Nr. |
Repository: |
Author, Title (Books only): |
Pages: |
Year(s): |
Type: |
1 |
IA |
book |
2 |
Fabri, Ottavio (16./17. Jh.):: L' vso [uso] del la sqvadra [squadra] mobile : con la quale per teorica, pratica si misura geometricamente ogni distanza, altezza, e profondità
56 |
1615 |
book |
3 |
Michigan |
Fabry, Eugène: Problèmes de mecanique rationnelle.
425 |
1915. |
book |
4 |
Faerber, Carl: Herleitung von Kriterien für die Anzahl reeller Wurzeln von Gleichungen <speciell der allgemeinen viergliedrigen und der Gleichungen vom fünften Grade> aus der Beschaffenheit ihrer Discriminantenmannigfaltigkei
68 |
1889 |
book |
5 |
Michigan |
Faifofer, Aureliano: Elementi di geometria ad uso degl' instituti tecnici (1°biennio) e dei licei, per Aureliano Faifofer.
1890. |
book |
6 |
Michigan |
Failor, Isaac Newton: Plane and solid geometry.
418 |
1906 |
book |
7 |
Michigan |
Fainberg, Meyer: Bestimmung einer Minimalfläche, deren Begrenzung aus zwei parallelen Ebenen gelegenen geradlinigen Winkeln besteht.
20 |
1912. |
book |
8 |
Falckenberg, Hans: Verzweigungen von Lösungen nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen
33 |
1912 |
book |
9 |
Michigan |
Falkenhagen, Jurgen Heinrich Moritz.: De rollende beweging van een omwentelingslichaam over een horizontaal vlak onder de werking der zwaartekracht.
125 |
1903. |
book |
10 |
Fanta, Werner: Über die angenäherte Auflösung von gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen und Anwendung auf Probleme der Mechanik
41 |
1931 |
book |
11 |
Farrell , F.T.: Surgical Methods in Rigidity
book |
12 |
Fatio de Duillier, Nicolas, 1664-1753.: Nicolai Fatii Duillierii, R.S.S. Lineae brevissimi descensus investigatio geometrica duplex cui addita est investigation geometrica solidi rotundi in quod minima fiat resistentia.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
25 |
1699 |
book |
13 |
IA |
Fee, Greg: Catalan's Constant [Ramanujan's Formula]
book |
14 |
Michigan |
Fehr, Henri: Application de la méthode vectorielle de Grassmann à la géométrie infinitésimale.
94 |
1899. |
book |
15 |
IA |
Fehr, Henri: Enquête de l'Enseignement mathématique sur la méthode de travail des mathématiciens. Publié par H. Fehr, avec la collaboration de Th. Flournoy et Ed. Claparede
book |
16 |
Gallica |
Feliciano, Francesco.: Libro di arithmetica et geometria speculativa et praticale
1995 |
book |
17 |
IA |
Felix Klein: Lectures on Mathematics
book |
18 |
IA |
Felix Klein , Alexander Ziwet: The Evanston Colloquium: Delivered from Aug. 28 to Sept. 9, 1893, Before Members of the Congress ...
book |
19 |
IA |
Felix Klein , Alexander Ziwet: The Evanston Colloquium: Delivered from Aug. 28 to Sept. 9, 1893, Before Members of the Congress ... *
book |
20 |
IA |
Felix Klein , Alexander Ziwet: The Evanston Colloquium: Delivered from Aug. 28 to Sept. 9, 1893, Before Members of the Congress ... * *
book |
21 |
IA |
Felix Klein , Alexander Ziwet: The Evanston Colloquium: Lectures on Mathematics Delivered from Aug. 28 to Sept. 9, 1893 Before ...
book |
22 |
IA |
Fels Ritt Joseph.: Differential Equations From The Algebraic Standpoint
book |
23 |
Fenchel, Werner: Über Krümmung und Windung geschlossener Raumkurven
19 |
1929 |
book |
24 |
Fender, Walther: Zur Theorie von verallgemeinerten Bernoullischen und Eulerschen Zahlen
59 |
1911 |
book |
25 |
IA |
Ferdinand August Müller: Das Problem der Continuität in Mathematik und Mechanik: Historische und systematische Beiträge
book |
26 |
IA |
Ferguson, James, 1710-1776: Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles : and made easy to those who have not studied mathematics : to which are added, a plain method of finding the distances of all the planets from the sun, by the transit of Venus over the sun's disc, in the year 1761 : an account of Mr. Horrox's observation of the transit of Venus in the year 1639 : and, of the distances of all the planets from the sun, as deduced from observations of the transit in the year 1761
book |
27 |
IA |
Fergusson, John Coleman: Percentage unit of angular measurement, with logarithms; also a description of his percentage theodolite and percentage compass, for the use of surveyors, navigating officers, civil and military engineers, universities and colleges
book |
28 |
Michigan |
Fermat, Pierre de: OEuvres de Fermat, publiées par les soins de MM. Paul Tannery et Charles Henry sous les auspices du Ministère de l'instruction publique.
1891-1912. |
book |
29 |
IA |
Ferrar, W.L: Algebra
book |
30 |
Cornell |
Ferrers, N. M.: An elementary treatise on spherical harmonics and subjects connected with them
160 |
1877 |
book |
31 |
Michigan |
Ferris, Charles Edward: Elements of descriptive geometry, by Charles E. Ferris.
127 |
[c1904] |
book |
32 |
Feyer, Edwin: Asymptotische Darstellung gewisser meromorpher Funktionen
59 |
1919 |
book |
33 |
Michigan |
Fialkowski, Nicolaus.: Die vollständige Trisection des Winkels.
1893. |
book |
34 |
Michigan |
Fick, Adolf: Philosophischer Versuch über die Wahrscheinlichkeiten.
46 |
1883. |
book |
35 |
Cornell |
Fiedler, Ernst Wilhelm: Cyklographie, oder Construction der Aufgaben über Kreise und Kugeln und elementare Geometrie der Kries- und Kugel-Systeme
263 |
1882 |
book |
36 |
Cornell |
Fiedler, Otto Wilhelm: Die darstellende Geometrie in organischer Verbindung mit der Geometrie der Lage (Volume 1)
417 |
1883 |
book |
37 |
Cornell |
Fiedler, Otto Wilhelm: Die darstellende Geometrie in organischer Verbindung mit der Geometrie der Lage (Volume 2)
630 |
1883 |
book |
38 |
Cornell |
Fiedler, Otto Wilhelm: Die darstellende Geometrie in organischer Verbindung mit der Geometrie der Lage (Volume 3)
697 |
1883 |
book |
39 |
Michigan |
Fiedler, Wilhelm: Cyklographie, oder Construction der Aufgaben über Kreise und Kugeln und elementare Geometrie der Kries- und Kugel-Systeme.
263 |
1882. |
book |
40 |
Michigan |
Field, Peter: Introduction to analytical mechanics.
378 |
1912. |
book |
41 |
Michigan |
Field, Peter: On the forms of unicursal quintic curves...
15 |
1904. |
book |
42 |
Michigan |
Field, Peter: Projective geometry, with applications to engineering, by Peter Field.
98 |
1923. |
book |
43 |
IA |
Filonenko Borodich M.: Theory Of Elastcity
book |
44 |
Michigan |
Fine, Henry B. (Henry Burchard): Coordinate geometry, by Henry Burchard Fine and Henry Dallas Thompson.
300 |
1909. |
book |
45 |
Finé, Oronce (1494 - 1555):: Arithmetica practica, libris qvatuor [quatuor] absoluta, omnibus qui Mathematicas ipsas tractare volunt perutilis, admodúmque necessaria: ex nouissima [novissima] authoris recognitione, amplior, ac emendatior facta
107 |
1542 |
book |
46 |
Finé, Oronce (1494 - 1555):: In sex prioris libros geometricorum elementorum Euclides Megarensis demonstrationis
152 |
1544 |
book |
47 |
Finé, Oronce (1494 - 1555):: Liber de geometria practica : sive de practicis longitudinum, planorum [et] solidorum hoc est, linearum, superficierum [et] corporum mensionibus alijsque mechanicis, ex demonstratis Euclidis elementis corollarius ; vbi [ubi] et de quadrato geometrico, et virgis seu baculis mensorijs [mensoriis]
113 |
1558 |
book |
48 |
Finé, Oronce (1494 - 1555):: Opere di Orontio Fineo del Delfinato : diuise [divise] in cinque parti ; arimetica, geometria, cosmografia, e oriuoli [orivoli] .. et gli specchi
1587 |
book |
49 |
Finger, Carl: Einteilung der rationalen Raumkurven vierter Ordnung
29 |
1911 |
book |
50 |
IA |
Finkel, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1865-1947: A mathematical solution book containing systematic solutions to many of the most difficult problems. Taken from the leading authors on arithmetic and algebra, many problems and solutions from geometry, trigonometry and calculus, many problems and solutions from the leading mathematical journals of the United States, and many original problems and solutions
book |
51 |
Cornell |
Fink, Karl: A brief history of mathematics, an authorized translation of Dr. Karl Fink's Geschichte der Elementar-mathematik, by W. W. Beman ... and D. E. Smith
333 |
1900 |
book |
52 |
IA |
Fink, Karl, 1851-1898: A brief history of mathematics; an authorized translation of Geschichte der elementar Mathematik
book |
53 |
IA |
Finney, H. A. (Harry Anson), 1886-: Modern business arithmetic, complete course
book |
54 |
Finsler, Paul: Über Kurven und Flächen in allgemeinen Räumen
121 |
1918 |
book |
55 |
Fischer, Arthur: Ueber eine zyklische Fläche vierter Ordnung
62 |
1913 |
book |
56 |
Fischer, Godofredus Eduardus: De superficierum pedalium theorematibus quibusdam
29 |
1859 |
book |
57 |
Fischer, Karl: Ueber kanonische Systeme algebraischer Functionen einer Veränderlichen, die einem Gattungsbereich dritter oder vierter Ordnung angehören
31 |
1896 |
book |
58 |
IA |
Fisher, Arne: An elementary treatise on frequency curves and their application in the analysis of death curves and life tables
book |
59 |
Michigan |
Fisher, Irving: A brief introduction to the infinitesimal calculus.
84 |
1897. |
book |
60 |
IA |
Fisher, Marshall Lee: Constructive duality for discrete optimization
book |
61 |
IA |
Fish, J. C. L. John Charles Lounsbury) 1870-1962: Mathematics of the paper location of a railroad
book |
62 |
IA |
Fish, John Charles Lounsbury: Mathematics of the paper location of a railroad *
book |
63 |
Cornell |
Fiske, Thomas Scott: Functions of a complex variable
99 |
1907 |
book |
64 |
Cornell |
Fitzgerald, George F.: Lord Kelvin, professor of natural philosophy in the University of Glasgow 1846-1899, with and essay on his scientific work by George F. Fitzgerald...and an account of the celebrations on the occasion of Lord Kelvin's jubilee as a professor.
86 |
1899 |
book |
65 |
Fleischmann, Kurt: Die geodätischen Linien auf Rotationsflächen
89 |
1915 |
book |
66 |
Gallica |
Fleury, Pierre-Henry (1833?-190.?).: Théorie élémentaire des convergents des fonctions d'une seule variable
1865 |
book |
67 |
Cornell |
Floquet, Gaston: Sur la théorie des équations differentielles linéaires
132 |
1879 |
book |
68 |
Michigan |
Floquet, Gaston.: Sur la théorie des équations differentielles linéaires.
132 |
1879. |
book |
69 |
IA |
Florian Cajori: A History of Elementary Mathematics
book |
70 |
IA |
Florian Cajori: A History of Elementary Mathematics: With Hints on Methods of Teaching
book |
71 |
IA |
Florian Cajori: A History of Mathematics
book |
72 |
IA |
Florian Cajori: A History of Mathematics ...
book |
73 |
IA |
Florian Cajori: A History of Mathematics *
book |
74 |
IA |
Florian Cajori: A History of Mathematics * *
book |
75 |
IA |
Florian Cajori: The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States
book |
76 |
IA |
Florian Cajori: The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States *
book |
77 |
IA |
Florian Cajori: The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States * *
book |
78 |
IA |
Florian Cajori: The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States * * *
book |
79 |
Flory, François.: The practise of cifering made by Fraunces Flory of Lyle, arithmetician ; contayning all sortes of accompts daily used amongst the merchants in the citie of Antwerpe ... all put in good order & briefe, very profitable for merchaunts in there affayres ; translated out of French into English by Iohn Waddington grocer, 1591.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
64 |
1593 |
book |
80 |
Flükiger, H.: Die Flächenteilung des Dreiecks mit Hilfe der Hyperbel ; <Mit 3 Taf.>
61 |
1910 |
book |
81 |
Folland, G.B.: On Partial Differential Equations
book |
82 |
Fölsing, Johann Heinrich: Disquisitiones de integralibus definitis
40 |
1836 |
book |
83 |
Michigan |
Fontené, G. (Georges): L'hyperspace à (n-1) dimensions.
1892. |
book |
84 |
Michigan |
Föppl, August: Vorlesungen über technische Mechanik, von Dr. Aug. Föppl.
1901-10. |
book |
85 |
Michigan |
Forbes, Charles Savage: The geometry of circles orthogonal to a given sphere.
50 |
1904. |
book |
86 |
IA |
Forbes, James David, 1809-1868: A review of the progress of mathematical and physical science in more recent times : and particulary between the years 1775 and 1850 : being one of the dissertations to the eighth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica
book |
87 |
Förster, Otto: Über Cassinische Kurven auf der Pseudosphäre
54 |
1911 |
book |
88 |
Michigan |
Förster, Otto: Über Cassinische Kurven auf der Pseudosphäre.
52 |
1911. |
book |
89 |
Forster, William, fl. 1632.: Forster's arithmetick. Or, That useful art made easie Explaining the grounds and principles thereof, both in whole numbers and fractions. By such plain, easie, and familiar rules and precepts, that any person of a reasonable capacity, may (in a short time) attain to a competent proficiency therein, without the help of any tutor. Newly corrected, and much enlarged, by Henry Coley, teacher of the mathematicks.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
288 |
1686 |
book |
90 |
Cornell |
Forsyth, Andrew Russell: A treatise on differential equations.
424 |
1885 |
book |
91 |
Cornell |
Forsyth, Andrew Russell: Lectures introductory to the theory of functions of two complex variables; delivered to the University of Calcutta during January and February 1913
281 |
1914 |
book |
92 |
Cornell |
Forsyth, Andrew Russell: Lectures on Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
525 |
1912 |
book |
93 |
Michigan |
Forsyth, Andrew Russell: Lehrbuch der Differential-Gleichungen, von Dr. Andrew Russell Forsyth. Mit einem Anhange: Die Resultate der im lehrbuche angeführten Übungsaufgaben enthaltend, hrsg. von H. Maser. Autorisierte Übersetzung.
742 |
1889. |
book |
94 |
Michigan |
Forsyth, Andrew Russell: Theory of differential equations.
1890-1906. |
book |
95 |
Michigan |
Forsyth, Andrew Russell: Theory of functions of a complex variable, by A. R. Forsyth.
682 |
1893. |
book |
96 |
IA |
Forsyth, A. R: A Treatise On Differential Equations * *
book |
97 |
IA |
Forsyth, A.R.: Geometry Of Four Dimensions Vol II
book |
98 |
IA |
Forsyth, A.R.: Intrinsic Geometry Of Ideal Space Vol II
book |
99 |
Michigan |
Fortin, C.: Cours de trigonométrie, conforme aux programmes de 1905 et contenant 300 exercices, par C. Fortin.
[c1911] |
book |
100 |
Foster, Samuel, d. 1652.: Miscellanies, or Mathematical lucubrations of Mr. Samuel Foster published and many of them translated into English by the care and industry of John Twysden.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
346 |
1659 |
book |
101 |
Gallica |
Fourier, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph.: Oeuvres de Fourier
636 |
1995 |
book |
102 |
Gallica |
Fourier, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph.: Théorie analytique de la chaleur
639 |
1995 |
book |
103 |
IA |
Fox, R.H.: Algebraic Geometry And Topology
book |
104 |
Fraenkel, Abraham Adolf: Einleitung in die Mengenlehre
422 |
1928 |
book |
105 |
Fraenkel, Adolf: Über die Teiler der Null und die Zerlegung von Ringen
45 |
1914 |
book |
106 |
IA |
François Joseph Picavet: Gerbert: un pape philosophe d'après l'histoire et d'après la légende
book |
107 |
IA |
Francis Campin: A treatise on mathematics, as applied to the contructive arts
book |
108 |
IA |
Francis William Newman: Mathematical Tracts ...
book |
109 |
IA |
Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, (: Mathematical Psychics: An Essay on the Application of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences
book |
110 |
IA |
Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, (: Mathematical Psychics: An Essay on the Application of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences *
book |
111 |
Gallica |
Francoeur, Louis-Benjamin (1773-1849).: Cours de mathématiques pures
2002 |
book |
112 |
Gallica |
Francoeur, Louis-Benjamin (1773-1849).: Cours de mathématiques pures *
533 |
2002 |
book |
113 |
IA |
Frank Castle: Elementary Practical Mathematics
book |
114 |
Franke, Julius Hermann: Die Dreiecksnetze vierter Ordnung als Grundlagen geodätischer Detail-Aufnahmen zu technischen oder staatswirthschaftliochen Zwecken
262 |
1871 |
book |
115 |
Michigan |
Frankland, Francis William Barret: Theories of parallelism; an historical critique, by William Barret Frankland.
1910. |
book |
116 |
Cornell |
Frankland, William Barrett: Theories of Parallelism: An Historical Critique
70 |
1910 |
book |
117 |
IA |
Franklin, F. W. (Frederick William): Thoughts on ultimate problems : being a series of short studies theological and metaphysical subjects (chiefly on specially controverted points)
book |
118 |
IA |
Frank Moulton Saxelby: A Course in Practical Mathematics
book |
119 |
IA |
Frank S. Pugh: First Book in General Mathematics
book |
120 |
IA |
Frederick Shenstone Woods, Frederick Harold Bailey: A Course in Mathematics: For Students in Engineering and Applied Science
book |
121 |
IA |
Frederick Shenstone Woods, Frederick Harold Bailey: Analytic Geometry and Calculus
book |
122 |
IA |
Frederick Shenstone Woods, Frederick Harold Bailey: Analytic Geometry and Calculus *
book |
123 |
IA |
Frederick Shenstone Woods, Frederick Harold Bailey: Analytic Geometry and Calculus * *
book |
124 |
Freitag, Wilhelm: Diskussion des dreifach orthogonalen Flächensystems, dessen eine Schar in Cartesischen Koordinaten durch die Gleichung x m.y n.z n = c dargestellt wird
28 |
1904 |
book |
125 |
Michigan |
Frenet, Jean Frédéric: Recueil d'exercices sur le calcul infinitésimal à l'usage des candidats à l'École polytechnique et à l'École normale, des élèves de ces écoles, et des aspirants à la licence es sciences mathématiques, par F. Frenet.
556 |
1917 |
book |
126 |
IA |
Frères des écoles chrétiennes: Introduction au traité d'arithmétique commerciale [microforme]
book |
127 |
Fresenius, F. C.: Die psychologischen Grundlagen der Raumwissenschaft
193 |
1868 |
book |
128 |
Freudenthal, Hans: Über die Enden topologischer Räume und Gruppen
27 |
1931 |
book |
129 |
Freund, Georgius Augustus: De aeris motu circa cylindrum qui rotatur
18 |
1862 |
book |
130 |
Freundlich, Erwin: Analytische Funktionen mit beliebig vorgeschriebenem unendlich-blättrigem Existenzbereiche
41 |
1910 |
book |
131 |
IA |
Freund, Robert Michael: On Kuhn's strong cubical lemma
book |
132 |
Michigan |
Freycinet, Charles de: De l'expérience en géométrie, par C. de Freycinet.
178 |
1903. |
book |
133 |
Gallica |
Freycinet, Charles Louis de Saulces de (1828-1923): Sur les principes de la mécanique rationnelle
167 |
1902 |
book |
134 |
Cornell |
Fricke, Robert: Hauptsätze der Differential- und Integral-Rechnung, als Leitfaden zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen
215 |
1902 |
book |
135 |
Cornell |
Fricke, Robert: Kurzgefasste Vorlesungen über verschiedene Gebiete der höheren Mathematik mit Berücksichtigung der Anwendungen, Von Dr. Robert Fricke, Analytisch-functionentheoretischer Teil. Mit 102 in den Text gedruckten Figuren
520 |
1900 |
book |
136 |
Cornell |
Fricke, Robert: Vorlesungen über die Theorie der automorphen Functionen (Volume 1)
654 |
1897 |
book |
137 |
Cornell |
Fricke, Robert: Vorlesungen über die Theorie der automorphen Functionen (Volume 2)
693 |
1897 |
book |
138 |
Fricke, Robert; Weber, Heinrich Martin: Lehrbuch der Algebra
1410 |
1924 |
book |
139 |
IA |
Friedrich Julius Richelot: Die landen'sche Transformation in ihrer Anwendung auf die Entwickelung der ...
book |
140 |
IA |
Friedrich Ludwig Stegmann: Lehrbuch der Variationsrechnung und ihrer Anwendung bei Untersuchungen über ...
book |
141 |
Friesecke, Hans: Vektorübertragung, Richtungsübertragung und Metrik in ihren gegenseitigen Beziehungen
51 |
1923 |
book |
142 |
Cornell |
Frischauf, Johannes: Elemente der Absoluten Geometrie
142 |
1876 |
book |
143 |
Cornell |
Frischauf, Johannes: Vorlesungen über Kreis- und Kugel-Functionsreihen.
80 |
1897 |
book |
144 |
Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg: De functionum analyticarum unius variabilis per series infinitas repraesentatione
40 |
1870 |
book |
145 |
Fröhlich, Cäcilie: Die konformen Transformationen im dreidimensionalen Raum
23 |
1925 |
book |
146 |
Frucht, Robert: Über die Darstellung endlicher Abelscher Gruppen durch Kollineationen
17 |
1931 |
book |
147 |
Fry, Josephus Christophorus: De radiorum systematibus in quibus congruit utraque superficies caustica
16 |
1864 |
book |
148 |
Cornell |
Fubini, Guido: Introduzione alla teoria dei gruppi discontinui e delle funzioni automorfe
416 |
1908 |
book |
149 |
Fuchs, Lazarus: De superficierum lineis curvaturae
26 |
1858 |
book |
150 |
Michigan |
Fuchs, L. (Lazarus): Gesammelte mathematische Werke von L. Fuchs.
1904-09 |
book |
151 |
Fuchs, Richard: Ueber die Periodicitätsmoduln der hyperelliptischen Integrale als Functionen eines Verzweigungspunktes
32 |
1897 |
book |
152 |
Fueter, Rudolf: Die Theorie der Zahlstrahlen
43 |
1905 |
book |
153 |
Michigan |
Fueter, Rudolf: Die Theorie der Zahlstrahlen.
41 |
1905. |
book |
154 |
IA |
Fujisawa, Rikitaro, 1861-1933: Summary report on the teaching of mathematics in Japan
book |
155 |
IA |
Fujisawa, Rikitaro, 1861-1933: Summary report on the teaching of mathematics in Japan *
book |
156 |
IA |
Fuller, Gordon.: Analytic Geometry
book |
157 |
Michigan |
Fuller, Rufus.: A double discovery. The square of the circle, by Rufus Fuller.
book |
158 |
IA |
Fullerton, George Stuart, 1859-1925: The conception of the infinite and the solution of the mathematical antinomies [microform] : a study in psychological analysis
book |