DML: Digital Mathematics Library
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Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs

New items here since 1. 1. 2013, most recent first Start

Contains links to 4609 digitized books (> 647486 pages )
and to 577 digitized journals/seminars (> 4303824 pages).
(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.)

Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Library",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003 [Local Copy]
A similar list is offered at

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Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an
overview of the repositories.

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Author:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
Title:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Remark: Repositories marked by '*' require paid subscription.

Nr. Repository: Title, Author: Pages: Year(s): Type:
1 EuDML Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications (BJGA) 1999-2005 journal
2 icm Banach Center Publications 1976-1982 journal
3 EuDML Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis [electronic only] 2007-2008 journal
4 Wien Banach modules and functors on categories of Banach spaces (by Cigler, Johann; Losert, Viktor; Michor, Peter W.) 282 1979 book
5 IA Banach Spaces Of Analytic Functions (by Hoffman, Kenneth.) book
6 icm Banach spaces of continous functions (by Semadeni Z.) book
7 IA Barlow's tables of squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, reciprocals of all integer numbers up to 10, 000 (by Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862) book
8 IA A B C five (by figure logarithms for general use - Woodward, Charles Josiah) book
9 MPIWG Beantwortung verschiedener Fragen über die Beschaffenheit, Bewegung und Würckung [Wirkung] der Cometen [Kometen] (by [Leonhard Euler]:) 56 1744 book
10 Michigan Beginselen der beschrijvende meetkunde ... (by Jongkees, William Johan Adriaan.) 1916- book
11 Seals Beihefte zur Zeitschrift "Elemente der Mathematik" 1947--1980 journal
12 GDZ Beiträge zu einer additiven Zahlentheorie (by Vahlen, Karl Theodor) 42 1893 book
13 GDZ Beiträge zum Waringschen Problem (by Baer, Werner Siegbert) 76 1913 book
14 EuDML Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 2000-2009 journal
15 GDZ Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie * 5634 1971-1992 journal
16 EuDML Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie = Contributions to algebra and geometry 1971, 1974-1992 journal
17 GDZ Beiträge zur Auflösung der algebraischen Gleichungen 5. Grades (by Rabinowitsch, Izko-Ewna) 34 1911 book
18 Cornell Beitrage zur Geometrie der Lage (by Staudt, Karl Georg Christian von) 1856 book
19 Michigan Beiträge zur Geometrie des Dreiecks von R.O. Consentius. Nachdruck verboten. - Uebersetzungsrecht vorbehalten. (by Consdentius, Rudolf Otto.) 34 1877. book
20 Cornell Beiträge zur Interpretation der partiellen Differentialgleichungen mit drei Variabeln (by Du Bois-Reymond, Paul) 280 1864 book
21 GDZ Beiträge zur Lehre von n-fachen Mannigfaltigkeit (by Kühne, Hermann) 59 1892 book
22 GDZ Beiträge zur Lösung und Geschichte des Malfattischen Problems und seiner Erweiterungen (by Loeber, Kurt) 75 1914 book
23 Michigan Beiträge zur numerischen Lösung der Gleichnungen fünften Grades. (by Morgenstern, Arthur) 49 1907. book
24 GDZ Beiträge zur Pfeilgeometrie (by Brönnimann, Rudolf) 55 1925 book
25 Michigan Beiträge zur Potentialtheorie ... (by Hölder, Otto) 71 1882. book
26 Michigan Beiträge zur Theorie der Bewegung der Kugel, welche auf einer Ebene rollt, ohne zu gleiten... Meiningen, Druck der Keyssner'schen Hofbuchdruckerei (K. Keyssner) 1904. (by Willing, Georg) 34 book
27 Cornell Beiträge zur theorie der determinanten (by Reiss, Michel) 113 1867 book
28 GDZ Beiträge zur Theorie der Flächen mit einer Schar von Minimalgeraden (by Weickmann, Ludwig) 54 1912 book
29 Gallica Beiträge zur Theorie der Kugelfunctionen (by Neumann, Franz Ernst.) 156 1995 book
30 GDZ Beiträge zur Theorie der linearen Differentialgleichungen mit 4 und 5 singulären Stellen (by Gerstenmeier, Conrad) 89 1910 book
31 Cornell Beiträge zur Theorie der linearen Transformationen als Einleitung in die algebraische Invariantentheorie (by Scheibner, W.) 250 1907 book
32 GDZ Beiträge zur Theorie der Osculationen bei ebenen Curven dritter Ordnung (by Kötter, Ernst) 73 1884 book
33 GDZ Beiträge zur Untersuchung der harmonischen Kovarianten zweier Kegelschnitte und verwandter Kurven (by Platen, Charlotte) 68 1920 book
34 GDZ Beiträge zur Untersuchung der Sternbewegungen und der Lichtbewegung durch Spektral-Messungen (by Homann, Hans) 37 1885 book
35 IA Bell's mathematical tables; together with a collection of mathematical formulae, definitions, and theorems (by Silberstein, Ludwik) book
36 IA The Bequest Of The Greeks (by Dantzig, Tobias) book
37 Michigan Berechnung der Schwungräder und Centrifugalregulatoren. (by Kessler, Josef.) 37 1896. book
38 IA Berichte über den mathematischen Unterricht in Österreich (by International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics) book
39 Michigan Bernhard Riemann's gesammelte mathematische Werke. (by Riemann, Bernhard) 116 1902. book
40 IA Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte mathematische Werke und Wissenschaftlicher Nachlass (by Riemann, Bernhard, 1826-1866) book
41 Michigan Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte mathematische Werke und wissenschaftlicher Nachlass. (by Riemann, Bernhard) 526 1876. book
42 Michigan Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte mathematische Werke und Wissenschaftlicher Nachlass, Hrsg. unter Mitwirkung von Richard Dedekind, von Heinrich Weber. (by Riemann, Bernhard) 558 1892. book
43 JSTOR* Bernoulli partially paid subscription required, older material free 4288 1995-2000 journal
44 MPIWG Beschreibung und Gebrauch eines geometrischen Instruments in Gestalt eines Proportionalzirkels, welches in allen praktischen Fällen der Feldmeßkunst leicht und gut zu gebrauchen.. (by Brander, Georg Friedrich (1730 - 1783):) 64 1780 book
45 GDZ Bestimmung aller reellen Minimalflächen, die eine Schaar ebener Curven enthalten, denen auf der Gauss'schen Kugel die Meridiane entsprechen (by Rebstein, Jacob) 32 1895 book
46 GDZ Bestimmung der Anzahl der dreiblättrigen Riemannschen Flächen mit beliebig gegebenen Windungspunkten und der vierblättrigen mit Windungspunkten gleicher Ordnung (by Harzer, Wilhelm) 45 1913 book
47 Michigan Bestimmung einer Minimalfläche, deren Begrenzung aus zwei parallelen Ebenen gelegenen geradlinigen Winkeln besteht. (by Fainberg, Meyer) 20 1912. book
48 GDZ Bestimmung einer speciellen Minimalfläche (by Schwarz, Hermann Amandus) 121 1871 book
49 IA Best of both worlds (by Career Times - Career Times Online Limited) book
50 IA Beyond Riemann and the Random Distribution of Primes (by Remi Perron) book
51 MPIWG Beytrge [Beitrge] zur Mathematik (by Scherffer, Karl (1716 - 1783):) 225 1781 book
52 Gallica B. G. Teubner Verlag auf dem Gebiete der Mathematik, Naturwissenschaft, Technik (by B.-G.-Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft (Leipzig, Allemagne).) 92 1995 book
53 IA Bharthiya Jothirganith (by Kolhatkar, Shripad Krishna.) book
54 Cornell Bibliographie der höheren algebraischen Kurven für den Zeitabschnitt von 1890-1904, Beilage zum Jahresbericht des Königl. humanistischen Gymnasiums zu Speyer für das Schuljahr 1904/05 (by Wieleitner, Heinrich) 58 1905 book
55 Cornell Bibliography of quaternions and allied systems of mathematics (by Macfarlane, Alexander) 86 1904 book
56 IA Bibliography of Quaternions and Allied Systems of Mathematics (by Alexander Macfarlane) book
57 IA Bibliography of quaternions and allied systems of mathematics * (by Macfarlane, Alexander, 1851-1913) book
58 IA Bibliography of the teaching of mathematics, 1900 (by 1912 - Smith, David Eugene, 1860-1944) book
59 IA A bibliography of the works of Sir Isaac Newton [microform] : together with a list of books illustrating his works (by Gray, G. J. (George John), b. 1863) book
60 EEBO* Bibliotheca mathematica & medica Scarburghiana, or, The mathematical and physical parts of the famous library of Sir Charles Scarburgh ... containing a complete collection of mathematical books ... with a large collection of physick-books ... / will be sold by auction ... by Christopher Bateman ... (by Scarburgh, Charles, Sir, 1616-1694.) paid subscription required, German NatL 42 1695 book
61 IA Bija Ganita: or, The algebra of the Hindus (by Bhaskaracarya, b. 1114) book
62 IA Bijagnit (by GGeorge, Jarvishaheb) book
63 IA A binary canon : showing residues of powers of 2 for divisors under 1000, and indices to residues (by Cunningham, Allan, 1842-1928) book
64 IA A binary canon, showing residues of powers of 2 for divisor under 1000, and indices to residues (by Cunningham, Allan Joseph Champneys, 1842-) book
65 GDZ Binormalenflächen mit einer zur Striktionslinie äquidistanten Asymptotenlinie in Beziehung zu Evoluten Ribaucourscher Kurven (by Weber, Otto) 72 1914 book
66 JSTOR* Biometrics partially paid subscription required, older material free 53962 1947-2000 journal
67 JSTOR* Biometrics Bulletin partially paid subscription required, older material free 224 1945-1946 journal
68 JSTOR* Biometrika partially paid subscription required, older material free 55704 1901-1997 journal
69 IA The Bizarre Notes and Queries in History, Folk (by lore, Mathematics, Mysticism, Art, Science, Etc) book
70 IA The Bizarre Notes and Queries in History, Folk * (by lore, Mathematics, Mysticism, Art, Science, Etc) book
71 DML-CZ Bodové množiny. S dodatkem „O derivovaných číslech funkcí jedné proměnné” (by Čech, Eduard; Jarník, Vojtěch) 1936 book
72 EEBO* A boke named Tectonicon briefelye shewynge the exacte measurynge, and speady reckenynge all maner lande, squared tymber, stone, steaples, pyllers, globes. [et]c. Further, declarynge the perfecte makynge and large vse of the carpenters ruler, conteynynge a quadrant geometricall: comprehendynge also the rare vse of the squire. And in thende a little treatise adioyned, openinge the composition and appliancie of an instrument called the profitable staffe. With other thinges pleasant & necessary, most conducible for surueyers, landmeters, joyners, carpe[n]ters, and masons. Published by Leonarde Digges gentleman, in the yere of our Lorde. 1556. (by Digges, Leonard, d. 1571?) paid subscription required, German NatL 44 1556 book
73 EEBO* The boke of measurying of lande as well of woodland as plowland, & pasture in the feelde: & to compt the true nombre of acres of the same. Newly corrected, & compiled by Sir Richarde de Benese. (by Benese, Richard, d. 1546.) paid subscription required, German NatL 112 1565 book
74 EEBO* The boke of measuryng of lande as well of woodland as plowland, [and] pasture in the feelde: [and] to compt the true nombre of acres of the same. Newly corrected, [and] compiled by Sir Richarde de Benese. (by Benese, Richard, d. 1546.) paid subscription required, German NatL 112 1563 book
75 Michigan Bol-driehoeksmeting met vraagstukken, door J. Versluys. (by Versluys, Jan) 117 1921. book
76 EuDML Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. BEIO 2005-2010 journal
77 EuDML Boletín de la Asociación Matemática Venezolana 1999-2005 journal
78 EuDML Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 1946-1967, 1998-2005 journal
79 REIM Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana. Sez. A journal
80 REIM Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana. Sez. B journal
81 DML-CZ Bolzano Collection (by Bolzano, Bernhard) 1816ff book
82 IA Bonus tables: for calculating wages on the bonus or premium systems, for engineering, technical, and allied trades (by Golding, Henry Albert) book
83 IA Book of the opening of the Rice Institute : being an account of an academic festival held in celebration of the formal opening of the Rice Institute, a University of liberal and technical learning founded in the City of Houston, Texas, by William Marsh Rice and dedicated by him to the advancement of letters, science and art (Volume 1) (by William M. Rice Institute) book
84 IA Book of the opening of the Rice Institute : being an account of an academic festival held in celebration of the formal opening of the Rice Institute, a University of liberal and technical learning founded in the City of Houston, Texas, by William Marsh Rice and dedicated by him to the advancement of letters, science and art (Volume 2) (by William M. Rice Institute) book
85 IA Book of the opening of the Rice Institute : being an account of an academic festival held in celebration of the formal opening of the Rice Institute, a University of liberal and technical learning founded in the City of Houston, Texas, by William Marsh Rice and dedicated by him to the advancement of letters, science and art (Volume 3) (by William M. Rice Institute) book
86 GDZ Böschungsstrahlen und Böschungsflächen (by Ackermann, Heinrich Wilhelm Rudolf) 72 1913 book
87 IA The Boston Colloquium. Lectures on Mathematics Delivered from September 2 to ... (by American Mathematical Society Colloquium , Edward Burr Van Vleck , Henry Seely White , Frederick Shenstone Woods) book
88 IA The Boston colloquium lectures on mathematics delivered from September 2 to 5, 1903, before members of the American mathematical society in connection with the summer meeting held at the Massachusetts institute of technology, Boston, Mass (by American Mathematical Society. Colloquium (4th : 1903 : Boston, Mass.)) book
89 IA The Boston colloquium. Lectures on mathematics delivered from September 2 to 5, 1903, before members of the American Mathematical Society in connection with the summer meeting held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. (by American Mathematical Society. Colloquium (4th : 1903 : Boston, Mass.)) book
90 EuDML Boundary Value Problems 2005-2009 journal
91 IA Boxstep : a new strategy for large scale mathematical programming (by Hogan, Wiliam W) book
92 IA The Boys Own Book Of Great Inventions (by Darrow, Floyd L.) book
93 IA Branch (by and bound strategies for dynamic programming - Morin, Thomas L) book
94 IA Branch * (by and-bound strategies for dynamic programming - Morin, Thomas L) book
95 Michigan A brief account of the historical development of pseudospherical surfaces from 1827 to 1887 ... (by Coddington, Emily.) 74 1905. book
96 IA A Brief Course In Analytic Geometry (by Yefimov, N.) book
97 Michigan A brief course in the calculus, by William Cain. (by Cain, Wm. (William)) 280 1905. book
98 IA Brief History Of Mathematics (by Beman, Wooster Woodruff, 1850-1922) book
99 IA A Brief History of Mathematics (by Karl Fink, Wooster Woodruff Beman, David Eugene Smith) book
100 IA A Brief History of Mathematics * (by Karl Fink, Wooster Woodruff Beman, David Eugene Smith) book
101 IA A Brief History of Mathematics: An Authorized Translation of Dr. Karl Fink's Geschichte Der ... (by Karl Fink) book
102 IA A brief history of mathematics; an authorized translation of Dr. Karl Fink's Geschichte der elementar (by mathematik - Fink, Karl) book
103 Cornell A brief history of mathematics, an authorized translation of Dr. Karl Fink's Geschichte der Elementar-mathematik, by W. W. Beman ... and D. E. Smith (by Fink, Karl) 333 1900 book
104 IA A brief history of mathematics; an authorized translation of Geschichte der elementar Mathematik (by Fink, Karl, 1851-1898) book
105 Michigan A brief introduction to the infinitesimal calculus. (by Fisher, Irving) 84 1897. book
106 GDZ Briefwechsel zwischen Carl Friedrich Gauss und Christian Ludwig Gerling (by Gauss, Carl Friedrich; Gerling, Christian Ludwig; Schaefer, Clemens) 842 1927 book
107 Michigan Briefwechsel zwischen Carl Friedrich Gauss und Wolfgang Bolyai. (by Gauss, Carl Friedrich) 208 1899 book
108 IA Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz und Christian Wolf: Aus Den Handschriften Der Koeniglichen ... (by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff) book
109 IA Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz und Christian Wolf: Aus Den Handschriften Der Koeniglichen ... * (by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff) book
110 IA Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz und Christian Wolf: Aus Den Handschriften Der Koeniglichen ... * * (by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff) book
111 EEBO* A brief (yet full) account of the doctrine of vulgar and decimal fractions, with a specimen on their demonstrations by William Alingham, teacher of the mathematicks. (by Anon.) paid subscription required, German NatL 80 1698 book
112 IA Bright future for Hong Kong's treasury markets (by Career Times - Career Times Online Limited) book
113 Cornell Briot and Bouquet's elements of analytical geometry of two dimensions (by Briot, Charles Auguste Albert) 581 book
114 IA Bryant and Stratton's commercial arithmetic Designed for the counting room, commercial and agricultural colleges, normal and high schools, academies, and universities (by Making of America Project) book
115 Serbia Bulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Sciences mathématiques 2001--2006 journal
116 EuDML Bulletin. Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles. Sciences Mathématiques 2001-2007 journal
117 GDZ Bulletin de la Societe des Mathematiciens et Physiciens de la RP de Serbie, Yougoslavie = Vesnik Drustva Matematicara i Fizicara Narodne Republike Srbije 3678 1949-1963 journal
118 EuDML Bulletin de la Société des Mathématiciens et Physiciens de la RP de Serbie, Yougoslavie = Vesnik Društva Matematicara i Fizicara Narodne Republike Srbije 1949-1963 journal
119 EuDML Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 1872-2000 journal
120 NUMDAM Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France * 45774 1872-1992 journal
121 EuDML Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques et Astronomiques 1870-1884 journal
122 JSTOR* Bulletin of Symbolic Logic partially paid subscription required, older material free 6400 1936-1998 journal
123 AMS Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 1891 - recent journal
124 IA Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society * (by American Mathematical Society) book
125 EuDML Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 1996-1997 journal
126 OUP* Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society paid subscription required 1969-recent journal
127 EuDML Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1998-2001, 2003, 2005-2009 journal
128 EuDML Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society 1893 journal
129 GDZ Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society * 790 1891-1894 journal
130 IA Business arithmetic (by Bookman, C. M. (Clarence Monroe), 1882-) book
131 IA Business arithmetic for secondary schools (by Thurston, E. L. (Ernest Lawton), b. 1873) book
132 IA Business Arithmetic Fourth Edition (by Mcnelly, A.E.) book
133 IA The business man's handbook, a covenient book of reference for business men (by International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa) book
134 IA Business Mathematics: A Textbook (by Edward Ira Edgerton , Wallace Edgar Bartholomew) book

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