DML: Digital Mathematics Library
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Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs

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Contains links to 4609 digitized books (> 647486 pages )
and to 577 digitized journals/seminars (> 4303824 pages).
(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.)

Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Library",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003 [Local Copy]
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Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an
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Author:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
Title:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Remark: Repositories marked by '*' require paid subscription.

Nr. Repository: Author, Title (Books only): Pages: Year(s): Type:
1 GDZ Wagner, Herbert: Über die Entstehung des dynamischen Auftriebes von Tragflügeln 19 1925 book
2 GDZ Wäisälä, K.: Über die algebraisch auflösbaren Gleichungen fünften Grades 77 1916 book
3 GDZ Waldaestel, Hermannus: De diametris curvisque conjugatis curvarum algebraicarum 34 1860 book
4 icm Walfisz A.: Gitterpunkte in mehrdimensionalen Kugeln book
5 EEBO* Walgrave, William.: Decimal arithmetick wherein the whole art is made easy to any indifferent capacity. By notation, addition, substraction, multiplication, and division. With several variations. Also, reduction, with the golden rule, or rule of three, shewing several wayes of measuring circles, globes, balls or cylinders, &c. and to find the solid content of any butt, pipe or cask cones and their frustums, with several waies of measuring taper timber. To which is added the description of a very easy instrument for the taking of any heights or distances without geometry or trigonometry, scale compasses or line of cords, only counting the divisions of the instrument, with the explanation of the multiplication of decimal or vulgar fractions, the rules of practise in decimals and so plain a way of extracting the square root almost as easy division. Also an essay to gunnery, shewing several waies of finding any inaccessible distance of altitude, within common sight, with very many things never before made publick, of which you m paid subscription required, German NatL 256 1681 book
6 IA Walker, B. M. (Buz M.), b. 1863: On the resolution of higher singularities of algebraic curves into ordinary modes book
7 Michigan Wallace, Ebenezer Erskine.: The circle squared; a solution of the problem of squaring the circle, showing the exact ratio between radius and quadrant, by Ebenezer Erskine Wallace. 16 1903. book
8 Cornell Wallenberg, Georg Jakob: Theorie der linearen Differenzengleichungen, unter Mitwirkung von Alf Guldberg; mit 5 Figuren im Text 288 1911 book
9 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: A treatise of algebra, both historical and practical shewing the original, progress, and advancement thereof, from time to time, and by what steps it hath attained to the heighth at which it now is : with some additional treatises ... / by John Wallis ... paid subscription required, German NatL 748 1685 book
10 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Due correction for Mr Hobbes· Or Schoole discipline, for not saying his lessons right. In answer to his Six lessons, directed to the professors of mathematicks. / By the professor of geometry. paid subscription required, German NatL 144 1656 book
11 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Hobbius Heauton-timorumenos, or, A consideration of Mr. Hobbes his dialogves in an epistolary discourse, addressed, to the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq. / by John Wallis ... paid subscription required, German NatL 164 1662 book
12 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Johannis Wallisii, SS. Th. D. geometriae professoris Saviliani in celeberrimâ academia Oxoniensi, operum mathematicorum pars altera qua continentur de angulo contactus & semicirculi, disquisitio geometrica. De sectionibus conicis tractatus. Arithmetica infinitorum: sive de curvilineorum quadraturâ, &c. Ecclipseos Solaris observatio. paid subscription required, German NatL 523 1656 book
13 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Johannis Wallisii, S.S. Th.D., geometriae professoris Saviliani in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi Operum mathematicorum pars prima paid subscription required, German NatL 438 1657 book
14 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Johannis Wallis S.T.D., Geometriae Professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi De algebra tractatus historicus & practicus : anno 1685 Anglice editus, nunc auctus Latine : cum variis appendicibus, partim prius editis Anglice, partim nunc primum editis : operum mathematicorum volumen alterum. paid subscription required, German NatL 898 1693 book
15 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Johannis Wallis S.T.D., geometriae professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi Opera mathematica paid subscription required, German NatL 3 1693 book
16 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Johannis Wallis S.T.D. geometriae professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Operum mathematicorum volumen tertium. Quo continentur Claudii Ptolemaei Porphyrii Manuelis Bryennii harmonica: Archimedis arenarius, & dimensio circuli; cum Eutocii commentario: Aristarchi Samii, de magnitudinibus & distantiis solis & lunae, liber: Pappi Alexandrini, libri secundi collectaneorum, hactenus disiderati, fragmentum: Graece & Latine edita, cum notis. Accedunt epistolae nonnullae, rem mathematicam spectantes; et opuscula quaedam miscellanea. paid subscription required, German NatL 1213 1699 book
17 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Mechanica, sive, De motu, tractatus geometricus authore Johanne Wallis. paid subscription required, German NatL Wing (2nd ed.) / W593 book
18 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Operum mathematicorvm Johannes Wallisi. paid subscription required, German NatL 1 1656 book
19 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Thomae Hobbes quadratura circuli, cubatio sphaerae, duplicatio cubi; (Secundo edita, ) denuo refutata. Authore Johanne Wallis S.T.D. Geometriae professore Saviliano paid subscription required, German NatL 9 1669 book
20 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Thomae Hobbes quadratura circuli, cubatio sphaere, duplicatio cubi, confutata authore Johanne Wallis ... paid subscription required, German NatL 24 1669 book
21 EEBO* Wallis, John, 1616-1703.: Tractatus duo prior, de cycloide et corporibus inde gentis : posterior, epistolaris in qua agitur de cissoide, et corporibus inde gentis, et de curvarum ... / Johannes Wallisi. paid subscription required, German NatL 133 1659 book
22 IA Walmsley, Charles.: An Introductory Course Of Mathematical Analysis book
23 Gallica Walras, Léon.: Théorie mathématique de la richesse sociale 256 1995 book
24 IA Walsh, John H. (John Henry), 1853-1924: Mathematics for common schools : a manual for teachers, including definitions, principles, and rules and solutions of the more difficult problems book
25 IA Walsh, John H. (John Henry), 1853-1924: Mathematics for common schools. A manual for teachers, including definitions, principles, and rules and solutions of the more difficult problems book
26 IA Walsh, John H. (John Henry), 1853-1924: Mathematics for common schools. A manual for teachers, including definitions, principles, and rules and solutions of the more difficult problems * book
27 IA Walsh, John H. (John Henry), 1853-1924: Mathematics for common schools. A manual for teachings, including definitions, principles, and rules and solutions of the more difficult problems book
28 IA Walsh, John. (John Henry), 1853-1924: Walsh's business arithmetic book
29 IA Walsh, Michael, 1763-1840: A new system of mercantile arithmetic : adapted to the commerce of the United States in its domestic and foreign relations : with forms of accounts ... book
30 IA Walter E. Wynne , William Spraragen: Handbook of Engineering Mathematics book
31 IA Walter William Rouse Ball: A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge book
32 IA Walter William Rouse Ball: A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge * book
33 IA Walter William Rouse Ball: A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge * * book
34 IA Walter William Rouse Ball: A Short Account of the History of Mathematics book
35 IA Walter Wilson Hart: Junior High School Mathematics * * * * * book
36 IA Walter Wilson Hart: Junior High School Mathematics * * * * * * * * book
37 IA Walton, Seymour, 1846-1920: Mathematics of accounting and finance book
38 Michigan Walton, William: Problems in illustration of the principles of plane coordinate geometry. 429 1851. book
39 Gallica Wand, Theodor Rittler von.: Die principien der mathematischen Physik und die Potentialtheorie nebst ihren vorzüglichsten Anwendungen im Grundriss dargestelt 184 1995 book
40 Michigan Wangerin, Albert i.e. Friedrich Heinrich Albert: Theorie des Potentials und der Kugelfunktionen, von Dr. A. Wangerin. 1909-1921. book
41 EEBO* Ward, Seth, 1617-1689.: Astronomiae geometricae. astronomia circularis : geometrice proposita. paid subscription required, German NatL 57 1656 book
42 EEBO* Ward, Seth, 1617-1689.: In Thomae Hobbii philosophiam exercitatio epistolica cui subjicitir appendicula Ad calumnias ab eodem Hobbio (in sex documentis nuperrimè editis) in authorem congestas responsoria / autore Setho Wardo ... paid subscription required, German NatL 376 1656 book
43 Michigan Warren, S. Edward (Samuel Edward): Problems, theorems and examples in descriptive geometry ... 252 1883. book
44 Michigan Wassmuth, Anton: Grundlagen und Anwendungen der statistischen Mechanik, von Dr. A. Wassmuth. Mit 4 Abbildungen. 1922. book
45 TIFR Watanabe, S.: On Stochastic Differential Equations and Malliavin Calculus book
46 IA Watson, G.N.: Complex Integration And Cauchys Theorem book
47 Michigan Watson, G. N. (George Neville): A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions, by G. N. Watson. 804 1922. book
48 Cornell Watson, Henry William: The mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism (Volume 1) 1885 book
49 Cornell Watson, Henry William: The mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism (Volume 2) 1885 book
50 IA Watts, Earle F.: Descriptive Geometry book
51 IA Weatherburn, C.E.: A First Course In Mathematical Statistics book
52 Michigan Weaver, James Henry: Some extensions of the work of Pappus and Steiner on tangent circles, by J.H. Weaver. 1920. book
53 IA Webber, Winfield Paul, 1874-1935: Introductory mathematical analysis book
54 IA Webb, Thomas William, 1807-1885: Optics without mathematics book
55 Cornell Weber, Eduard von: Vorlesungen über das Pfaff´sche Problem und die Theorie der partiellen Differentialgleichungen erster ordnung 622 1900 book
56 Michigan Weber, Heinrich: Die partiellen Differential-Gleichungen der mathematischen Physik nach Riemanns Vorlesungen in 4. Aufl. neu bearb. von Heinrich Weber. 1900-01. book
57 Cornell Weber, Heinrich: Elliptische Functionen und algebraische Zahlen, Academische Vorlesungen von H. Weber 504 1891 book
58 Michigan Weber, Heinrich: Encyklopädie der elementar-Mathematik. 1903-07. book
59 Cornell Weber, Heinrich: Lehrbuch der Algebra (Volume 2) 876 1898 book
60 Cornell Weber, Heinrich: Lehrbuch der Algebra (Volume 3) 754 1898 book
61 Michigan Weber, Heinrich: Lehrbuch der Algebra, von Heinrich Weber. 1898-1908. book
62 Cornell Weber, Heinrich: Theorie der Abelschen Functionen vom Geschlecht 3 182 1876 book
63 Gallica Weber, Heinrich (1842-1913).: Angewandte Elementar-Mathematik 536 1995 book
64 Gallica Weber, Heinrich (1842-1913).: Encyklopädie der Elementar-Mathematik 666 1995 book
65 IA Weber, Heinrich, 1842-1913: Festschrift Heinrich Weber zu seinem siebzigsten Geburtstag am 5. März 1912 gewidmet von Freunden und Schülern; mit dem Bildnis von H. Weber in Heliogravüre und Figuren im Text (Volume 6) book
66 IA Weber, Heinrich, 1842-1913: Lehrbuch der Algebra (Volume 01) book
67 IA Weber, Heinrich, 1842-1913: Lehrbuch der Algebra (Volume 03) book
68 IA Weber, Heinrich, 1842-1913: Lehrbuch der Algebra (Volume 1) book
69 IA Weber, Heinrich, 1842-1913: Lehrbuch der Algebra (Volume 2) * book
70 GDZ Weber, Heinrich Martin: Lehrbuch der Algebra (Band 1, 2: 1. Auflage, Band 3: 2. Auflage) 2233 1895 book
71 GDZ Weber, Otto: Binormalenflächen mit einer zur Striktionslinie äquidistanten Asymptotenlinie in Beziehung zu Evoluten Ribaucourscher Kurven 72 1914 book
72 GDZ Weber, Werner: Die Pellsche Gleichung 159 1939 book
73 Michigan Webster, Arthur Gordon: The dynamics of particles and of rigid, elastic, and fluid bodies. 588 1904. book
74 Michigan Webster, Arthur Gordon: The dynamics of particles and of rigid, elastic, and fluid bodies. * 588 1912. book
75 IA Webster, Arthur Gordon, 1863-1923: The dynamics of particles and of rigid, elastic, and fluid bodies [microform] : being lectures on mathematical physics book
76 AMS Wedderburn, J. H. M.: Lectures on Matrices 205 1934 book
77 GDZ Wegner, Udo: Über die ganzzahligen Polynome, die für unendlich viele Primzahlmoduln Permutationen liefern 29 1928 book
78 GDZ Weickmann, Ludwig: Beiträge zur Theorie der Flächen mit einer Schar von Minimalgeraden 54 1912 book
79 GDZ Weidner, Karl: Über die Bedeutung der mathematischen Logik 51 1917 book
80 Cornell Weierstrass, Karl: Abhandlungen Aus Der Functionenlehre 262 1886 book
81 Michigan Weierstrass, Karl: Formeln und Lehrsätze zum Gebrauche der elliptischen Functionen. nach Vorlesungen und Aufzeichnungen des Hern K. Weierstrass, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von H. A. Schwarz. 96 1883-[85] book
82 Cornell Weierstrass, Karl: Formeln und Lehrsätze zum Gebrauche der elliptischen Functionen, nach Vorlesungen und Aufzeichnungen des K. Weierstrass, bearb. und Hrsg. von H. A. Schwarz 1893 book
83 Michigan Weierstrass, Karl: Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass. 1894-1927. book
84 Cornell Weierstrass, Karl: Theorie der Abel'schen Functionen (K. Weierstrass) 354 1896 book
85 IA Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm, 1815-1897: Mathematische Werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung einer von der Königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften eingesetzten Commission (Volume 1) book
86 IA Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm, 1815-1897: Mathematische Werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung einer von der Königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften eingesetzten Commission (Volume 2) book
87 IA Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm, 1815-1897: Mathematische Werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung einer von der Königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften eingesetzten Commission (Volume 4) book
88 IA Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm, 1815-1897: Mathematische Werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung einer von der Königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften eingesetzten Commission (Volume 5) book
89 IA Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm, 1815-1897: Mathematische Werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung einer von der Königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften eingesetzten Commission (Volume 6) book
90 IA Weinstock, Robert.: Calculus Of Variations First Edition book
91 Michigan Weissenborn, Hermann: Die Projection in der Ebene ... 512 1862. book
92 Michigan Weissenborn, Hermann.: Grundzüge der analytischen Geometrie de Ebene für orthogonale und homogene Punkt- und Linier-Coordinaten ... 236 1876. book
93 Michigan Weitzenböck, Roland: Aufgaben und Methoden der Invariantentheorie; Antrittsrede gehalten am 1. Juni 1921 an der Universität in Amsterdam, von dr. R. Weitzenböck. 8 [192-?] book
94 Michigan Weitzenböck, Roland: Invariantentheorie. 408 1923. book
95 Cornell Weld, Laenas Gifford: Determinants 56 1906 book
96 Cornell Weld, Laenas Gifford: Short course in the theory of determinants 238 1893 book
97 IA Weld, Le Roy D. (Le Roy Dougherty), 1880-: Theory of errors and least squares; a textbook for college students and research workers book
98 IA Weld, Le Roy Dougherty, b. 1880: Theory of errors and least squares; a textbook for college students and research workers * book
99 Michigan Wells, Webster: New plane geometry, by Webster Wells. 298 1909. book
100 GDZ Welsch, Joseph: Über das durch die gemeinsamen Tangenten zweier Flächen 2. Ordnung bestimmte Nullsystem 108 1912 book
101 IA Welton, James, 1854-1942: Principles and methods of teaching book
102 IA Welton, James, 1854-1942: Principles and methods of teaching * book
103 GDZ Weltzien, Carl: Über die Zerlegung einer ganzen homogenen Funktion von mehreren Veränderlichen in lineare Faktoren 16 1882 book
104 Cornell Wend, Heinrich Oskar: Über ein mit der Differentialgleichung [delta]²f/[delta]x² + [delta]²f/[delta]y² + [delta]²f/[delta]z² = k²f zusammenhängendes physikalisches Problem 1888 book
105 GDZ Wendt, Ernst: Arithmetische Studien über den "letzten" Fermatschen Satz, welcher aussagt, dass die Gleichung an=bn+cn für n>2 in ganzen Zahlen nicht auflösbar ist 17 1894 book
106 Michigan Wentworth, G. A. (George Albert): Plane and spherical trigonometry, surveying and tables, by G.A. Wentworth. 75 1895. book
107 Michigan Wentworth, G. A. (George Albert): Wentworth's solid geometry. 190 [c1911] book
108 Michigan Wentworth, George: Plane and solid geometry, by George Wentworth and David Eugene Smith. 470 [c1913] book
109 Cornell Wentworth, George: Solid geometry, [Books VI-VIII] 463 book
110 IA Wentworth, George Albert: Fundamentals of practical mathematics * book
111 IA Wentworth, George, b. 1868: Fundamentals of practical mathematics book
112 IA Wentworth, George, b. 1868: Junior high school mathematics * book
113 IA Wentworth, George, b. 1868: Junior high school mathematics * * book
114 GDZ Wenzel, Aloys: Die infinitesimale Deformation der abwickelbaren und Regelflächen 70 1913 book
115 GDZ Wenzel, Wilhelm: Über die Stabilität des Gleichgewichtes ebener elastischer Stabwerke und die Knickfestigkeit des Gitterträgers 53 1929 book
116 GDZ Wernicke, Friedrich Alexander; Wernicke, Alexander: Ueber Gleichgewichtslagen schwimmender Körper und Schwerpunktsflächen 62 1879 book
117 GDZ Wernicke, Guilelmus: Disquisitiones de systematibus curvarum isothermarum 27 1863 book
118 GDZ Wertheim, Gustav: Die Arithmetik des Elia Misrachi 78 1896 book
119 Cornell Wertheim, Gustav: Elemente der Zahlentheorie 381 1887 book
120 IA Wesley, Young John.: Lectures On Fundamental Concepts Of Algebra And Geometry book
121 IA Westaway, F.W.: Craftsmanship In The Teaching Of Elementary Mathematics book
122 Michigan Weyl, Hermann: Mathematische Analyse des Raumproblems; 117 1923. book
123 Michigan Weyr, Emil: Die elemente der projectivischen geometrie, von Dr. Emil Weyr. 1883-87. book
124 Michigan Weyr, Emil: Geometrie der räumlichen erzeugnisse ein-zwei-deutiger gebilde, insbesondere der regelflächen dritter ordnung. Von dr. Emil Weyr. 175 1870. book
125 IA Whewell, William, 1794-1866: On the principles of English university education book
126 IA Whewell, William, 1794-1866: On the principles of English university education ; book
127 EEBO* White, Alexander, fl. 1657.: Theses philosophicae quas, Athenaei mareschallani magisterii candidati, quadriennale curriculú emensi, laureâ triumphali hac vice condecorandi IX. Calendum quintilbis A.P.D.O.M. publice propugnabunt horis & loco solitis. Praeside Alexandro Quhyteo. paid subscription required, German NatL 48 1657 book
128 Michigan Whitehead, Alfred North: An introduction to mathematics, by A. N. Whitehead. 256 c1911] book
129 Michigan Whitehead, Alfred North: An introduction to mathematics, by A. N. Whitehead. * 249 1911] book
130 Cornell Whitehead, Alfred North: A treatise on universal algebra, with applications 1898 book
131 Michigan Whitehead, Alfred North: The axioms of descriptive geometry, by A.N. Whitehead. 74 1907. book
132 IA Whitehead, Alfred North, 1861-1947: An introduction to mathematics book
133 IA Whitehead, Alfred North, 1861-1947: An introduction to mathematics * book
134 IA Whitehead, Alfred North, 1861-1947: An introduction to mathematics, by A. N. Whitehead book
135 IA Whitehead, Alfred North, 1861-1947: The organisation of thought, educational and scientific book
136 EEBO* White, John, d. 1671.: A rich cabinet, with variety of inventions: unlock'd and open'd, for the recreation of ingenious spirits at their vacant hours Being receipts and conceits of several natures, and fit for those who are lovers of natural and artificial conclusions. As also variety of recreative fire-works both for land, air, and water. And fire-works of service for sea and shore. Whereunto is added divers experiments in drawing, painting, arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, and other parts of the mathematicks. Likewise directions for ringing the most usual peals, that belong to that art. Collected by J. W. a lover of artificial conclusions. paid subscription required, German NatL 246 1651 book
137 EEBO* White, John, d. 1671.: A rich cabinet, with variety of inventions, unlock'd and open'd, for the recreation of ingenious spirits Being receits and conceits of several natures, and fit for those who are lovers of natural and artificial conclusions. As also variety of recreative fire-works both for land, air, and water. And fire-works of service, for sea and shore. Whereunto are added divers experiments in drawing, painting, arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, and other parts of the mathematicks. Together with several curious receits of great use, collected out of Alexis, Mizaldus, Wecker, &c. By John White a lover of artificial conclusions. paid subscription required, German NatL 142 1689 book
138 Cornell White, William Frank: A scrap-book of elementary mathematics; notes, recreations, essays 248 1908 book
139 Michigan Whitford, Edward Everett: The Pell equation, by Edward Everett Whitford. 193 1912. book
140 TIFR Whitham, G.B.: On Wave Propagation book
141 GDZ Whittaker, Edmund Taylor: Analytische Dynamik der Punkte und starren Körper 459 1924 book
142 IA Whittaker, E.T: The Calculus Of Observations book
143 IA Whitworth William Allen.: Trilinear Coordinates book
144 Cornell Whitworth, William Allen: Trilinear coordinates and other methods of modern analytical geometry of two dimensions: an elementary treatise 506 1866 book
145 IA Whitworth, William Allen, 1840-1905: Choice and chance book
146 IA Whitworth, William Allen, 1840-1905: Choice and chance * book
147 IA Whitworth, William Allen, 1840-1905: Choice and chance. Withe 1, 000 exercises book
148 IA Whitworth, William Allen , Charles Taylor, James Whitbread Lee Glaisher: The Messenger of Mathematics * * book
149 IA Whitworth, William Allen , Charles Taylor, James Whitbread Lee Glaisher: The Messenger of Mathematics * * * book
150 IA Widder, David Vernon: The Laplace Transform book
151 Cornell Wieleitner, Heinrich: Bibliographie der höheren algebraischen Kurven für den Zeitabschnitt von 1890-1904, Beilage zum Jahresbericht des Königl. humanistischen Gymnasiums zu Speyer für das Schuljahr 1904/05 58 1905 book
152 Cornell Wiener, Christian: Lehrbuch der darstellenden Geometrie (Volume 1) 1884 book
153 Cornell Wiener, Christian: Lehrbuch der darstellenden Geometrie (Volume 2) 1884 book
154 GDZ Wiener, Friedrich Wilhelm: Elementare Beiträge zur neueren Funktionentheorie 44 1911 book
155 Michigan Wiener, H. (Hermann): Sechs Abhandlungen über das Rechnen mit Spiegelungen, nebst Anwendungen auf die Geometrie der Bewegungen und auf die projektive Geometrie, von dr. Hermann Wiener. 1893. book
156 EEBO* Wigan, Eleazar.: Practical arithmetick an introduction to ye whole art wherein the most necessary rules are fairly describ'd in the usuall hands adorn'd with great variety of flourishes perform'd by command of hand design'd to be interleav'd for ye more speedy fitting of youth for merchandize or trade by Eleazar Wigan writing [maron grt. lower gill] London paid subscription required, German NatL 1696 book
157 Cornell Wilczynski, E. J.: Projective differential geometry of curves and ruled surfaces 298 1906 book
158 GDZ Wilensky, Michael: Ueber Besselsche Funktionen 65 1914 book
159 IA Wilks, S. S: Mathematical Statistics book
160 IA Willem Jacob van 's Gravesande: The Elements of Universal Mathematics, Or Algebra: To which is Added, A Specimen of a Commentary ... book
161 IA William Allen Whitworth, Charles Taylor, James Whitbread Lee Glaisher: The Messenger of Mathematics book
162 IA William Allen Whitworth, Charles Taylor, James Whitbread Lee Glaisher: The Messenger of Mathematics * book
163 IA William Edwin Breckenridge, Samuel Foster Mersereau , Charles Frederick Moore: Shop Problems in Mathematics book
164 IA William Estabrook Chancellor: Elementary School Mathematics by Grades book
165 IA William Estabrook Chancellor: Elementary School Mathematics by Grades * book
166 IA William Estabrook Chancellor: Elementary School Mathematics by Grades * * book
167 IA William Galbraith: Mathematical and Astronomical Tables: For the Use of Students in Mathematics ... book
168 IA William Galbraith: Mathematical and astronomical tables: For the Use of Students of Mathematics, Practical ... book
169 IA William Galbraith: Mathematical and Astronomical Tables: For the Use of Students of Mathematics, Practical ... book
170 IA William Henry Dooley: Vocational Mathematics book
171 IA William Henry Dooley: Vocational Mathematics, by William H. Dooley ... book
172 IA William Henry Dooley: Vocational Mathematics for Girls book
173 IA William Henry Dooley: Vocational Mathematics for Girls * book
174 IA William Ledley Vosburgh: Junior High School Mathematics * book
175 IA William Ledley Vosburgh: Junior High School Mathematics * * * * * * * * * * * book
176 IA William Ledley Vosburgh: Junior High School Mathematics * * * * * * * * * * * * * * book
177 IA William Ledley Vosburgh, Frederick William Gentleman: Junior High School Mathematics * * book
178 IA William Ledley Vosburgh, Frederick William Gentleman: Junior High School Mathematics * * * * * * * * * book
179 IA William Ledley Vosburgh, William Frederick Gentleman: Junior High School Mathematics * * * book
180 IA William M. Rice Institute: Book of the opening of the Rice Institute : being an account of an academic festival held in celebration of the formal opening of the Rice Institute, a University of liberal and technical learning founded in the City of Houston, Texas, by William Marsh Rice and dedicated by him to the advancement of letters, science and art (Volume 1) book
181 IA William M. Rice Institute: Book of the opening of the Rice Institute : being an account of an academic festival held in celebration of the formal opening of the Rice Institute, a University of liberal and technical learning founded in the City of Houston, Texas, by William Marsh Rice and dedicated by him to the advancement of letters, science and art (Volume 2) book
182 IA William M. Rice Institute: Book of the opening of the Rice Institute : being an account of an academic festival held in celebration of the formal opening of the Rice Institute, a University of liberal and technical learning founded in the City of Houston, Texas, by William Marsh Rice and dedicated by him to the advancement of letters, science and art (Volume 3) book
183 msri William P. Thurston: The Geometry and Topology of Three-Manifolds 400 1980 book
184 IA William Shanks: Contributions to mathematics, comprising chiefly the rectification of the circle to 607 places ... book
185 IA Williams, Oscar F: Commercial arithmetic book
186 IA William Taylor: A Complete System of Practical Arithmetic, with Various Branches in the Mathematics book
187 IA William Woolsey Johnson: Differential Equations book
188 Michigan Willing, Georg: Beiträge zur Theorie der Bewegung der Kugel, welche auf einer Ebene rollt, ohne zu gleiten... Meiningen, Druck der Keyssner'schen Hofbuchdruckerei (K. Keyssner) 1904. 34 book
189 IA Will, W. R. (William Russell), b. 1840: Will's commercial arithmetic, presenting the best usage in modern business practice book
190 IA Wilson: Advanced Calculus book
191 Cornell Wilson, Edwin Bidwell: Advanced calculus; a text upon select parts of differential calculus, differential equations, integral calculus, theory of functions; with numerous exercises 566 book
192 GDZ Wilson, Harry: Untersuchung einer linear-quadratischen Berührungstransformation 61 1913 book
193 GDZ Wiltheiss, Ernst Eduard: Die Umkehrung einer Gruppe von Systemen allgemeiner hyperelliptischer Differentialgleichungen 60 1879 book
194 IA Wines, E. C. (Enoch Cobb), 1806-1879: Hints on a system of popular education: addressed to R. S. Field ... chairman of the Committee on education in the Legislature of New Jersey; and to the Rev. A. B. Dod, professor of mathematics in the College of New Jersey book
195 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: Ludus mathematicus, or, The mathematical game explaining the description, construction, and use of the numericall table of proportion, by help whereof, and of certain chessmen (fitted for that purpose) any proportion, arithmetical or geometrical (without any calculation at all, or use of pen), may be readily and with delight resolved when the term exceeds not 1000000 / by E.W. paid subscription required, German NatL 92 1654 book
196 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: Ludus mathematicus: or, The mathematical game explaining, the description, construction, and use of the numerical table of proportion. By help whereof, and of certain chessmen (fitted for that purpose) any proportion, arithmetical or geometrical (without any calculation at all, or use of pen) may be readily, and with delight resolved, when the term required, exceeds not 100000. By E.W. paid subscription required, German NatL 96 1681 book
197 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: Mr. Wingate's arithmetick, containing a perfect method for the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. / First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grayes-Inne esquire. Afterwards enlarged at the request, and with the approbation of Mr. Wingate in his life time. paid subscription required, German NatL 656 1658 book
198 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: Mr. Wingate's arithmetick containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowldge and practice of common arithmetick / first composed by Edmund Wingate, afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request enlarged in his lifetime ; also since his decease carefully revised and much improved as will appear by the preface and table of contents by John Kersey. paid subscription required, German NatL 520 1668 book
199 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: Mr Wingate's arithmetick containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick / first composed by Edmund Wingate ... afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life-time : also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents, by John Kersey ... paid subscription required, German NatL 1080 1683 book
200 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: Mr. Wingate's arithmetick containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick / first composed by Edmund Wingate ... afterwards, upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life-time : also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents, by John Kersey .. . paid subscription required, German NatL 1080 1699 book
201 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: Mr. Wingate's arithmetick containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick / first composed by Edmund Wingate ... afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life time ; also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents, by John Kersey ... paid subscription required, German NatL 1080 1678 book
202 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: Mr. Wingate's arithmetick containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick / first composed by Edmund Wingate ; afterwards, upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life-time, also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved ... by John Kersey. paid subscription required, German NatL 1078 1689 book
203 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: Mr Wingate's arithmetick containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. The eighth edition, very much enlarged. First composed by Edmund Wingate late of Grayes-Inne Esquire. Afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life-time: also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents. By John Kersey, teacher of the mathematicks, at the sign of the Globe in Shandois-street in Covent-Garden. paid subscription required, German NatL 556 1683 book
204 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: The construction, and vse of the line of proportion By helpe whereof the hardest questions of arithmetique & geometry, as well in broken as whole numbers, are resolved by addition and subtraction. By Edm: Wingate, gent. paid subscription required, German NatL 24 1628 book
205 EEBO* Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.: The use of the rule of proportion in arithmetick and geometrie First published at Paris in the French-tongue, and dedicated to Monsieur, the then Kings onely brother (now Duke of Orleance) by Edm. Wingate, an English gent. And now translated into English by the same author. Whereinto is now also inserted the construction of the same rule, and a farther use thereof, in questions that concern astronomie, dialling, geographie, navigation, gaging of vessel, military orders, interest and annuities. paid subscription required, German NatL 153 1658 book
206 EEBO* Wing, Vincent, 1619-1668.: Examen astronomiae Carolinae: T.S. or, a short mathematicall discourse containing, some animadversions upon Mr. Thomas Streetes astronomicall tables of the coelestial motions wherein his errours and mistakes are clearly detected, and the author hereof justly vindicated from his unjust aspersions. (In an appenidx to the said astronomical treatise.) By Vincent Wing, mathemat. paid subscription required, German NatL 48 1665 book
207 Michigan Winkelmann, Max: Zur Theorie des Maxwell'schen Kreisels. 1904. book
208 GDZ Winkler, Hermann Rudolf: Über die Bewegung affin-veränderlicher ebener Systeme 79 1914 book
209 IA Winslow, Ezra S: The foreign and domestic commercial calculator; or, A complete library of numerical, arithmetical, and mathematical facts, tables, data, formulas, and practical rules for the merchant and mercantile accountant book
210 GDZ Winterberg, Constantin: Quibus in casibus integralium ordinariorum quae aequationi differentiale 31 1874 book
211 Cornell Wirtinger, Wilhelm: Untersuchungen über Thetafunctionen 125 1895 book
212 Michigan Withers, John William: Euclid's parallel postulate: its nature, validity, and place in geometrical systems ... 192 1905. book
213 Cornell Witzschel, Benjamin: Grundlinien der neueren Geometrie, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der metrischen Verhältnisse an Systemen von Punkten in einer Graden und einer Ebene 273 1858 book
214 GDZ Woepcke, Franz: Disquisitiones archaeologico-mathematicae circa solaria veterum; Diss. inaug. 95 1842 book
215 Gallica Woepcke, Franz.: Extrait du Fakhrî 152 1995 book
216 Gallica Woepcke, Franz.: Recherches sur plusieurs ouvrages de Léonard de Pise 64 1995 book
217 IA Wolfe, Harold E.: Introduction To Non Euclidean Geometry. book
218 IA Wolfe, S. Herbert (Samuel Herbert), b. 1874: Inheritance tax calculations; an explanation of the underlying principles, with tables and instructions for ascertaining the present value of dower and curtesy rights, life estates, annuities, vested and contingent remainders, upon the Northampton, Carlisle, American and actuaries' experience tables of mortality at various rates of interest, with a brief analysis of the inheritance tax laws of the various states and territories book
219 IA Wolff, Christian, Freiherr von, 1679-1754: Elementa matheseos universæ ... : qui commentationem de methodo mathematica, arithmeticam, geometriam .. (Volume 1) book
220 IA Wolff, Christian, Freiherr von, 1679-1754: Elementa matheseos universæ ... : qui commentationem de methodo mathematica, arithmeticam, geometriam .. (Volume 2) book
221 IA Wolff, Christian, Freiherr von, 1679-1754: Elementa matheseos universæ ... : qui commentationem de methodo mathematica, arithmeticam, geometriam .. (Volume 3) book
222 IA Wolff, Christian, Freiherr von, 1679-1754: Elementa matheseos universæ ... : qui commentationem de methodo mathematica, arithmeticam, geometriam .. (Volume 4) book
223 MPIWG Wolff, Christian von (1679 - 1754):: Elementa matheseos universae. Bd. 1: Qui Commentationem de Methodo Mathematica, Arithmeticam, Geometriam, Trigonometriam Planam, Analysim, tam Finitorum quàm Infinitorum complectitur 526 1732 book
224 MPIWG Wolff, Christian von (1679 - 1754):: Elementa matheseos universae. Bd. 2: Qui Mechanicam cum Statica, Hydrostaticam, Aerometriam atque Hydraulicam complectitur 397 1733 book
225 MPIWG Wolff, Christian von (1679 - 1754):: Elementa matheseos universae. Bd. 3: Qui Opticam, Perspectivam, Catoptricam, Dioptricam, Sphaerica Trigonometriam Sphaericam, atque Astronomiam tam Sphaericam, quam Theoricam complectitur 581 1735 book
226 MPIWG Wolff, Christian von (1679 - 1754):: Elementa matheseos universae. Bd. 4: Qui Geographiam cum Hydrographia, Chronologiam, Gnomonicam, Pyrotechniam, Architecturam Militarem atque Civilem complectitur 374 1738 book
227 MPIWG Wolff, Christian von (1679 - 1754):: Elementa matheseos universae. Bd. 5: Qui Commentationem de Praecipuis Scriptis Mathematicis, commentationem de Studio Mathematico Recte Instituendo Indices 501 1741 book
228 GDZ Wolff, Georg: Ueber Kollineationen in der Ebene 63 1910 book
229 IA Wolff, Henry C. (Henry Charles), b. 1874: Mathematics for agricultural students book
230 IA Wolf, Rudolf, 1816-1893: Taschenbuch für Mathematik, Physik, Geodäsie und Astronomie book
231 IA Wolstenholme, Joseph: Examples For Practice In The Use Of book
232 IA Wolstenholme, Joseph, 1829-1891: Mathematical problems on the first and second divisions of the schedule of subjects for the Cambridge mathematical tripos examination book
233 IA Wolstenholme, Joseph, 1829-1891: Mathematical problems on the first and second divisions of the schedule of subjects for the Cambridge mathematical tripos examination * book
234 Michigan Wood, Philip Worsley.: The twisted cubic with some account of the metrical properties of the cubical hyperbola, by P. W. Wood. 78 1913. book
235 IA Woods, Frederick S.: A Course In Mathematics Vol I book
236 IA Woods, Frederick. S: A Course In Mathematics Vol II book
237 Michigan Woods, Frederick S. (Frederick Shenstone): Higher geometry; an introduction to advanced methods in analytic geometry, by Frederick S. Woods. 423 [c1922] book
238 IA Woods, Frederick S. (Frederick Shenstone), 1864-: A course in mathematics, for students in engineering and applied science book
239 IA Woods, Frederick S. (Frederick Shenstone), 1864-: A course in mathematics, for students in engineering and applied science * book
240 IA Woods, Frederick S. (Frederick Shenstone), 1864-: A course in mathematics, for students in engineering and applied science (Volume 1) book
241 IA Woods, Frederick S. (Frederick Shenstone), 1864-: A course in mathematics, for students in engineering and applied science (Volume 2) book
242 IA Woods, Frederick S. (Frederick Shenstone), 1864-: A course in mathematics, for students in engineering and applied science (Volume 2) * book
243 IA Woodward, Robert S.: Probability And Theory Of Errors No 7 book
244 Cornell Woodward, Robert Simpson: Probability and theory of errors 47 1906 book
245 IA Woodward, Robert Simpson, 1849-1924: Probability and theory of errors * book
246 IA Woodward, Robert Simpson, 1849-1924: Probability and theory of errors * * book
247 Michigan Woolf, Solomon: An elementary course in descriptive geoemetry. 152 1895. book
248 IA Workman, W. P. (Walter Percy), b. 1863: Memoranda mathematica; a synopsis of facts, formulae, and methods in elementary mathematics book
249 IA Wright, J.M.F.: A Commentary On Newtons Principia Vol I book
250 IA Wright, J.M.F.: A Commentary On Newtons Principia Vol II book
251 Cornell Wright, T. W.: A treatise on the adjustment of observations, with applications to geodetic work and other measures of precision 437 1884 book
252 IA Wright, William James, 1831-: Tracts relating to the modern higher mathematics book
253 Michigan Wuich, Nikolaus.: Die Theorie der Flugbahn-Parabel und ihre wichtigsten Anwendungen. 112 1876. book
254 GDZ Wundt, Wilhelm: Logik 602 1893 book
255 IA Wynne, Walter E: Handbook of engineering mathematics book

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