IA |
Braithwaite Arnett: Rules and formulæ in elementary mathematics
book |
303 |
Brander, Georg Friedrich (1730 - 1783):: Beschreibung und Gebrauch eines geometrischen Instruments in Gestalt eines Proportionalzirkels, welches in allen praktischen Fällen der Feldmeßkunst leicht und gut zu gebrauchen..
64 |
1780 |
book |
304 |
IA |
Branford, Benchara: A study of mathematical education : including the teaching of arithmetic
book |
305 |
IA |
Branford, Benchara: A study of mathematical education, including the teaching of arithmetic
book |
306 |
Michigan |
Braude, L.: Les coordonnées intrinsèques; théorie et applications, par L. Braude.
99 |
1914] |
book |
307 |
Brauer, Alfred: Über diophantische Gleichungen mit endlich vielen Lösungen
33 |
1929 |
book |
308 |
Brauer, Richard: Über die Darstellung der Drehungsgruppe durch Gruppen linearer Substitutionen
72 |
1925 |
book |
309 |
Braun, Karl Ferdinand: Ueber den Einfluss von Steifigkeit, Befestigung und Amplitude auf die Schwingungen von Saiten
25 |
1872 |
book |
310 |
IA |
Breckenridge, William Edwin, 1869-: Shop problems in mathematics
book |
311 |
Brehm, Erich: Partikulare Integrale des Problems der n Körper
56 |
1908 |
book |
312 |
Brelot, M.: On Potential Theory
book |
313 |
Bremiker, Carl: Studien über höhere Geodäsie
84 |
1869 |
book |
314 |
IA |
Brenke, William C.: Plane And Spherical Trigonometry * *
book |
315 |
Michigan |
Brennan, Michael H.: Reciprocal arcs, by Michael H. Brennan.
7 |
1915. |
book |
316 |
Michigan |
Brennan, Michael H.: The trisection of the arc, by Michael H. Brennan.
23 |
1888. |
book |
317 |
IA |
Breslich, Ernst R.: The Administration Of Mathematics In Second Ary Schools
book |
318 |
Gallica |
Breton de Champ, Paul.: Recherches nouvelles sur les porismes d'Euclide
96 |
1995 |
book |
319 |
Breuer, Samson: Über die irreduktiblen auflösbaren trinomischen Gleichungen fünften Grades
43 |
1918 |
book |
320 |
Cornell |
Bridge, B. (Bewick): A compendious tract on the theory and solution of cubic and biquadratic equations, and of equations of the higher orders. Intended as a supplement to his "Treatise on the elements of algebra."
145 |
1833 |
book |
321 |
Michigan |
Briggs, George R. (George Russell): The elements of plane analytic geometry. A text-book including numerous examples and applications, and especially designed for beginners. By George R. Briggs.
191 |
1907. |
book |
322 |
Brill, Alexander: Vorlesungen über ebene algebraische Kurven und algebraische Funktionen; mit 126 Abbildungen
350 |
1925 |
book |
323 |
Brillhart, John, Lehmer, D.H., Selfridge, J.L., Tuckerman, Bryant, and Wagstaff Jr., S.S.,: Factorizations of bn±1, b=2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 Up to High Powers, Third Edition
236 |
2002 |
book |
324 |
Michigan |
Brioschi, Francesco: Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi.
1901-09 |
book |
325 |
Gallica |
Brioschi, Francesco.: Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi
556 |
1995 |
book |
326 |
Gallica |
Brioschi, Francesco.: Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi *
416 |
1995 |
book |
327 |
Gallica |
Brioschi, Francesco.: Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi * *
456 |
1995 |
book |
328 |
Gallica |
Brioschi, Francesco.: Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi * * *
434 |
1995 |
book |
329 |
Gallica |
Brioschi, Francesco.: Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi * * * *
418 |
1995 |
book |
330 |
Gallica |
Brioschi, Francesco.: Théorie des déterminants et leurs principales applications
216 |
1995 |
book |
331 |
Briot, C. A. A.; Bouquet, J. C.: Théorie des fonctions elliptiques
712 |
1875 |
book |
332 |
Gallica |
Briot, Charles.: Etude des fonctions d'une variable imaginaire
254 |
1995 |
book |
333 |
Cornell |
Briot, Charles Auguste Albert: Briot and Bouquet's elements of analytical geometry of two dimensions
581 |
book |
334 |
Michigan |
Briot, M. (Charles): Leçons de géométrie analytique.
758 |
1893. |
book |
335 |
Michigan |
Briot, M. (Charles): Théorie des fonctions abéliennes, par M. Ch. Briot.
181 |
1879. |
book |
336 |
IA |
British Association for the Advancement of Science: Discussion on the Teaching of Mathematics which Took Place on September 14th, at a Joint Meeting ...
book |
337 |
IA |
British Association for the Advancement of Science: Discussion on the teaching of mathematics which took place on September 14th, at a joint meeting of two sections: Section A., Mathematics and physics; Section L., Education
book |
338 |
Michigan |
Brocard, Henri Pierre Jean Baptiste: Courbes géométriques remarquables ...
1919- |
book |
339 |
Michigan |
Brocard, Henri Pierre Jean Baptiste: Notes de bibliographie des courbes géométriques, par H. Brocard.
1897-99. |
book |
340 |
Michigan |
Brodetsky, Selig: Das Potential eines homogenen konvexen Körpers, und die direkte Integration des Potentials eines Ellipsoids.
54 |
1914 |
book |
341 |
IA |
Brodetsky, Selig, 1888-1954: A first course in nomography
book |
342 |
Broecker, Hermann: Die Periodicitätsmoduln der Abel'schen Integrale erster Gattung als Functionen eines Parameters aufgefasst für den Fall ...
57 |
1893 |
book |
343 |
Broll, Gerhard: Mehrdeutige Verwandschaften zwischen Punktfeldern, insbesondere solche, welche durch Raumkurven veranlasst werden
91 |
1911 |
book |
344 |
IA |
Bronford, Benchara.: A Study Of Mathematical Education
book |
345 |
Brönnimann, Rudolf: Beiträge zur Pfeilgeometrie
55 |
1925 |
book |
346 |
Gallica |
Brooke, Charles.: A synopsis of the principal formulae and results of pure mathematics
358 |
1995 |
book |
347 |
IA |
Brooke, Charles, 1804-1879: A synopsis of the principal formulae and results of pure mathematics *
book |
348 |
IA |
Brooks, Edward, 1831-1912: The philosophy of arithmetic as developed from the three fundamental processes of synthesis, analysis and comparison, containing also a history of arithmetic
book |
349 |
IA |
Brooks, Edward, 1831-1912: The philosophy of arithmetic as developed from the three fundamental processes of synthesis, analysis and comparison, containing also a history of arithmetic *
book |
350 |
IA |
Brooks, Edward, 1831-1912: The philosophy of arithmetic as developed from the three fundamental processes of synthesis, analysis and comparison, containing also a history of arithmetic * *
book |
351 |
IA |
Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron, 1778-1868: Tracts, mathematical and physical
book |
352 |
Brouncker, William Brouncker, Viscount, 1620 or 21-1684.: Commercium epistolicum de quaestionibus quibusdam mathematicis nuper habitum inter Gulielmum Vicecomitem Brouncker ... [et al.] ; editit Johannes Wallis.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
192 |
1658 |
book |
353 |
Browder, Felix E., Editor: Volume II: Mathematics into the Twenty-First Century
491 |
1992 |
book |
354 |
Michigan |
Browne, Robert T.: The mystery of space; a study of the hyperspace movement in the light of the evolution of new psychic faculties and an inquiry into the genesis and essential nature of space, by Robert T. Browne.
395 |
1919] |
book |
355 |
Browne, Thomas.: The infallible, most accurate, and most concise method of merchants accompts; exemplified and illustrated by many varieties of demonstrations ... by the memorial vulgarly called A waste-book. : Also a journal and leager, [sic] composed to make the accompt intricate or difficult ... : Also, after the ballance of the said accompt, follows two tables ... : Farther is added, some questions in arithmetick, and resolved. / By Thomas Browne ...
paid subscription required, German NatL |
67 |
1680 |
book |
356 |
Brown, John, philomath.: A collection of centers and useful proportions on the line of numbers by John Brown ...
paid subscription required, German NatL |
16 |
1670 |
book |
357 |
Michigan |
Brückner, Max.: Vielecke und vielflache. Theorie und geschichte.
227 |
1900. |
book |
358 |
Brües, Max: Zur Theorie der desmischen Flächen vierter Ordnung
55 |
1910 |
book |
359 |
Brügmann, Walther Asmus Christian: Über eine reell irreducible Gruppe von Berührungstransformationen
39 |
1906 |
book |
360 |
Bruhat, F.: Lectures on Some Aspects of p-adic Analysis
book |
361 |
Bruhat, F.: On Lie Groups and Representations of Locally Compact Groups
book |
362 |
Brunn, Josephus: De computando refractionis effectu in minorum angulorum determinationibus micrometricis
18 |
1865 |
book |
363 |
Michigan |
Brunschvicg, Léon: Les étapes de la philosophie mathématique.
588 |
1922. |
book |
364 |
Bruns, Ernst Heinrich: De proprietate quadam functionis potentialis corporum homogeneorum
25 |
1871 |
book |
365 |
Cornell |
Bruns, Heinrich: Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Kollektivmasslehre
18 |
1906 |
book |
366 |
Brutkowski, Josephus: Disquisitio analytica trium theorematum, in crellii diarii volio ...
21 |
1859 |
book |
367 |
msri |
Bryant, Chern, Gardner, Goldschmidt, and Griffiths: Exterior Differential Systems
406 |
book |
368 |
IA |
Bryant, Edward C.: Statistical Analysis
book |
369 |
msri |
Buhler, Joe and Peter Stevenhagen: Algorithmic Number Theory
652 |
2008 |
book |
370 |
IA |
Bulmer-Thomas, Ivor, 1905-1993: Selections illustrating the history of Greek mathematics (Volume 1)
book |
371 |
IA |
Bulmer-Thomas, Ivor, 1905-1993: Selections illustrating the history of Greek mathematics (Volume 2)
book |
372 |
Cornell |
Burali-Forti, Cesare: Applications à la mécanique et à la physique
143 |
1913 |
book |
373 |
Cornell |
Burali-Forti, Cesare: Corso di geometria analitico-proiettiva per gli allievi della R. Accademia Militare
267 |
1912 |
book |
374 |
Michigan |
Burali-Forti, Cesare: Geometria descrittiva.
1921-1922. |
book |
375 |
Cornell |
Burali-Forti, Cesare: Introduction à la géométrie différentielle, suivant la méthode de H. Grassmann
165 |
1897 |
book |
376 |
Cornell |
Burali-Forti, Cesare: Lezioni Di Geometria Metrico-Proiettiva
308 |
1904 |
book |
377 |
Michigan |
Burali-Forti, Cesare: Meccanica razionale.
425 |
1921. |
book |
378 |
Michigan |
Burgatti, Pietro: Lezioni di meccanica razionale.
544 |
[1919] |
book |
379 |
Michigan |
Burkhardt, Heinrich: Funktionentheoretische Vorlesungen.
1920-1921. |
book |
380 |
Cornell |
Burkhardt, Heinrich Friedrich: Theory of functions of a complex variable, Authorized translation from the 4th German ed., with the addition of figures and exercises, by S. E. Rasor
432 |
book |
381 |
Cornell |
Burkhardt, Heinrich Friedrich: Vorlesungen über die Elemente der Differential- und Integralrechnung und ihre Anwendung zur Beschreibung von Naturerscheinungen, mit 38 Figuren im Text
252 |
1907 |
book |
382 |
Burkill, J.C.: On Approximation by Polynomials
book |
383 |
Bürklen, O. Th.: Formelsammlung und Repetitorium der Mathematik. Dritte Auflage.
227 |
1926 |
book |
384 |
IA |
Burnham, Reuben Wesley, 1873-: Mathematics for machinists
book |
385 |
Cornell |
Burnside, William Snow: An Introduction to Determinants, Being a Chapter from the Theory of Equations
84 |
1899 |
book |
386 |
IA |
Burnside, William Snow.: The Theory Of Equations Vol I
book |
387 |
Michigan |
Burnside, William Snow, 1839-: The theory of equations: with an introduction to the theory of binary algebraic forms.
496 |
1881. |
book |
388 |
IA |
Burrard, Colonel S.G.: Account Of The Operations Of The Great Trigonometrical Survey Of India Vol XVIII
book |
389 |
Michigan |
Busche, Edmund: Grundzüge einer rechnenden Geometrie der Lage.
1890-1891. |
book |
390 |
Busse, Friedrich: Ueber eine specielle conforme Abbildung der Flächen constanten Krümmungsmasses auf die Ebene
33 |
1896 |
book |
391 |
IA |
B virus - Sloan School of Management: An exploratory analysis of radioimmunoassays data : establishing subtypes of the hepatitis
book |
392 |
Michigan |
Byerly, William Elwood: An elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal harmonics with applications to problems in mathematical physics.
287 |
1893. |
book |
393 |
Michigan |
Byerly, William Elwood: Elements of the integral calculus, with a key to the solution of differential equations, and A short table of integrals.
32 |
1892. |
book |
394 |
Michigan |
Byerly, William Elwood: Introduction to the calculus of variations, by William Elwood Byerly.
1917. |
book |
395 |
IA |
Byrne, Oliver: A short practical treatise on spherical trigonometry : containing a few simple rules, by which the great difficulties to be encountered by the student in this branch of mathematics are effectually obviated
book |