DML: Digital Mathematics Library
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Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs

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Contains links to 4609 digitized books (> 647486 pages )
and to 577 digitized journals/seminars (> 4303824 pages).
(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.)

Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Library",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003 [Local Copy]
A similar list is offered at

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Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an
overview of the repositories.

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Author:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
Title:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Remark: Repositories marked by '*' require paid subscription.

Nr. Repository: Author, Title (Books only): Pages: Year(s): Type:
1 MPIWG Tacquet, André (1612 - 1660):: Elementa geometriae planae ac solidae : quibus accedunt selecta ex Archimede theoremata 203 1683 book
2 Michigan Tait, Peter Guthrie: Dynamics. 361 1895. book
3 Gallica Tait, Peter Guthrie.: Scientific papers 498 1995 book
4 Gallica Tait, Peter Guthrie.: Scientific papers * 500 1995 book
5 Gallica Tait, Peter Guthrie.: Traité élémentaire des quaternions 306 1995 book
6 Gallica Tait, Peter Guthrie.: Traité élémentaire des quaternions * 312 1995 book
7 IA Tait, Peter Guthrie, 1831-1901: Scientific papers (Volume 1) book
8 IA Tait, Peter Guthrie, 1831-1901: Scientific papers (Volume 2) book
9 IA Talbott, John L: The western practical arithmetic : wherein the rules are illustrated, and their principles explained : containing a great variety of exercises, particularly adapted to the currency of the United States : with an appendix containing the canceling system, abbreviations in multiplication, mensuration, and the roots : designed for the use of schools and private students book
10 Cornell Tanner, J. H.: An elementary course in analytic geometry 282 book
11 Michigan Tannery, Jules: Éléments de la théorie des fonctions elliptiques. 1893-1902. book
12 Cornell Tannery, Jules: Introduction à la théorie des fonctions d'une variable (Volume 1) book
13 Cornell Tannery, Jules: Introduction à la théorie des fonctions d'une variable (Volume 2) book
14 Cornell Tannery, Jules: Leçons d'algèbre et d'analyse, à l'usage des élèves des classes de mathématiques spéciales (Volume 1) 1906 book
15 Cornell Tannery, Jules: Leçons d'algèbre et d'analyse, à l'usage des élèves des classes de mathématiques spéciales (Volume 2) 1906 book
16 Gallica Tannery, Jules .: Introduction à la théorie des fonctions d'une variable 401 1995 book
17 Gallica Tannery, Jules.: Nombres irrationnels, ensembles, limites, séries, produits infinis, fonctions élémentaires, dérivées 422 1995 book
18 Gallica Tannery, Paul.: La correspondance de Descartes dans les inédits du fonds libri 94 1995 book
19 Gallica Tannery, Paul.: Notions de mathématiques 352 1995 book
20 Michigan Tarleton, Francis Alexander.: An introduction to the mathematical theory of attraction ... 1899-1913. book
21 MPIWG Tartaglia, Niccolò (ca. 1499 - 1557):: General trattato di numeri, et misure. Bd. 3: La terza parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure : nel quale si dechiarano i primi principii, et la prima parte della geometria, con bellissimo, et facilissimo modo.. La quarta parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure : nella quale si riducono in numeri quasi la maggior parte delle figure .. La quinta parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure : nella quale si mostra il modo de essequire con il compasso .. La sesta parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure : nella quale se delvicida quella antica pratica speculativa .. 1560 book
22 Cornell Taylor, Charles: An introduction to the ancient and modern geometry of conics, being a geometrical treatise on the conic sections with a collection of problems and historical notes and prolegomena 384 1881 book
23 Michigan Taylor, Charles: The geometry of conics. 88 1872. book
24 IA Taylor, James M.: Plane And Spherical Trigonometry * book
25 EEBO* Taylor, John, 1666 or 7-1687.: The semicircle on a sector in two books. Containing the description of a general and portable instrument; whereby most problems (reducible to instrumental practice) in astronomy, trigonometry, arithmetick, geometry, geography, topography, navigation, dyalling, &c. are speedily and exactly resolved. By J. T. paid subscription required, German NatL 152 1667 book
26 EEBO* Taylor, John, mathematician.: Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of the mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetik, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying. ... : to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines and log-tangents : illustrated with several mathematical sculptures on copper plates / by John Taylor ... paid subscription required, German NatL 526 1692 book
27 EEBO* Taylor, John, mathematician.: Tresaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor. paid subscription required, German NatL 530 1687 book
28 Michigan Taylor, T. U. (Thomas Ulvan): The elements of plane and spherical trigonometry, by Thomas U. Taylor and Charles Puryear. 67 1902. book
29 IA Ted Martin, William.: Elements Of Pure And Applied Mathematics book
30 Michigan Tessari, Domenico: La cinematica applicata alle macchine ad uso delle scuole d'applicazione per gli ingegneri degli ingegneri, e costruttori meccanici ... 133 1890. book
31 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 10, no.1) book
32 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 10, no.2) book
33 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 11, no.1) book
34 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 11, no.2) book
35 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 11, no.3) book
36 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 12, no.1) book
37 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 12, no.2) book
38 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 12, no.3) book
39 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 13, no.1) book
40 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 14, no.1) book
41 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 14, no.2) book
42 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 15, no.1) book
43 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 15, no.2) book
44 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 15, no.3) book
45 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 16, no.1) book
46 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 16, no.2) book
47 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 17, no.1) book
48 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 18, no.1) book
49 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 19, no.1) book
50 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 1, no.2) book
51 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 21) book
52 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 22) book
53 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 2, no.1) book
54 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 3, no.2) book
55 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 4, no.1) book
56 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 7, no.2) book
57 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 7, no.3) book
58 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 8, no.1) book
59 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 8, no.2) book
60 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 8, no.3) book
61 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 9, no.1) book
62 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 9, no.2) book
63 IA Texas, University of. Publication. Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin: Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin (Volume 9, no.3) book
64 GDZ Thaer, Friedrich Hermann: Analytische Beiträge zur Lehre vom Kegelschnittsystem <3 p, 1 l> 34 1911 book
65 IA The Commision on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council: Computational Modeling and Mathematics Applied to the Physical Sciences book
66 IA The Commision on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council: Computational Modeling and Mathematics Applied to the Physical Sciences * book
67 IA The Commision on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council: Renewing U.S.Mathematics Critical Resource for the Future book
68 IA The Commision on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council: Renewing U.S.Mathematics Critical Resource for the Future * book
69 IA The Commision On Physical Sciences, Mathematics, And Resources, National Research Council: Renewing U.S.Mathematics Critical Resource For The Future book
70 IA Theodore Lindquist: Junior High School Mathematics * * * * book
71 IA Theodore Lindquist: Junior High School Mathematics * * * * * * book
72 IA Theodore Lindquist: Junior High School Mathematics * * * * * * * * * * book
73 IA Theodore Lindquist: Mathematics for Freshman Students of Engineering book
74 IA Theodor Schmid: Darstellende Geometrie book
75 EEBO* Theodosius, 1st cent. B.C.: Theodosii Sphaerica methodo nova illustrata, & succinctè demonstrata / per Isaacum Barrow ... paid subscription required, German NatL 45 1675 book
76 Gallica Théon de Smyrne.: Exposition des connaissances mathématiques utiles pour la lecture de Platon 403 1995 book
77 Cornell Thiele, Thorwald Nicolai: Interpolationsrechnung 175 1909 book
78 IA Thiele, T. N. (Thorvald Nicolai), 1838-1910: Theory of observations bookS
79 GDZ Thieme, Hermann: Ueber die Flächen zweiten Grades, für welche zwei Flächen zweiten Grades zu einander polar sind 27 1877 book
80 IA Thinking in Mathematics. In Answer To a Pamphlet of Philalethes Cantabrigiensis, intituled, Geometry no Friend to Infidelity, or a Defence of Sir Isaac Newton, and the British Mathematicisn - Berkeley, George, 1685-1753: A Defence of Free book
81 Cornell Thomae, J (Johannes): Elementare theorie der analytischen Functionen einer complexen Veränderlichen 150 1898 book
82 Cornell Thomae, J (Johannes): Ueber eine specielle Klasse Abelscher Functionen 57 1877 book
83 Cornell Thomae, J (Johannes): Ueber eine specielle Klasse Abelscher Functionen vom Geschlecht 3 52 1879 book
84 Cornell Thomae, J (Johannes): Vorlesungen über bestimmte Integrale und die Fourierschen Reihen. Mit 10 Figuren im Text 182 1908 book
85 Michigan Thomae, J. (Johannes): Die Kegelschnitte in rein projectiver Behandlung. 181 1894. book
86 Michigan Thomae, J. (Johannes): Grundriss einer analytische Geometrie der Ebene, von J. Thomae. 183 1906. book
87 IA Thomas Fisher: Mathematics Simplified and Made Attractive: Or, The Laws of Motion Explained book
88 IA Thomas Heath Sir.: A History Of Greek Mathematics Vol II book
89 IA Thomas Kimber: A key to the Course of mathematics for the first B.A. & first B.Sc. pass examinations in the ... book
90 IA Thomas Kimber , London univ: A key to the matriculation course of mathematics [&c.]. book
91 IA Thomas Little Heath: A History of Greek Mathematics book
92 IA Thomas Muir, Sir.: Contributions To The History Of Determinants 1900 1920 book
93 IA Thomas O'Conor Sloane: Elementary Electrical Calculations: A Manual of Simple Engineering Mathematics, Covering the ... book
94 IA Thomas Stephens Davies, Stephen Fenwick , William Rutherford: An Elementary Course of Mathematics book
95 IA Thomas Stephens Davies, Stephen Fenwick , William Rutherford: An Elementary Course of Mathematics * book
96 GDZ Thomé, Ludovicus Guilelmus: De seriebus secundum functiones quae vocantur sphaericae, progredientibus 23 1865 book
97 Michigan Thompson, T. Perronet (Thomas Perronet): Theory of parallels. 20 1840. book
98 Cornell Thomson, Ansle William Haugh: A new analysis of plane geometry, finite and differential, with numerous examples 120 1914 book
99 Cornell Thomson, James: An introduction to the differential and integral calculus; with an appendix, illustrative of the theory of curves and other subjects 310 1849 book
100 IA Thomson, James B. (James Bates), 1808-1883: A commercial arithmetic : designed for academies, high schools, counting rooms, and business colleges book
101 IA Thomson, L. M. Milne: The Calculus Of Finite Differences book
102 Michigan Thomson, William.: An introduction to determinants, with numerous examples, for the use of schools and colleges, by William Thomson. 101 1882. book
103 IA Thrall, R.M.: Decision Processes book
104 IA Thurston, E. L. (Ernest Lawton), b. 1873: Business arithmetic for secondary schools book
105 Michigan Tiedemann, Kurt: Zur Theorie der Elimination ... 63 1912. book
106 Michigan Tietze, Heinrich: Über analysis situs / 32 [1923] book
107 IA Tiffany, Henry Stanton, 1845-1914: Tiffany's digest of depreciations, with the addition of numerous tables, formulas and rules for the use of architects, builders, contractors, machinists and insurance adjustors book
108 IA Timan, A.F.: Theory Of Approximation Of Functions Of A Real Variable book
109 Michigan Timerding, H. E. (Heinrich Emil): Der goldene Schnitt, von dr. H. E. Timerding. Mit 16 Figuren im Text. 57 1925. book
110 Michigan Timerding, H. E. (Heinrich Emil): Geometrie der Kräfte, von dr. H. E. Timerding. Mit 27 Textfiguren. 381 1908. book
111 Cornell Timerding, Heinrich Emil: Die Analyse des Zufalls, Mit 10 Abbildungen 1915 book
112 IA Tim O'Connor: Christian Learning, Answers And Principles book
113 IA Tim O'Connor: Christian Principles, Learning and Summaries book
114 IA Timothy Daly: Axiom Volume 1: Tutorial book
115 IA Titchmarsh, E.C.: Elgenfunction Expansions Associated With Second Order Differential Equations book
116 IA Tittel, Karl Richard, 1872-: De Gemini stoici studiis mathematicis quaestiones philologae [microform] book
117 IA Todhunter: An Elementary Treatise On Laplace Functions Lame'S Functions &Amp; Bessels Functions book
118 Cornell Todhunter, I: A history of the mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth from the time of Newton to that of Laplace (Volume 1) 1873 book
119 Cornell Todhunter, I: A history of the mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth from the time of Newton to that of Laplace (Volume 2) 1873 book
120 IA Todhunter, I: A Histroy Of The Calculus Of Variations book
121 Cornell Todhunter, I: An elementary treatise on the theory of equations, with a collection of examples 328 1875 book
122 Cornell Todhunter, I: A treatise on plane co-ordinate geometry as applied to the straight line and the conic sections 358 1881 book
123 Cornell Todhunter, I: A treatise on the integral calculus and its applications with numerous examples 408 1889 book
124 Cornell Todhunter, I: Solutions to problems contained in "A treatise on plane coordinate geometry", ed. by C. W. Bourne 175 1887 book
125 Cornell Todhunter, I: Spherical trigonometry, for the use of colleges and schools. With numerous examples 158 1886 book
126 Michigan Todhunter, I. (Isaac): Examples of analytical geometry of three dimensions. Collected by I. Todhunter. 88 1878. book
127 IA Todhunter, I. (Isaac), 1820-1884: The conflict of studies and other essays on subjects connected with education. book
128 IA Todhunter, Ralph.: Institute Of Actuaries Text Book Part I book
129 Cornell Tolman, Richard Chace: The theory of the relativity of motion 242 1917 book
130 msri Tom Cecil and S.-S. Chern: Tight and Taut Submanifolds 349 1997 book
131 Michigan Tonelli, Leonida: Fondamenti di calcolo delle variazioni. [1921-23] book
132 Michigan Toulouse, Édouard: Henri Poincaré par le Dr Toulouse. 204 [1910]. book
133 Cornell Townsend, Edgar Jerome: Functions of a complex variable * 384 1915 book
134 Cornell Townsend, Richard: Chapters on the modern geometry of the point, line, and circle; being the substance of lectures delivered in the University of Dublin to the candidates for honors of the first year in arts (Volume 1) 1863 book
135 Cornell Townsend, Richard: Chapters on the modern geometry of the point, line, and circle; being the substance of lectures delivered in the University of Dublin to the candidates for honors of the first year in arts (Volume 2) 1863 book
136 GDZ Treibich, Max: Über die Polarkurve zum Steinerschen Strahlenbüschel 73 1912 book
137 GDZ Treu, Johannes Ernst Max: Rotations- und Schraubenflächen konstanter positiver Totalkrümmung sowie solche von konstanter mittlerer Krümmung 37 1913 book
138 Michigan Treutlein, P. (Peter): Der geometrische Anschauungsunterricht als Unterstufe eines zweistufigen geometrischen Unterrichtes an unseren höheren Schulen, von P. Treutlein mit einem Einführungswort von F. Klein und mit 38 Tafeln und 87 Abbildungen im Text. 216 1911. book
139 Michigan Treutlein, P. (Peter): Geschichte unserer Zahlzeichen und Entwickelung der Ansichten über Dieselbe. 94 1875 book
140 MISC Tropfke, Johannes: Geschichte der Elementar-Mathematik in systematischer Darstellung 350 1902 book
141 MISC Tropfke, Johannes: Geschichte der Elementar-Mathematik in systematischer Darstellung * 496 1903 book
142 MPIWG Tschirnhaus, Ehrenfried Walther von:: Gründliche Anleitung zu nützlichen Wissenschaften [Wissenschafften], absonderlich zu der Mathesi und Physica : Wie sie anitzo von den Gelehrtesten abgehandelt werden 32 1700 book
143 IA Turnbull, H.W.: Theory Of Equations book
144 Michigan Turnbull, William Peverill.: An introduction to analytical plane geometry ... 264 1867. book
145 IA Tuttle, Lucius, 1877-: The theory of measurements book
146 GDZ Tyndall, John; Faraday, Michael; Helmholtz, Hermann: Faraday und seine Entdeckungen 228 1870 book

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