Nr. |
Repository: |
Author, Title (Books only): |
Pages: |
Year(s): |
Type: |
1 |
Raatz, Josephus: Axiomata de curvis parallelis
18 |
1861 |
book |
2 |
Rabier, P.: On Topics in One-Parameter Bifurcation Problems
book |
3 |
Rabinowitsch, Izko-Ewna: Beiträge zur Auflösung der algebraischen Gleichungen 5. Grades
34 |
1911 |
book |
4 |
Rademacher, H.: On Analytic Number Theory
book |
5 |
Rademacher, Hans: Eineindeutige Abbildungen und Meßbarkeit
115 |
1917 |
book |
6 |
Rado, Richard: Studien zur Kombinatorik
61 |
1933 |
book |
7 |
IA |
Rado, Tibor.: On The Problem Of Plateau
book |
8 |
Radzig, Alexander: Die Anwendung des Sylow'schen Satzes auf die symmetrische und die alternirende Gruppe
45 |
1895 |
book |
9 |
Raetz, Wilhelm: Projektive Gruppen des Raumes, ihre Invarianten und geometrische Charakterisierung
122 |
1913 |
book |
10 |
Gallica |
Raffy, Louis.: Leçons sur les applications géométriques de l'analyse
251 |
2001 |
book |
11 |
Raghavan Narasimhan: On Topics in Analysis
book |
12 |
IA |
Raiford Theodore E.: Mathematics Of Finance
book |
13 |
IA |
Rainich, George Yuri: Mathematics of relativity: lecture notes
book |
14 |
IA |
Raleigh Schorling , William David Reeve: General Mathematics *
book |
15 |
IA |
Raleigh Schorling , William David Reeve: General Mathematics * *
book |
16 |
IA |
Ralph G. Hudson , Joseph Lipka: A Table of Integrals
book |
17 |
Ramachandra, K.: On the Mean-Value and Omega Theorems for the Riemann Zeta-Function
book |
18 |
Ramanathan, K.G.: On the Algebraic theory of Fields
book |
19 |
Michigan |
Ramchundra: A treatise on problems of maxima and minima, solved by algebra.
1859. |
book |
20 |
Michigan |
Ramler, Otto Joseph: On the three-cusped bypocycloids fulfilling certain assigned conditions, by Otto Joseph Ramler.
22 |
1918. |
book |
21 |
Michigan |
Randall, O. E. (Otis Everett): Elements of descriptive geometry, with applications to isometric projection and othe forms of one-plane projection; a text-book for colleges and ingineering schools by O. E. Randall.
209 |
[c1905] |
book |
22 |
IA |
Rasor, Samuel Eugene: Mathematics for students of agriculture *
book |
23 |
IA |
Rasor, Samuel Eugene, b. 1873: Mathematics for students of agriculture
book |
24 |
Rauber, Arthur: Über die Lösung der Differentialgleichungen, welche die Bewegung des dreiachsigen Kreisels um einen festen Punkt beschreiben
55 |
1913 |
book |
25 |
Michigan |
Rausenberger, Otto: Die Elementargeometrie des Punktes, der Geraden und der Ebene, systematisch und kritisch behandelt, von Dr. Otto Rausenberger.
236 |
1887. |
book |
26 |
Cornell |
Rausenberger, Otto: Lehrbuch der Theorie der periodischen Functionen einer Variabeln, mit einer endlichen Anzahl wesentlicher Discontinuitätspunkte, nebst einer Einleitung in die allgemeine Functionentheorie
476 |
1884 |
book |
27 |
IA |
Ray, Harold B: Preparatory mathematics for use in technical schools
book |
28 |
Raymond Clare Archibald: Volume I: Semicentennial History of the American Mathematical Society, 1888--1938
262 |
1938 |
book |
29 |
IA |
Raymond Earl Manchester: The Teaching of Mathematics
book |
30 |
IA |
Raymond Earl Manchester: The Teaching of Mathematics *
book |
31 |
Gallica |
Rebière, Alphonse (1842-1901).: Mathématiques et mathématiciens
280 |
1889 |
book |
32 |
Rebstein, Jacob: Bestimmung aller reellen Minimalflächen, die eine Schaar ebener Curven enthalten, denen auf der Gauss'schen Kugel die Meridiane entsprechen
32 |
1895 |
book |
33 |
IA |
Rechnung (Gewinn- und Verlust-Rechnung); analytische Darstellung ihrer Faktoren bei Handels-, Industrie- und Bankunternehmungen nach handelstechnischen und rechtlichen Gesichtspunkten - Müller, Gustav: Die kaufmännische Erfolgs
book |
34 |
Record, Robert, 1510?-1558.: Records arithmetick: or, The ground of arts teaching the perfect work and practice of arithmetick, both in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact forme then in former time hath been set forth: made by M. Robert Record, D. in Physick. Afterwards, augmented by M. John Dee. And since enlarged with a third part of rules of practice, abridged into a briefer method then hitherto hath been published, ... by John Mellis. And now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and enlarged; with an appendix of figurate numbers, ... and new tables of interest ... the first calculated by R.C. ... and the latter diligently calculated by Ro. Hartwell, Philomathemat.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
656 |
1648 |
book |
35 |
Rehbock, Fritz: Die linearen Punkt-, Ebenen- und Strahlabbildungen der darstellenden Geometrie
45 |
1926 |
book |
36 |
Reidemeister, Kurt: Vorlesungen über Grundlagen der Geometrie
148 |
1968 |
book |
37 |
Cornell |
Reid, Legh Wilber: The elements of the theory of algebraic numbers, with an introduction by David Hilbert
454 |
1910 |
book |
38 |
Reimerdes, Otto: Die Niveau- und Fallinien auf Flächen insbesondere auf Modulflächen analytischer Funktionen
42 |
1911 |
book |
39 |
Michigan |
Reimers, Max Hermann: Zur Theorie der algebraischen Raumkurven un ihrer Tangentenflächen ...
1915. |
book |
40 |
Gallica |
Reinhardt, Curt.: Gesammelte werke * * *
731 |
1995 |
book |
41 |
Reinhardt, Karl: Über die Zerlegung der Ebene in Polygone
93 |
1918 |
book |
42 |
Cornell |
Reiss, Michel: Beiträge zur theorie der determinanten
113 |
1867 |
book |
43 |
Remak, Robert: Über die Zerlegung der endlichen Gruppen in direkte unzerlegbare Faktoren
21 |
1911 |
book |
44 |
IA |
Remi Perron: Beyond Riemann and the Random Distribution of Primes
book |
45 |
Michigan |
Rémond, A.: Exercices élémentaires de géométrie analytique à deux et à trois dimensions, avec un exposé des méthodes de résolution, suivis compositions d'admission aux Écoles polytechnique, normale, centrale, au concours général, à l'agrégation, par A. Rémond.
1891. |
book |
46 |
Gallica |
Rémond de Montmort, Pierre (1678-1719): Essay d'analyse sur les jeux de hazard *
414 |
1713 |
book |
47 |
Rengel, Ewald: Über einige Schlitztheoreme der konformen Abbildung
25 |
1933 |
book |
48 |
IA |
Reuben Porter, James H. Porter: Porter's New System of Mathematics: With the Addition of a Complete Ready Reckoner : for the Use ...
book |
49 |
IA |
Reuben Wesley Burnham: Mathematics for Machinists
book |
50 |
Reum, August: Die merkwürdigen Punkte des Dreicks in trimetrischen Coordinaten
24 |
1875 |
book |
51 |
Reuschle, Carl: Graphisch-mechanische Methode zur Auflösung der numerischen Gleichungen
68 |
1884 |
book |
52 |
Michigan |
Reuschle, Carl: Praxis der Kurvendiskussion. Erster Teil. Kurvendiskussion in Punktkoordinaten mit einem Anhang über analytisch-geometrisch Principien, von Dr. C. Reuschle.
158 |
1886. |
book |
53 |
Reye, Theodor: Die Geometrie der Lage
446 |
1866 |
book |
54 |
Michigan |
Reye, Theodor: Die Geometrie der Lage.
1886-1892. |
book |
55 |
Michigan |
Reye, Theodor: Leçons sur la géométrie de position, par Dr. Theodor Reye. Traduites de l'Allemand par O. Chemin.
1881-82. |
book |
56 |
Michigan |
Reye, Theodor: Lectures on the geometry of position.
248 |
1898. |
book |
57 |
Cornell |
Reye, Theodor: Synthetische Geometrie der Kugeln und linearen Kugelsysteme, mit einer Einleitung in die analytische Geometrie der Kugelsysteme
93 |
1879 |
book |
58 |
Michigan |
Reynolds, Osborne: The sub-mechanics of the universe, by Osborne Reynolds. Pub. for the Royal Society of London.
254 |
1903. |
book |
59 |
Ribet, Kenneth A., Editor: Current Trends in Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry
293 |
1987 |
book |
60 |
Cornell |
Ricci Curbastro, Gregorio: Lezioni sulla teoria delle superficie
416 |
1898 |
book |
61 |
Michigan |
Rice, Joseph Nelson: On the in-and-circumscribed triangles of the plane rational quartic curve, by Joseph Nelson Rice.
32 |
1917. |
book |
62 |
IA |
Richard A Proctor: A Treatise on the Cycloid and All Forms of Cycloidal Curves, and on the Use of Such Curves in ...
book |
63 |
msri |
Richard J. Nowakowski: More Games of No Chance
536 |
2002 |
book |
64 |
Michigan |
Richard, Jules: Leçons sur les méthodes de la géométrie moderne, par J. Richard.
238 |
1898. |
book |
65 |
Michigan |
Richard, Jules: Sur la philosophie des mathématiques.
248 |
1903 |
book |
66 |
msri |
Richard Nowakowski: Games of No Chance
1996 |
book |
67 |
IA |
Richardson, A.T: Mathematical exercises for home work
book |
68 |
IA |
Richardson, A.T: Mathematical exercises for home work (Volume 1)
book |
69 |
IA |
Richardson, Clarence H.: Financial Mathematics
book |
70 |
IA |
Richardson, Robert Porterfield, 1876-: Fundamental conceptions of modern mathematics
book |
71 |
IA |
Richardson, Robert P. (Robert Porterfield), 1876-: Fundamental conceptions of modern mathematics (Volume 1)
book |
72 |
Richert, H.E.: On Sieve Methods
book |
73 |
Rieder, Conrad: Polynomische Entwicklungen von Funktionen einer komplexen Variabeln ;; Mit 8 Fig.
89 |
1911 |
book |
74 |
Riehle, Arthur: Über den Bertinischen Satz und seine Erweiterung
41 |
1920 |
book |
75 |
Michigan |
Riemann, Bernhard: Bernhard Riemann's gesammelte mathematische Werke.
116 |
1902. |
book |
76 |
Michigan |
Riemann, Bernhard: Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte mathematische Werke und wissenschaftlicher Nachlass.
526 |
1876. |
book |
77 |
Michigan |
Riemann, Bernhard: Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte mathematische Werke und Wissenschaftlicher Nachlass, Hrsg. unter Mitwirkung von Richard Dedekind, von Heinrich Weber.
558 |
1892. |
book |
78 |
Michigan |
Riemann, Bernhard: Elliptische Functionen.
144 |
1899. |
book |
79 |
Michigan |
Riemann, Bernhard: OEuvres mathématiques de Riemann.
453 |
1898 |
book |
80 |
Cornell |
Riemann, Bernhard: Partielle Differentialgleichungen und deren Anwendung auf physikalische Fragen, Für den Druck bearb. und hrsg. von Karl Hattendorff
325 |
1882 |
book |
81 |
Michigan |
Riemann, Bernhard: Über die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen.
1919. |
book |
82 |
Riemann, Bernhard: Ueber die Darstellbarkeit einer Function durch eine trigonometrische Reihe
48 |
1867 |
book |
83 |
Gallica |
Riemann, Bernhard.: Oeuvres mathématiques de Riemann
453 |
1995 |
book |
84 |
IA |
Riemann, Bernhard, 1826-1866: Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte mathematische Werke und Wissenschaftlicher Nachlass
book |
85 |
IA |
Riemann, Bernhard, 1826-1866: Schwere, elektricität und magnetismus
book |
86 |
Riemann, Bernhard; Hattendorff, Karl: Partielle Differentialgleichungen und deren Anwendung auf physicalische Fragen
332 |
1869 |
book |
87 |
Riese, Friedrich Christian: Theoria approximationis duarum functionum
67 |
1825 |
book |
88 |
Riesner, Hans: Die Darstellung eines Objektes aus drei photographischen Aufnahmen mit gegebenen Apparatkonstanten bei unbekannten Standpunkten
53 |
1911 |
book |
89 |
IA |
Rietz, H. L. (Henry Lewis), 1875-1943: Mathematics of finance
book |
90 |
Michigan |
Riggs, Norman Colman: Analytic geometry.
294 |
1910. |
book |
91 |
Michigan |
Ripert, Léon: La dualité et l'homographie dans le triangle et la tétraèdre.
1898. |
book |
92 |
Cornell |
Riquier, Charles: Les systèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles
590 |
1910 |
book |
93 |
Gallica |
Riquier, Charles (1853-....).: Sur les principes de la théorie générale des fonctions
61 |
1891 |
book |
94 |
IA |
Ritacos - Rivaldo Targino da Costa: Paraibano cria jogo para raciocinio logico
book |
95 |
IA |
Ritter, Carlton M: Pedagogics applied to arithmetic
book |
96 |
Ritter, Robert: Zwischenintegrale der Verbiegungsgleichung und Differentialparameter zweiter Ordnung
37 |
1933 |
book |
97 |
Ritt, Joseph Fels: Differential Algebra
184 |
1950 |
book |
98 |
Gallica |
Ritz, Walther.: Gesammelte werke * * * *
541 |
1995 |
book |
99 |
Gallica |
Rivard, Dominique-François (1697-1778).: Abrégé des élémens de mathématiques
1767 |
book |
100 |
IA |
Robert Henry Smith: Graphics: Or, The Art of Calculation by Drawing Lines, Applied Especially to Mechanical ...
book |
101 |
IA |
Robert Judson Aley , Paul Renno Heyl , Pennsylvania University: Mathematics, No. I. *
book |
102 |
IA |
Robert Mudie: Popular mathematics
book |
103 |
Cornell |
Roberts, Michael: A Tract on the Addition of Elliptic and Hyper-Elliptic Integrals
82 |
1871 |
book |
104 |
Michigan |
Roberts, Ralph Augustus.: A collection of examples on the analytical geometry of plane conics; to which are added some examples on sphero-conics.
213 |
1884. |
book |
105 |
Gallica |
Roberval, Gilles Personne de (1602-1675).: Divers ouvrages de M. de Roberval
1995 |
book |
106 |
Gallica |
Robin, Gustave.: Oeuvres scientifiques
214 |
1995 |
book |
107 |
IA |
Robinson, Horatio N. (Horatio Nelson), 1806-1867: Concise mathematical operations; being a sequel to the author's class books:
book |
108 |
Gallica |
Rodet, Léon.: L'algèbre d'Al-Khârizmi et les méthodes indienne et grecque
100 |
1995 |
book |
109 |
Gallica |
Rodet, Léon (1850-1895).: Leçons de calcul d'Âryabhata
48 |
1879 |
book |
110 |
Roethig, Joannes Guilelmus Oscar: De quibusdam generibus integralium ellipticorum
20 |
1857 |
book |
111 |
IA |
Rogers, Agnes Low: Experimental tests of mathematical ability and their prognostic value *
book |
112 |
IA |
Rogers, Agnes Low, 1884-1943: Experimental tests of mathematical ability and their prognostic value
book |
113 |
IA |
Rogosinskiw.: Fourcer Series
book |
114 |
Gallica |
Rohault, Jacques .: Jacobi Rohaulti Tractatus physicus
586 |
1995 |
book |
115 |
Rohault, Jacques, 1618-1672.: Jacobi Rohaulti Tractatus physicus Gallice emissus et recens Latinitate donatus, per Th. Bonetum D.M. Cum animadversionibus Antonii Le Grand. Cui accessit eiusdem Rohaulti De arte mechanica tractatus mathematicus e Gallico sermone Latinè factus
paid subscription required, German NatL |
544 |
1692 |
book |
116 |
Rohrbach, Hans: Die Charaktere der binären Kongruenzgruppen mod p*p
65 |
1932 |
book |
117 |
icm |
Rolewicz S.: Metric linear spaces
book |
118 |
IA |
Rolland Merritt Shreves: The Philosophical Basis of Education
book |
119 |
IA |
Rollin, Charles, 1661-1741: The history of the arts and sciences of the antients : under the following heads, in three volumes : vol. I., Agriculture, commerce, architecture, sculpture, painting, music, the art military : vol. II., Art military, grammar, philology, rhetoric, poetry : vol. III., Poetry, history, eloquence, philosophy, civil law, metaphysics and physics, physic, botany, chymisty [sic], anatomy, mathematics, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, geography, and navigation (Volume 1)
book |
120 |
IA |
Rollin, Charles, 1661-1741: The history of the arts and sciences of the antients : under the following heads, in three volumes : vol. I., Agriculture, commerce, architecture, sculpture, painting, music, the art military : vol. II., Art military, grammar, philology, rhetoric, poetry : vol. III., Poetry, history, eloquence, philosophy, civil law, metaphysics and physics, physic, botany, chymisty [sic], anatomy, mathematics, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, geography, and navigation (Volume 2)
book |
121 |
IA |
Rollin, Charles, 1661-1741: The history of the arts and sciences of the antients : under the following heads, in three volumes : vol. I., Agriculture, commerce, architecture, sculpture, painting, music, the art military : vol. II., Art military, grammar, philology, rhetoric, poetry : vol. III., Poetry, history, eloquence, philosophy, civil law, metaphysics and physics, physic, botany, chymisty [sic], anatomy, mathematics, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, geography, and navigation (Volume 3)
book |
122 |
icm |
Romanovski P.: Formes extérieures et leurs applications *
book |
123 |
Rosenthal, Artur: Untersuchungen über gleichflächige Polyeder
161 |
1910 |
book |
124 |
IA |
Rose, William Neville: Mathematics for engineers (Volume 1)
book |
125 |
IA |
Rose, William Neville: Mathematics for engineers (Volume 2)
book |
126 |
Rost, Georg: Theorie der Riemann'schen Thetafunction
73 |
1901 |
book |
127 |
Rothe, Erich: Über einige Analogien zwischen linearen partiellen und linearen gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen
15 |
1927 |
book |
128 |
Rothe, Rudolf: Untersuchungen über die Theorie der isothermen Flächen
46 |
1897 |
book |
129 |
Röthlein, Raimund: Enveloppe der Ebene eines drei Ebenen berührenden Kreise
109 |
1913 |
book |
130 |
Cornell |
Rouche, Eugene: Analyse infinitésimale à l'usage des ingénieurs (Volume 2)
1900 |
book |
131 |
Michigan |
Rouché, Eugène: Traité de géométrie, [par Eugène Rouché & Charles de Comberousse]
1891. |
book |
132 |
Michigan |
Routh, Edward John: A treatise on dynamics of a particle.
417 |
1898. |
book |
133 |
Michigan |
Routh, Edward John: The advanced part of A treatise on the dynamics of a system of rigid bodies.
484 |
1905. |
book |
134 |
IA |
Routh, Edward John, 1831-1907: A treatise on analytical statics, with numerous examples (Volume 1)
book |
135 |
IA |
Routh, Edward John, 1831-1907: A treatise on analytical statics, with numerous examples (Volume 2)
book |
136 |
Michigan |
Rowe, Joseph Eugene: Important covariant curves and a complete system of invariants of the rational quartic curve.
1911. |
book |
137 |
IA |
Royal Society (Great Britain): International Catalogue of Scientific Literature
book |
138 |
IA |
Royal Society (Great Britain): International Catalogue of Scientific Literature *
book |
139 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 03)
book |
140 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 09)
book |
141 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 10)
book |
142 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 11)
book |
143 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 179)
book |
144 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 203)
book |
145 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 204)
book |
146 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 205)
book |
147 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 207)
book |
148 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 213)
book |
149 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 215)
book |
150 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 220)
book |
151 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 91)
book |
152 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 92)
book |
153 |
IA |
Royal Society of London: Philosophical transactions. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences (Volume 93)
book |
154 |
icm |
Rubinowicz W.: Wektory i tensory
book |
155 |
Michigan |
Ruchonnet, Charles.: Exposition géométrique des propriétés générales des courbes, par Charles Ruchonnet.
216 |
1901. |
book |
156 |
Rudd, Thomas, 1584?-1656.: Practical geometry, in two parts: the first, shewing how to perform the four species of arithmetick, (viz. addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, ) together with reduction, and the rule of proportion in figures. The second, containing a hundred geometricall questions, with their solutions and demonstrations, some of them being performed arithmetically, and others geometrically, yet all without the help of algebra. A worke very necessary for all men, but principally for surveyors of land, engineers, and all other students in the mathematicks. / By Captain Thomas Rudd, chief engineer to his late Majesty.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
208 |
1650 |
book |
157 |
Rudd, Thomas, 1584?-1656.: Practicall geometry, in two parts: the first, shewing how to perform the foure species of arithmeticke, (viz: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) together with reduction, and the rule of proportion in figures. The second, containing a hundred geometricall questions, with their solutions & demonstrations, some of them being performed arithmetically, and others geometrically, yet all without the help of algebra. A worke very necessary for all men, but principally for surveyors of land, engineers, military architects, and all other students in the mathematicks. By Captain Thomas Rudd, chiefe engineer to his late Majestie.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
208 |
1650 |
book |
158 |
Rudel, Ernst: Die Orientierung photogrammetrischer Aufnahmen bei vertikaler Bildebene unter Benutzung magnetischer Azimute
42 |
1911 |
book |
159 |
Michigan |
Rudio, Ferdinand: Die Elemente der analytischen Geometrie des Raumes.
156 |
1891. |
book |
160 |
Rudio, Ferdinand: Über diejenigen Flächen, deren Krümmungsmittelpunktsflächen confokale Flächen zweiten Grades sind
22 |
1880 |
book |
161 |
Michigan |
Rufini, Enrico: Il "Metodo" di Archimede e le origini dell' analisi infinitesimale nell' antichità.
293 |
1926. |
book |
162 |
Michigan |
Rühlmann, Moritz: Vorträge über Geschichte der technischen Mechanik und theoretischen Maschinenlehre, sowie der damit in Zusammenhang stehenden mathematischen Wissenschaften.
553 |
1885. |
book |
163 |
Michigan |
Rulf, Wilhelm Friedrich Johann: Elemente der projectivischen Geometrie.
96 |
1889. |
book |
164 |
Michigan |
Runge, Carl: Analytische Geometrie der Ebene, von C. Runge. Mit 75 figuren im text.
198 |
1908. |
book |
165 |
Runge, Carl: Ueber die Krümmung, Torsion und geodätische Krümmung der auf einer Fläche gezogenen Curven
29 |
1880 |
book |
166 |
Runge, Carl: Vorlesungen über numerisches Rechnen
372 |
1924 |
book |
167 |
IA |
Runge, Carl, 1856-1927: Graphical methods; a course of lectures delivered in Columbia university, New York, October, 1909, to January, 1910
book |
168 |
IA |
Runge, Carl, 1856-1927: Graphical methods; a course of lectures delivered in Columbia University, New York, October, 1909, to January, 1910
book |
169 |
IA |
Runge, Carl David Tolmé, 1856-1927: Graphical methods; a course of lectures delivered in Columbia University, New York, October, 1909, to January, 1910 *
book |
170 |
Michigan |
Russell, Bertrand: An essay on the foundations of geometry, by Bertrand A.W. Russell.
201 |
1897. |
book |
171 |
Michigan |
Russell, Bertrand: The principles of mathematics, by Bertrand Russell. vol. I.
534 |
1903. |
book |
172 |
IA |
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970: Introduction to mathematical philosophy
book |
173 |
IA |
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970: Mysticism and logic and other essays
book |
174 |
IA |
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970: Mysticism and logic and other essays *
book |
175 |
IA |
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970: Mysticism and logic, and other essays
book |
176 |
IA |
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970: Mysticism and logic, and other essays *
book |
177 |
IA |
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970: The principles of mathematics
book |
178 |
IA |
Russell Forsyth, Andrew.: Theory Of Differential Equations Vol V
book |
179 |
Cornell |
Russell, John Wellesley: An elementary treatise on pure geometry with numerous examples
366 |
1893 |
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180 |
IA |
Rutherford, D.E: Modular Invariants
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