Nr. |
Repository: |
Author, Title (Books only): |
Pages: |
Year(s): |
Type: |
1 |
Maass, H.: On Modular Functions of One Complex Variable
book |
2 |
Maass, H.: On Siegel's Modular Functions
book |
3 |
Cornell |
Macaulay, Francis Sowerby: The algebraic theory of modular systems
112 |
1916 |
book |
4 |
IA |
Macaulay, Francis Sowerby, 1862-: The algebraic theory of modular systems *
book |
5 |
IA |
MacCullagh, James, 1809-1847: Collected works
book |
6 |
IA |
Macdonald, William Campbell: Tables of net premiums and values, based upon the Institute of Actuaries' (Hm.) table of mortality and interest at 3 1/2 per cent. for each 1, 000 of insurance
book |
7 |
Cornell |
Macfarlane, Alexander: Bibliography of quaternions and allied systems of mathematics
86 |
1904 |
book |
8 |
Cornell |
Macfarlane, Alexander: Lectures on ten British mathematicians of the nineteenth century
148 |
1916 |
book |
9 |
Cornell |
Macfarlane, Alexander: Vector analysis and quaternions
50 |
1906 |
book |
10 |
IA |
Macfarlane, Alexander, 1851-1913: Bibliography of quaternions and allied systems of mathematics *
book |
11 |
IA |
Macfarlane, Alexander, 1851-1913: Elementary mathematical tables
book |
12 |
IA |
Macfarlane, Alexander, 1851-1913: Elementary mathematical tables *
book |
13 |
IA |
Macfarlane, Alexander, 1851-1913: Lectures on ten British mathematicians of the nineteenth century *
book |
14 |
IA |
MacGregor, John: A complete treatise on practical mathematics: including the nature and use of mathematica instruments... With an appendix on algebra. The whole conducted on the most approved plan, with proper rules and a variety of suitable examples to each rule. Principally designed for the use of schools and academies
book |
15 |
Michigan |
MacMahon, Percy Alexander: Combinatory analysis, by Percy A. MacMahon.
1915-16. |
book |
16 |
IA |
MacMahon, Percy Alexander, 1854-1929: An introduction to Combinatory analysis
book |
17 |
IA |
MacMahon, Percy Alexander, 1854-1929: Combinatory analysis (Volume 1)
book |
18 |
IA |
MacMahon, Percy Alexander, 1854-1929: Combinatory analysis (Volume 2)
book |
19 |
Madelung, Erwin: Die mathematischen Hilfsmittel des Physikers
536 |
1964 |
book |
20 |
Bielefeld |
Maennchen, Philipp: Geheimnisse der Rechenkuenstler
1913 |
book |
21 |
Bielefeld |
Maennchen, Philipp: Methodik des mathematischen Unterrichts 1928
1928 |
book |
22 |
Michigan |
Maggi, Gian Antonio: Dinamica dei sistemi; lezioni sul calcolo del movimento dei corpi naturali.
1921. |
book |
23 |
Michigan |
Maggi, Gian Antonio: Dinamica fisica.
236 |
1921. |
book |
24 |
Michigan |
Mahler, G. (Gottfried): Ebene Geometrie, von G. Mahler. Mit 115 zweifarbigen Figuren.
156 |
1897. |
book |
25 |
Michigan |
Mahlo, Paul: Topologische Untersuchungen über Zerlegung in Ebene und sphaerische Polygone ...
98 |
1908. |
book |
26 |
Cornell |
Maillet, Edmond Théodore: Introduction à la théorie des nombres transcendants, et des propriétés arithmétiques des fonctions
1906 |
book |
27 |
Cornell |
Maillet, Edmond Théodore: Recherches sur les substitutions, et en particulier sur les groupes transitifs
122 |
1892 |
book |
28 |
IA |
Making of America Project: Bryant and Stratton's commercial arithmetic Designed for the counting room, commercial and agricultural colleges, normal and high schools, academies, and universities
book |
29 |
Michigan |
Malet, Henri.: Étude géométrique des transformations birationnelles et des courbes planes, par Henri Malet.
259 |
1921. |
book |
30 |
Michigan |
Maleyx, L.: Étude géométrique des propriétés des coniques d'après leur défintion, par m. L. Maleyx.
140 |
1891. |
book |
31 |
Malgrange, B.: On the Theory of Functions of Several Complex Variables
book |
32 |
Malkin, Isidor Israel: Zum dynamischen Verhalten rotierender, elastisch biegsamer Stäbe
127 |
1924 |
book |
33 |
IA |
Manchester, Raymond E. (Raymond Earl), 1884-: The teaching of mathematics *
book |
34 |
Mangoldt, Hans: Ueber die Darstellung der Wurzeln einer dreigliedrigen algebraischen Gleichung durch unendliche Reihen
36 |
1878 |
book |
35 |
Michigan |
Mannheim, Amédée: Cours de géométrie descriptive de l'École polytechnique, comprenant les éléments de la géométrie cinématique, par A. Mannheim.
480 |
1886. |
book |
36 |
Michigan |
Manning, Henry Parker: Geometry of four dimensions, by Henry Parker Manning.
348 |
1914. |
book |
37 |
Cornell |
Manning, Henry Parker: Irrational Numbers and their Representation by Sequences and Series
123 |
1906 |
book |
38 |
Michigan |
Manning, Henry Parker: Non-Euclidean geometry, by Henry Parker Manning.
95 |
1901. |
book |
39 |
Michigan |
Manning, Henry Parker: The fourth dimension simply explained; a collection of essays selected from those submitted in the Scientific American's prize competition, with an introduction and editorial notes, by Henry P. Manning.
248 |
1921. |
book |
40 |
Michigan |
Mannoury, Gerrit: Methodologisches und Philosophisches zur Elementar-Mathematik.
279 |
1909. |
book |
41 |
Michigan |
Mansion, Paul: Sur l'évaluation approchée des aires planes, par P. Mansion.
64 |
1881. |
book |
42 |
Cornell |
Mansion, Paul: Theorie der partiellen Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung, vom Verfasser durchgesehene und vermehrte deutsche Ausgabe, hrsg. von H. Maser
489 |
1892 |
book |
43 |
IA |
Margenau, H.: Mathematics Of Physical Chemistry
book |
44 |
Michigan |
Marie, G.: Exercices de géométrie, comprenant l'esposé des méthodes géométriques et 2000 questions résolues par F. G.-M.
1302 |
1912. |
book |
45 |
IA |
Marie Gugle: Modern Junior Mathematics
book |
46 |
IA |
Marie Gugle: Modern Junior Mathematics *
book |
47 |
IA |
Marie Gugle: Modern Junior Mathematics * *
book |
48 |
IA |
Marie Gugle: Modern Junior Mathematics * * *
book |
49 |
IA |
Marie Gugle: Modern Junior Mathematics * * * *
book |
50 |
IA |
Marie Gugle: Modern Junior Mathematics * * * * *
book |
51 |
IA |
Marie Gugle: Modern Junior Mathematics * * * * * *
book |
52 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques
241 |
1995 |
book |
53 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques *
230 |
1995 |
book |
54 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * *
246 |
1995 |
book |
55 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * *
254 |
1995 |
book |
56 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * *
258 |
1995 |
book |
57 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * *
272 |
1995 |
book |
58 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * *
259 |
1995 |
book |
59 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * *
321 |
1995 |
book |
60 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * * *
229 |
1995 |
book |
61 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * * * *
257 |
1995 |
book |
62 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * * * * *
286 |
1995 |
book |
63 |
Gallica |
Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * * * * * *
315 |
1995 |
book |
64 |
IA |
Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 2)
book |
65 |
IA |
Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 3)
book |
66 |
IA |
Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 4)
book |
67 |
IA |
Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 5)
book |
68 |
IA |
Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 6)
book |
69 |
IA |
Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 7)
book |
70 |
IA |
Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 8)
book |
71 |
IA |
Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891: Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 9)
book |
72 |
Cornell |
Markov, A. A.: Differenzenrechnung, Autorisierte deutsche Übersetzung von Theophil Friesendorff und Erich Prümm. Mit einem Vorworte von R. Mehmke
194 |
1896 |
book |
73 |
Cornell |
Markov, A. A.: Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, nach der 2. Aufl. des russischen Werkes übersetzt von Heinrich Liebmann. Mit 7 Figuren im Text
1912 |
book |
74 |
msri |
Mark Pinsky and Björn Birnir: Probability, geometry, and integrable systems
324 |
2008 |
book |
75 |
Michigan |
Maroger, A.: Le problème de Pappus et ses cent premières solutions, par A. Maroger. Avec une préface de M. Paul Mantel.
386 |
1925. |
book |
76 |
Michigan |
Maroger, A.: Mathématiques --Philosophie --Histoire. Leçons critiques et historiques sur les fondements des mathématiques. Par A. Maroger, avec une préface de G. Milhaud.
204 |
1908. |
book |
77 |
Marolois, Samuel (ca. 1572 - ca. 1627):: Oevvres mathématicqves [Oeuvres mathématiques] de Samuel Marolois, traictant de la Géométrie et Fortification, réduictes in meilleur ordre, et corrigées d'un nombre infiny de fautes ecsulees aux impressions précédentes
250 |
1628 |
book |
78 |
Martindale, Adam, 1623-1686.: The countrey-survey-book: or, Land-meters vade-mecum Wherein the principles and practical rules for surveying of land, are so plainly (though briefly) delivered, that any one of ordinary parts (understanding how to add, substract, multiply and divide, ) may by the help of this small treatise alone and a few cheap instruments easy to be procured, measure a parcel of land, and with judgment and expedition plot it, and give up the content thereof. With an appendix, containing twelve problems touching compound interest and annuities; and a method to contract the work of fellowship and alligation alternate, very considerable in many cases. Illustrated with copper plates. By Adam Martindale, a friend to mathematical learning.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
246 |
1682 |
book |
79 |
Martindale, Adam, 1623-1686.: The country-survey-book: or Land-meters vade-mecum Wherein the principles and practical rules for surveying of land, are so plainly (though briefly) delivered, that any one of ordinary parts (understanding how to add, substract, multiply and divide, ) may by the help of this small treatise alone and a few cheap instruments easy to be procured, measure a parcel of land, and with judgment and expedition plot it, and give up the content thereof. With an appendix, containing twelve problems touching compound interest and annuities; and a method to contract the work of fellowship and alligation alternate, very considerably in many cases. Illustrated with copper plates. By Adam Martindale, a friend to mathematical learning.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
468 |
1692 |
book |
80 |
IA |
Martin Kellogg , Bernard Moses , Frederick Slate , Irving Stringham , California teachers ' association: Addresses Delivered Before the California Teachers' Association
book |
81 |
IA |
Martin Kellogg , Bernard Moses , Frederick Slate , Irving Stringham , California teachers ' association: Addresses Delivered Before the California Teachers' Association *
book |
82 |
IA |
Martin Krause: Die Transformation der hyperelliptischen Funktionen erster Ordrung: Nebst ...
book |
83 |
Mästlin, Michael: De Dimensionibvs Orbivm Et Sphaerarvm Coelestium Ivxta Tabulas Prutenicas, ex sententia Nicolai Copernici / Appendix M. Michaelis Mæstlini Mathematvm ...
181 |
1596 |
book |
84 |
IA |
Mathematik [microform] : mit Hinweisen auf die sich anschliessended höheren Gebiete - Fink, Karl, 1851-1898: Kurzer Abriss einer Geschichte der Elementar
book |
85 |
Michigan |
Mathews, G. B. (George Ballard): Projective geometry, by G. B. Mathews. With diagrams.
349 |
1914. |
book |
86 |
Mathias, Maximilian: Über positive Fourier-Integrale
27 |
1922 |
book |
87 |
IA |
Matilda Auerbach: An Elementary Course in Graphic Mathematics
book |
88 |
Michigan |
Matteson, James: A collection of Diophantine problems with solutions.
24 |
1888. |
book |
89 |
IA |
Matthews, G. F: Manual of logarithms : treated in connection with arithmetic, algebra, plane trigonometry, and mensuration, for the use of students preparing for army and other examinations
book |
90 |
Cornell |
Matthiessen, Ludwig: Grundzüge der antiken und modernen Algebra der litteralen Gleichungen
1896 |
book |
91 |
Gallica |
Maupin, Georges.: Opinions et curiosités touchant la mathématique, d'après les ouvrages français des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
39 |
1898 |
book |
92 |
icm |
Maurin K.: General eigenfunction expansions and unitary representations
book |
93 |
icm |
Maurin K.: Metody przestrzeni Hilberta
book |
94 |
icm |
Maurin K.: Theory of Hilbert spaces
book |
95 |
Gallica |
Maurolico, Francesco (1494-1575): D. Francisci Maurolyci, ... Opuscula mathematica, nunc primum in lucem edita...
285 |
1575 |
book |
96 |
IA |
M.A. William Enfield: Scientific Amusements in Philosophy and Mathematics: Including Arithmetic, Acoustics ...
book |
97 |
IA |
Maxwell, James Clerk, 1831-1879: A treatise on electricity and magnetism (Volume 1)
book |
98 |
IA |
Maxwell, James Clerk, 1831-1879: The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell (Volume 1)
book |
99 |
IA |
Maxwell, James Clerk, 1831-1879: The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell (Volume 2)
book |
100 |
IA |
Maxwell, James Clerk, 1831-1879: The scientific papers; (Volume 1)
book |
101 |
IA |
Maxwell, James Clerk, 1831-1879: The scientific papers; (Volume 2)
book |
102 |
IA |
Mayer, Joh. Eugene: Das rechnen in der technik und seine hilfsmittel, rechenschieber, rechentafeln, rechenmaschinen usw
book |
103 |
Mayer, Rudolf: Über Elastizität und Stabilität des geschlossenen und offenen Kreisbogens
81 |
1912 |
book |
104 |
Mayr, Aloys: Der integrirende Factor [Faktor] und die particularen Integrale mit besonderer Anwendung auf die linearen Differenzial-Gleichungen, Prolegomena zur Theorie der Integration
144 |
book |
105 |
icm |
Mazurkiewicz S.: Podstawy rachunku prawdopodobiestwa
book |
106 |
IA |
McAulay, Alexander: Five figure logarithmic and other tables
book |
107 |
Cornell |
McAulay, Alexander: Utility of quaternions in physics
107 |
1893 |
book |
108 |
IA |
McCormack, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), 1865-1932: Why do we study mathematics: a philosophical and historical retrospect ..
book |
109 |
Michigan |
McGinnis, M. A. (Michael Angelo): Proof of Fermat's theorem, and McGinnis' theorem of derivative equations in an absolute proof of Fermat's theorem; reduction of the general equation of the fifth degree to an equation of the fourth degree; and supplementary theorems, by Michael Angelo McGinnis.
34 |
[c1913] |
book |
110 |
Michigan |
McGinnis, M. A. (Michael Angelo): The universal solution for numerical and literal equations; by which the roots of equations of all degrees can be expressed in terms of their coefficients; by M. A. McGinnis.
195 |
1900. |
book |
111 |
IA |
McLachlan, Norman W: Practical mathematics for students attending evening and day technical classes
book |
112 |
IA |
Mclachlan, N.W.: Ordinary Non Linear Differential Equations
book |
113 |
IA |
M'clelland, William J: A Treatise On The Geometry Of The Circle
book |
114 |
IA |
M'Clelland William J.: A Treatise On Spherical Trigonometry Part I
book |
115 |
Cornell |
McMahon, James: Hyperbolic functions
77 |
1906 |
book |
116 |
IA |
McMahon, James: Hyperbolic Functions
book |
117 |
IA |
Mcnelly, A.E.: Business Arithmetic Fourth Edition
book |
118 |
IA |
Media Bregade: dalil
book |
119 |
Cornell |
Mehmke, Rudolf: Vorlesungen über Punkt- und Vektorenrechnung
1913 |
book |
120 |
IA |
Mehta Nagindas G.: Pay Calculator
book |
121 |
Meibauer, Rudolfus: Demonstratio complurim ill. kummeri theorematum, quae agunt de generalibus, et infinite tenuibus luminis fascibus, praecipue in crystallis
20 |
1861 |
book |
122 |
M. Eichler: On Modular Correspondences
book |
123 |
IA |
Mellor, Joseph William, 1873-1938: Higher mathematics for students of chemistry and physics, with special reference to practical work
book |
124 |
IA |
Mellor, Joseph William, 1873-1938: Higher mathematics for students of chemistry and physics, with special reference to practical work *
book |
125 |
IA |
Memoris Of The American Mathematical Society: Decompositions Of Operator Algebras I and II
book |
126 |
IA |
Memoris Of The American Mathematical Society: Lie Algebras And Lie Groups
book |
127 |
IA |
Memoris Of The American Mathematical Society: On Lie Algebras Of Prime Characteristic
book |
128 |
IA |
Memoris Of The American Mathematical Society: On Stochastic Differential Equations
book |
129 |
Cornell |
Méray, Charles: Exposition nouvelle de la théorie des formes linéaires et des determinants
104 |
1884 |
book |
130 |
Gallica |
Méray, Charles (1835-1911).: Considérations sur l'enseignement des mathématiques
52 |
1995 |
book |
131 |
Mercier, B.: On Topics in Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Problems
book |
132 |
IA |
Merriman, Mansfield, 1848-1925: Higher mathematics : a textbook for classical and engineering colleges
book |
133 |
Messieurs de l' Academie Royale des Scientes: Divers ouvrages de mathematique et de physique
517 |
1693 |
book |
134 |
Metius, Adriaan (1570 - 1635):: Adriani Metii arithmeticae libri duo et geometriae libri VI
1626 |
book |
135 |
Meuli, Martin: Untersuchungen über die Darstellung der Mertens'schen Resultante in Determinantenform
53 |
1912 |
book |
136 |
Cornell |
Meyer, Anton: Exposé élémentaire de la théorie des intégrales définies
1851 |
book |
137 |
Meyer, Carl Wilhelm Heinrich Rudolf; Meyer, Carolus Guilelmus Henricus Rudolfus: De curvis dirimentibus quibus datae efficiantur causticae
62 |
1855 |
book |
138 |
Cornell |
Meyer, Gustav Ferdinand: Vorlesungen über die Theorie der bestimmten Integrale zwischen reellen Grenzen mit vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der von P. Gustav Lejeune-Dirichlet in Sommer 1858 gehaltenen Vorträge über bestimmte Integrale
628 |
1871 |
book |
139 |
IA |
Meyer, Johann Heinrich: Allgemeine Anleitung zur Berechnung der Leibrenten und Anwartschaften (Volume 02)
book |
140 |
IA |
Meyer, Johann Heinrich: Allgemeine Anleitung zur Berechnung der Leibrenten und Anwartschaften (Volume 1)
book |
141 |
Meyer, Max: Untersuchung der algebraischen Integrirbarkeit der linearen homogenen Differentialgleichungen vierter Ordnung mit Hilfe von Differentialinvarianten
52 |
1893 |
book |
142 |
Michigan |
Meyers, William J. (William John): An inductive manual of the straight line and the circle, with many exercises, by William J. Meyers.
113 |
1896. |
book |
143 |
Michigan |
Meyers, William J. (William John): The descriptive geometry and the perspective of the straight line, with a brief introduction to that of curves ...
67 |
1896. |
book |
144 |
Cornell |
Meyer, W. Franz (Wilhelm Franz): Allgemeine Formen- und Invariantentheorie, von W. Fr. Meyer
376 |
1909 |
book |
145 |
Michigan |
Meyer, W. Franz (Wilhelm Franz): Apolarität und rationale Curven.
406 |
1883. |
book |
146 |
Cornell |
Meyer, W. Franz (Wilhelm Franz): Apolarität und rationale Curven, Eine systematische Voruntersuchung zu einer allgemeinen Theorie der linearen Räume, von W. Franz Meyer
406 |
1883 |
book |
147 |
Cornell |
Meyer, W. Franz (Wilhelm Franz): Differential- und integralrechnung (Volume 1)
1901 |
book |
148 |
Cornell |
Meyer, W. Franz (Wilhelm Franz): Differential- und integralrechnung (Volume 2)
1901 |
book |
149 |
Cornell |
Meyer, W. Franz (Wilhelm Franz): Sur les progrès de la théorie des invariants projectifs, Tr. et annoté par H. Fehr...avec une préface de Maurice d'Ocagne
126 |
1897 |
book |
150 |
Cornell |
Meyer, W. Franz (Wilhelm Franz): Über die Theorie benachbarter Geraden und einen verallgemeinerten Krümmungsbegriff, eine Ergänzung zu den Lehrbüchern über Differentialgeometrie
152 |
1911 |
book |
151 |
IA |
M.Gaston Darboux: Oeuvres De Fourier.Vol.Ii
book |
152 |
IA |
Micaiah John Muller Hill, Euclid: The Contents of the Fifth and Sixth Books of Euclid
book |
153 |
IA |
Micaiah John Muller Hill, Euclid: The Contents of the Fifth and Sixth Books of Euclid *
book |
154 |
Michaelis, Gustav: De lineis brevissimis in datis superficiebus, imprimis de linea geodaetica
32 |
1837 |
book |
155 |
IA |
Michell, J.B.: Elements Of Mathematical Analysis
book |
156 |
Michelsen, P.: Die bestimmten algebraischen Gleichungen des ersten bis vierten Grades
316 |
1893 |
book |
157 |
Wien |
Michor, Peter W.: Elementary catastrophe theory
93 |
1985 |
book |
158 |
Wien |
Michor, Peter W.: Functors and categories of Banach spaces.
99 |
1978 |
book |
159 |
Wien |
Michor, Peter W.: Manifolds of differentiable mappings
158 |
1980 |
book |
160 |
IA |
Mihai Nadin: The Civilization of Illiteracy
book |
161 |
IA |
Mihira, Varma.: Panchasiddhantika.
book |
162 |
IA |
Mikhail Frolov: Les carrés magiques: nouvelle étude
book |
163 |
icm |
Mikusinski J.: Rachunek operatorów
book |
164 |
Milewski, Ludovicus: De Abelianarum functionum periodis per aequationes differentiales definiendis
100 |
1876 |
book |
165 |
Milewski, Witold: De ramis infinitis curvarum algebraicarum ordinis 4
87 |
1842 |
book |
166 |
Michigan |
Milhaud, Gaston: Nouvelles études sur l'histoire de la pensée scientifique.
235 |
1911 |
book |
167 |
Gallica |
Milhaud, Gaston (1858-1918): Essai sur les conditions et les limites de la certitude logique
203 |
1898 |
book |
168 |
Cornell |
Miller, G. A. (George Abram): Historical introduction to mathematical literature
302 |
1916 |
book |
169 |
Michigan |
Miller, G. A. (George Abram): Theory and applications of finite groups, by G.A. Miller, H. F. Blichfeldt [and] L. E. Dickson.
390 |
1916. |
book |
170 |
IA |
Miller, G. A. (George Abram), 1863-1951: Historical introduction to mathematical literature *
book |
171 |
IA |
Miller, Irving Elgar, 1869-: The significance of the mathematical element in the philosophy of Plato
book |
172 |
IA |
Mills Existence and Mass Gap - Kedar Joshi: The NSTP Theoretical Solution of the Problem of Yang
book |
173 |
IA |
Milner, Mary: The life of Isaac Milner, dean of Carlisle, president of Queen's College, and professor of mathematics in the University of Cambridge; comprising a portion of his correspondence and other writings hitherto unpublished (Volume 1)
book |
174 |
IA |
Milner, Mary: The life of Isaac Milner, dean of Carlisle, president of Queen's College, and professor of mathematics in the University of Cambridge; comprising a portion of his correspondence and other writings hitherto unpublished (Volume 2)
book |
175 |
Michigan |
Minchin, George Minchin: A treatise on statics, with applications to physics, by George M. Minchin.
1884-86. |
book |
176 |
Gallica |
Minkowski, Hermann: Diophantische Approximationem : Eine Einführung in die Zahlentheorie
235 |
1907. |
book |
177 |
Gallica |
Minkowski, Hermann: Geometrie der Zahlen
256 |
1910. |
book |
178 |
Minkowski, Hermann (1864 - 1909):: Vorlesungen über automorphe Funktionen
1905 |
book |
179 |
Minkowski, Hermann (1864 - 1909):: Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Invarianten
250 |
1906 |
book |
180 |
Michigan |
Minkowski, H. (Hermann): Gesammelte Abhandlungen von Hermann Minkowski, unter Mitwirkung von Andreas Speiser und Hermann Weyl hrsg. von David Hilbert.
1911. |
book |
181 |
Michigan |
Minkowski, H. (Hermann): Zwei Abhandlungen über die Grundgleichungen der Elektrodynamik, mit einem Einführungswort von Otto Blumenthal.
82 |
1910. |
book |
182 |
Michigan |
Mink, Wilhelm.: Mink's Leitfaden der analytischen Geometrie der Ebene und des Raumes ...
96 |
1889. |
book |
183 |
Michigan |
Minnick, John Harrison: An investigation of certain abilities fundamental to the study of geometry, by John Harrison Minnick.
108 |
1918. |
book |
184 |
IA |
Missouri, University of: Studies. Mathematics series (Volume 1 pt 1)
book |
185 |
Cornell |
Mittag-Leffler, Magnus Gustaf: Niels Henrik Abel
48 |
1907 |
book |
186 |
Miyanishi, M.: On Curves on Rational and Unirational Surfaces
book |
187 |
Mizohata, S.: On Cauchy Problem
book |
188 |
Michigan |
Möbius, August Ferdinand: Gesammelte Werke. Herausgegeben auf Veranlassung der Königlich sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften.
1885-87. |
book |
189 |
Gallica |
Möbius, August Ferdinand.: Gesammelte werke
633 |
1995 |
book |
190 |
Gallica |
Möbius, August Ferdinand.: Gesammelte werke *
708 |
1995 |
book |
191 |
Gallica |
Möbius, August Ferdinand.: Gesammelte werke * *
580 |
1995 |
book |
192 |
IA |
Modak, Balaji Prabhakar.: Chronological Tables.
book |
193 |
IA |
Modak, Balaji Prabhakar.: Elementary treatise on mechanico.Vol.1
book |
194 |
Mohrmann, Hans: Normalflächen und projektive Gruppen
72 |
1911 |
book |
195 |
Cornell |
Moigno, abbé (Francois Napoléon Marie): Leçons de calcul différentiel et de calcul intégral, rédigées d'après les méthodes et les ouvrages publiés ou inédits de A. L. Cauchy, Tome IV., Ier fasc.: Calcul des variations
352 |
1861 |
book |
196 |
Gallica |
Moigno, François.: Leçons de mécanique analytique, rédigées principalement d'après les méthodes d'Augustin Cauchy, et étendues aux travaux les plus récents
727 |
1995 |
book |
197 |
Molien, Theodor: Über die lineare Transformation der elliptischen Functionen
24 |
1885 |
book |
198 |
Michigan |
Monge, Gaspard: Darstellende Geometrie, von Gaspard Monge (1798) Uebers. und hrsg. von Robert Haussner. Mit zahlreichen Figuren in dem Texte und in den Anmerkungen.
217 |
1900. |
book |
199 |
Cornell |
Montel, Paul: Leçons sur les séries de polynomes à une variable complexe
128 |
1910 |
book |
200 |
Cornell |
Montessus de Ballore, R. de: Leçons sur les fonctions elliptiques en vue de leurs applications, Cours libre professé à la Faculté des sciences de Paris
1917 |
book |
201 |
Bielefeld |
Montmort, Pierre Rémond de: Essay d'analyse sur les jeux de hazard
486 |
1713 |
book |
202 |
Gallica |
Montucla, Jean-Étienne (1725-1799).: Histoire des mathématiques
1799 |
book |
203 |
Michigan |
Mookerjee, Asutosh, Sir: An elementary treatise on the geometry of conics. By Asutosh Mukhopadhyay ...
184 |
1893. |
book |
204 |
Michigan |
Moore, Clarence Lemuel Elisha.: Classification of the surfaces of singularities of the quadratic spherical complex ...
31 |
1905. |
book |
205 |
IA |
Moore, John H. (John Henry), 1874-1909: Concise business arithmetic
book |
206 |
IA |
Moore, John H. (John Henry), 1874-1909: New commercial arithmetic
book |
207 |
IA |
Moore, John H. (John Henry), 1874-1909: Practical business arithmetic
book |
208 |
IA |
Moore, John H. (John Henry), 1874-1909: Practical business arithmetic * *
book |
209 |
Moore, Jonas, Sir, 1617-1679.: A mathematical compendium: or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies; fortification and gunnery; gauging and dialling Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; Nepair's rods or bones; making of movements, and the application of pendulums; with the projection of the sphere for an universal dial, &c. By Sir Jonas Moor, Kt. late Surveyor General of His Majesty's ordinance.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
326 |
1695 |
book |
210 |
Moore, Jonas, Sir, 1617-1679.: A mathematical compendium; or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging and dyalling Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; Nepair's rods or bones; making of movements, and the application of pendulums; with the projection of the sphere for an universal dyal, &c. By Sir Jonas Moore Knight, late Surveyor General of His Majesties ordinance.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
326 |
1693 |
book |
211 |
Moore, Jonas, Sir, 1617-1679.: A mathematical compendium; or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging and dyalling Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; Nepair's rods or bones; making of movements, and the application of pendulums: with the projection of the sphere for an universal dyal, &c. Collected out of the notes and papers of Sir Jonas Moore. By Nicholas Stephenson.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
239 |
1674 |
book |
212 |
Moore, Jonas, Sir, 1617-1679.: A new systeme of the mathematicks ... composed by Sir Jonas Moore ... and designed for the use of the Royal Foundation of the Mathematical School in Christ-Hospital.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
2 |
1681 |
book |
213 |
Moore, Jonas, Sir, 1617-1679.: An excellent table for the finding the periferies, or circumferences of all elleipses [sic] or ovals so near the truth as any mechanical practice can require / calculated with great diligence and care by Sir Jonas Moore, and not done before.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
2 |
1676 |
book |
214 |
Morawetz, C.S.: On Nonlinear Waves and Shocks
book |
215 |
Michigan |
Mordell, Louis Joel.: Three lectures on Fermat's last theorem, by L. J. Mordell.
31 |
1921. |
book |
216 |
IA |
Morgan, H. A. (1830-1912.): A collection of problems and examples in mathematics selected from the Jesus college examination papers
book |
217 |
IA |
Morgan, Henry Arthur, 1830-1912: A collection of problems and examples in mathematics. Selected from the Jesus College examination papers, with answers
book |
218 |
Michigan |
Morgenstern, Arthur: Beiträge zur numerischen Lösung der Gleichnungen fünften Grades.
49 |
1907. |
book |
219 |
Cornell |
Morin, H. de: Les appareils d'intégration: intégrateurs simples et composés; planimètres; intégromètres; intégraphes et courbes intégrales; analyse harmonique et analyseurs.
208 |
1913 |
book |
220 |
googlebooks |
Moritz Cantor : Vorlesungen ueber Geschichte der Mathematik
book |
221 |
IA |
Moritz, Robert E.: A Text Book On Spherical Trigonometry
book |
222 |
IA |
Moritz, Robert E.: Elements Of Plane Trogonometry
book |
223 |
Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625-1695.: Hydrostaticks: or, Instructions concerning water-works. Collected out of the papers of Sir Samuel Morland Containing the method which he made use of in this curious art.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
84 |
1697 |
book |
224 |
IA |
Morrison, Henry C. (Henry Clinton), 1871-1945: Reconstructed mathematics in the high school; the adaptation of instruction to the needs, interests, and capacities of students
book |
225 |
Mostow, G.D.: On Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups
book |
226 |
icm |
Mostowski A.: Logika matematyczna
book |
227 |
Motohashi, Y.: On Sieve Methods and Prime Number Theory
book |
228 |
Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691.: Mathematicks made easie, or, A mathematical dictionary explaining the terms of art and difficult phrases used in arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, astrology, and other mathematical sciences wherein the true meaning of the word is rendred, the nature of the thing discussed, and (where need requires) illustrated with apt figures and diagrams : with an appendix containing the quantities of all sorts of weights and measures, the characters and meaning of the marks, symbols, or abbreviations commonly used in algebra / by Jos. Moxon ...
paid subscription required, German NatL |
231 |
1700 |
book |
229 |
Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691.: Mathematicks made easie, or, A mathematical dictionary explaining the terms of art, and difficult phrases used in arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, astrology, and other mathematical sciences wherein the true meaning of the word is rendred, the nature of things signified discussed, and (where need requires) illustrated with apt figures and diagrams : with an appendix, exactly containing the quantities of all sorts of weights and measures : the characters and meaning of the marks, symbols, or abreviations commonly used in algebra, and sundry other observables / by Joseph Moxon ...
paid subscription required, German NatL |
237 |
1692 |
book |
230 |
Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691.: Mathematicks made easy, or, A mathematical dictionary explaining the terms of art and difficult phrases used in arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, astrology, and other mathematical sciences wherein the true meaning of the word is rendred, the nature of things signified discussed, and (where need requires) illustrated with apt figures and diagrams : with an appendix exactly containing the quantities of all sorts of weights and measures, the characters and meaning of the marks, symbols, or abbreviations commonly used in algebra and sundry other observables / by Joseph Moxon.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
188 |
1679 |
book |
231 |
Michigan |
Mueller, Felix: Historisch-etymologische studien über mathematische terminologie.
32 |
1887 |
book |
232 |
Michigan |
Muir, Thomas, Sir: The theory of determinants in the historical order of development, by Sir Thomas Muir.
1890- |
book |
233 |
Michigan |
Muir, Thomas, Sir: The theory of determinants in the historical order of development, by Sir Thomas Muir. *
1906- |
book |
234 |
Mukherjea, A.: Topics in Products of Random Matrices
book |
235 |
Mulder, Pieter: Kirkman-systemen
335 |
1917 |
book |
236 |
Michigan |
Müller, Carl Heinrich: Leitfaden der Projektionslehre.
1903- |
book |
237 |
Müller, Elias Eduard: Disquisitio De methodo, qua veteres geometrae usi sunt ad tangentes curvarum determinandas
32 |
1836 |
book |
238 |
Michigan |
Müller, Emil Adalbert: Lehrbuch der darstellenden Geometrie für technische Hochschulen, von Dr. Emil Müller.
1908-1920. |
book |
239 |
Müller, Felix: Zeittafeln zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Physik und Astronomie bis zum Jahr 1500, mit Hinweis auf die Quellen-Literatur
108 |
1892 |
book |
240 |
Michigan |
Müller, Ferdinand August.: Das Problem der Continuität in Mathematik und Mechanik.
1886. |
book |
241 |
Michigan |
Müller, Hubert: Leitfaden der ebenen Geometrie mit Benutzung neuerer Anschauungsweisen für die Schule, bearb. von Dr. Hubert Müller.
1889- |
book |
242 |
Müller, Reinhold: Leitfaden für die Vorlesungen über darstellende Geometrie an der Herzoglichen Technischen Hochschule zu Braunschweig
96 |
1899 |
book |
243 |
Müller, Richard: Ueber eine gewisse Gleichung 2n ten Grades, deren Specialfälle n=2 und n=3 beim Normalenproblem der Ellipse und des Ellipsoids auftreten
36 |
1884 |
book |
244 |
Müller, Wilhelm: Die rationale Kurve fünfter Ordnung im fünf-, vier-, drei- und zweidimensionalen Raum
107 |
1910 |
book |
245 |
Münster, Sebastian (1489 - 1552):: Rudimenta mathematica : haec in duos digeruntur libros, quorum prior geometriae tradit principia seu prima elementa, unà cum rerum uariarum figuraru[m] dimensionibus, posterior uerò omnigenum horologiorum docet delineationes
242 |
1551 |
book |
246 |
Müntz, Chaim: Zum Randwertproblem der partiellen Differentialgleichung der Minimalflächen
33 |
1910 |
book |
247 |
IA |
Murphy, Ray Dickinson: Construction of mortality tables from the records of insured lives;
book |
248 |
Cornell |
Murray, Daniel A.: Differential and Integral Calculus
491 |
1908 |
book |
249 |
Michigan |
Murray, Daniel A. (Daniel Alexander): Introductory course in differential equations for students in classical and engineering colleges; by D.A. Murray.
234 |
1897. |
book |
250 |
Murre, J.P.: On an Introduction to Grothendieck's Theory of the Fundamental Group
book |
251 |
Muth, Fritz: Über solche Koordinatensysteme auf Flächen, bei denen die eine Schar von Parameterkurven auf der andern gleiche Stücke abschneidet
57 |
1912 |
book |
252 |
Cornell |
Muth, Peter: Grundlagen für die geometrische Anwendung der Invariantentheorie, Mit einem Begleitworte von M. Pasch
131 |
1895 |
book |
253 |
Cornell |
Muth, Peter: Theorie und Anwendung der Elementartheiler
236 |
1899 |
book |
254 |
IA |
Muzio, Giovanni Francesco: Principj di aritmetica e commercio; opera, divisa in due tomi, utilissima a negozianti (Volume 1)
book |
255 |
IA |
Muzio, Giovanni Francesco: Principj di aritmetica e commercio; opera, divisa in due tomi, utilissima a negozianti (Volume 2)
book |
256 |
IA |
Muzio, Giovanni Francesco: Principj di aritmetica e commercio; opera, divisa in due tomi, utilissima a negozianti (Volume 2) *
book |
257 |
IA |
Myers, George Williams, 1864-: Geometric exercises for algebraic solution; second year mathematics for secondary schools
book |
258 |
Michigan |
Myers, William Alexander.: The quadrature of the circle, the square root of two, and the right-angled triangle, by William Alexander Myers.
1874. |
book |