DML: Digital Mathematics Library
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Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs

New items here since 1. 1. 2013, most recent first Start

Contains links to 4609 digitized books (> 647486 pages )
and to 577 digitized journals/seminars (> 4303824 pages).
(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.)

Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Library",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003 [Local Copy]
A similar list is offered at

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Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an
overview of the repositories.

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Author:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
Title:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Remark: Repositories marked by '*' require paid subscription.

Nr. Repository: Title, Author: Pages: Year(s): Type:
1 IA Handbook of Computational Group Theory ( Derek F. Holt ) (by Derek F. Holt , Bettina Eick , Eamonn A. O'Brien) book
2 IA Handbook of Engineering Mathematics (by Walter E. Wynne , William Spraragen) book
3 IA Handbook of engineering mathematics (by Wynne, Walter E) book
4 IA Handbook of mathematics for engineers (by Huntington, E. V. (Edward Vermilye), 1874-1952) book
5 IA Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers (by Edward Vermilye Huntington, Louis Albert Fischer) book
6 Cornell Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen, Theorie und Anwendungen (Volume 1) (by Heine, Eduard) 502 1878 book
7 Cornell Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen, Theorie und Anwendungen (Volume 2) (by Heine, Eduard) 394 1881 book
8 Michigan Handbuch der Lehre von der Verteilung der Primzahlen. (by Landau, Edmund) 1909. book
9 Cornell Hauptsätze der Differential- und Integral-Rechnung, als Leitfaden zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen (by Fricke, Robert) 215 1902 book
10 msri Heegner points and Rankin L-series (by Henri Darmon and Shou-Wu Zhang) 382 2004 book
11 EEBO* A help to calculation, or, Two tables the one of decimal numbers and the other of their logarithmes for the ready converting of sexagenary tables into decimal and the contrary ... : as also tables of declination, right and oblique ascensions, ascensional difference, and other tables of the primum mobile for the speedy and exact effecting of a figure ... (by Newton, John, 1622-1678.) paid subscription required, German NatL 122 1657 book
12 Michigan Henri Poincaré par le Dr Toulouse. (by Toulouse, Édouard) 204 [1910]. book
13 GDZ Herleitung der Fuchsschen Periodenrelationen für lineare Differentialsysteme (by Hronyecz, Georg) 36 1912 book
14 GDZ Herleitung neuer windschiefer Kegelschnitte durch die Bianchische Transformation Bk (by Kurth, Friedrich) 83 1913 book
15 GDZ Herleitung von Kriterien für die Anzahl reeller Wurzeln von Gleichungen <speciell der allgemeinen viergliedrigen und der Gleichungen vom fünften Grade> aus der Beschaffenheit ihrer Discriminantenmannigfaltigkei (by Faerber, Carl) 68 1889 book
16 Michigan Hermann Grassmanns gesammelte mathematische und physikalische Werke. (by Grassmann, Hermann) 1894-1911. book
17 Gallica Heronis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt omnia (by Héron d'Alexandrie.) 514 1995 book
18 Gallica Heronis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt omnia * (by Héron d'Alexandrie.) 450 1995 book
19 Gallica Heronis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt omnia * * (by Héron d'Alexandrie.) 182 1995 book
20 Gallica Heronis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt omnia * * * (by Héron d'Alexandrie.) 275 1995 book
21 MPIWG Herrn Abt Spallanzanis Physicalische und mathematische Abhandlungen (by Spallanzani, Lazzaro (1729 - 1799):) 292 1769 book
22 EEBO* The hidden treasure discovered by the surveyors schoolmaster. Teaching and setting forth the most exact and readiest way that is practised in that art or science. With the true measuring of Woodland, hils, mountaines, or whatever: and the best and readiest way for dividing of all land; with the measuring of timber, square or round boards, tables, glasse, &c. by foot or square. Written by Sir Ric. Benet, and now revised and enlarged by Tho. Norton, professor of the art. (by Benese, Richard, d. 1546.) paid subscription required, German NatL 191 1651 book
23 HAB Hieronymi Cardani, In Cl. Ptolemaei De Astrorvm Ivdiciis, Avt (Vt Vvlgo appellant) Qvadripartitae Constructionis lib. IIII. Commentaria, : ab Avtore postremùm castigata, & locupletata. His Accesservnt, Eivsdem Cardani, De Septem Erraticarvm Stellarvm qualitatibus atq[ue] uiribus liber posthumus antè non uisus. Genitvrarvm item XII. ad hanc scientiam rectè exercendam obseruatu utilium, exempla. Item, Cvnradi Dasypodii, Mathematici Argent. Scholia Et Resolvtiones Sev Tabvlae In Lib. IIII. Apotelesmaticos Cl. Ptolemaei: Vnà cum Aphorismis eorundem librorum. Deniq[ue] breuis explicatio Astronomici Horologii Argentoratensis, ad ueri & exacti temporis inuestigationem extructi. (by Cardano, Geronimo) 838 1578 book
24 HAB Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis Civisqve Bononiensis, Medici et Philosophi ac Professoris, De septem Erraticis Stellis Liber (by Cardano, Geronimo) 94 1578 book
25 HAB Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis Medici Genitvrarvm Exempla : Præterea Et Mvlta, quæ ad interrogationes & electiones pertinent superaddita. Et exemplum eclipsis, quam consecuta est grauissima pestis (by Cardano, Geronimo) 115 1578 book
26 IA Higher Algebra (by Barnard. S) book
27 IA Higher Elementary Geometry (by Venugopal.) book
28 Michigan Higher geometry; an introduction to advanced methods in analytic geometry, by Frederick S. Woods. (by Woods, Frederick S. (Frederick Shenstone)) 423 [c1922] book
29 IA Higher mathematics : a text (by book for classical and engineering colleges - Merriman, Mansfield, 1848-1925) book
30 IA Higher mathematics. A text (by book for classical and engineering colleges - Merriman, Mansfield, 1848-1925) book
31 IA Higher mathematics : a textbook for classical and engineering colleges (by Merriman, Mansfield, 1848-1925) book
32 IA Higher mathematics for chemical students (by Partington, J. Riddick (James Riddick), 1886-) book
33 IA Higher Mathematics For Engineers And Physicists (by Sokolnikoff, Ivan S.) book
34 IA Higher Mathematics for Students of Chemistry and Physics: With Special ... (by Joseph William Mellor) book
35 IA Higher mathematics for students of chemistry and physics, with special reference to practical work (by Mellor, Joseph William, 1873-1938) book
36 IA Higher mathematics for students of chemistry and physics, with special reference to practical work * (by Mellor, Joseph William, 1873-1938) book
37 IA The high school course in mathematics (by Skinner, Ernest Brown, b. 1863) book
38 Cornell The Hindu-Arabic Numerals (by Smith, David Eugene) 160 1911 book
39 IA Hints and answers; being a key to a collection of Cambridge mathematical examination papers, as proposed at the several colleges. Part 1. (by containing Euclid, arthimetic, and algebra (Volume pt.1) - Wright, John Martin Frederick) book
40 IA Hints and answers; being a key to a collection of Cambridge mathematical examination papers, as proposed at the several colleges. Part 1. * (by containing Euclid, arthimetic, and algebra - Wright, John Martin Frederick) book
41 IA Hints on a system of popular education: addressed to R. S. Field ... chairman of the Committee on education in the Legislature of New Jersey; and to the Rev. A. B. Dod, professor of mathematics in the College of New Jersey (by Wines, E. C. (Enoch Cobb), 1806-1879) book
42 IA Hints, theoretical, elucidatory and practical, for the use of teachers of elementary mathematics (by Olinthus Gilbert Gregory) book
43 Gallica Histoire des mathématiques (by Montucla, Jean-Étienne (1725-1799).) 1799 book
44 Gallica Histoire des mathématiques * (by Boyer, Jacques (1869-19..).) 260 1995 book
45 IA Histoire des mathématiques * * (by Boyer, Jacques, 1869-) book
46 Gallica Histoire des mathématiques dans l'Antiquité et le Moyen âge (by Zeuthen, Hieronymus Georg (1839-1920).) 296 1902 book
47 IA Histoire des mathématiques dans l'antiquité et le moyen âge. Éd. française, rev. et corr. par l'auteur, traduite par Jean Mascart (by Zeuthen, Hieronymus Georg, 1839-1920) book
48 Gallica Histoire des mathématiques depuis leurs origines jusqu'au commencement du dix-neuvième siècle (by Hoefer, Ferdinand.) 602 1995 book
49 Michigan Histoire des mathématiques, par Jacques Boyer. (by Boyer, Jacques) 260 1900. book
50 IA Histoire des mathématiques. Traduit sur la 3. éd. anglaise par L. Freund (by Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse), 1850-1925) book
51 IA Histoire des mathématiques. Traduit sur la 3. éd. anglaise par L. Freund (Volume 2) (by Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse), 1850-1925) book
52 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie, depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu'à la fin du dix-septième siècle (by Libri, Guillaume.) 464 1995 book
53 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie, depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu'à la fin du dix-septième siècle * (by Libri, Guillaume.) 534 1995 book
54 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie, depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu'à la fin du dix-septième siècle * * (by Libri, Guillaume.) 461 1995 book
55 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie, depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu'à la fin du dix-septième siècle * * * (by Libri, Guillaume.) 491 1995 book
56 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 241 1995 book
57 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 230 1995 book
58 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 246 1995 book
59 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 254 1995 book
60 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 258 1995 book
61 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 272 1995 book
62 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 259 1995 book
63 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 321 1995 book
64 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * * * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 229 1995 book
65 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * * * * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 257 1995 book
66 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * * * * * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 286 1995 book
67 Gallica Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques * * * * * * * * * * * (by Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891).) 315 1995 book
68 IA Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 2) (by Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891) book
69 IA Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 3) (by Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891) book
70 IA Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 4) (by Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891) book
71 IA Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 5) (by Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891) book
72 IA Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 6) (by Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891) book
73 IA Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 7) (by Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891) book
74 IA Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 8) (by Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891) book
75 IA Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques (Volume 9) (by Marie, Maximilien, 1819-1891) book
76 EuDML Historia de la Matemática 1986, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1998 journal
77 Cornell Historical introduction to mathematical literature (by Miller, G. A. (George Abram)) 302 1916 book
78 IA Historical introduction to mathematical literature * (by Miller, G. A. (George Abram), 1863-1951) book
79 Michigan Historisch-etymologische studien über mathematische terminologie. (by Mueller, Felix) 32 1887 book
80 IA A History of Elementary Mathematics (by Florian Cajori) book
81 GDZ A History of elementary Mathematics with Hints on Methods of Teaching (by Cajori, Florian) 312 1896 book
82 IA A history of elementary mathematics with hints on methods of teaching (by Cajori, Florian, 1859-1930) book
83 IA A history of elementary mathematics, with hints on methods of teaching (by Cajori, Florian, 1859-1930) book
84 IA A history of elementary mathematics, with hints on methods of teaching * (by Cajori, Florian, 1859-1930) book
85 IA A History of Elementary Mathematics: With Hints on Methods of Teaching (by Florian Cajori) book
86 IA A history of elementary mathematics, with hints on methods of teaching. Rev. and enl. ed. (by Cajori, Florian) book
87 IA A History of Greek Mathematics (by Thomas Little Heath) book
88 IA A History Of Greek Mathematics Vol II (by Thomas Heath Sir.) book
89 IA A History of Japanese Mathematics (by David Eugene Smith , Yoshio Mikami) book
90 IA A history of Japanese mathematics (by Smith, David Eugene, 1860-1944) book
91 IA A history of Japanese mathematics * (by Smith, David) book
92 IA A History of Japanese Mathematics * (by David Eugene Smith , Yoshio. Mikami) book
93 IA A history of Japanese mathematics * * (by Smith, David Eugene, 1860-1944) book
94 IA A History Of Mathematical Notations Vol I (by Cajori, Florian) book
95 IA A history of mathematics (by Cajori, Florian, 1859-1930) book
96 IA A History of Mathematics (by Florian Cajori) book
97 IA A History of Mathematics ... (by Florian Cajori) book
98 IA A History of Mathematics * (by Florian Cajori) book
99 IA A history of mathematics * (by Cajori, Florian, 1859-1930) book
100 IA A History of Mathematics * * (by Florian Cajori) book
101 IA A history of mathematics. (by Cajori, Florian, (1859-1930.)) book
102 IA A History Of Mathematics In America Before 1900 (by Eugene Smith David.) book
103 IA History Of Mathematics Vol I (by Eugene Smith David.) book
104 IA History Of Mathematics Vol II (by Smith, David Eugene) book
105 IA History Of Mathematics Volume II (by Smith, David Eugene) book
106 Cornell History of modern mathematics (by Smith, David Eugene) 81 1906 book
107 IA History of Modern Mathematics: Mathematical Monographs No. 1 (by Smith, David Eugene) book
108 IA The history of the arts and sciences of the antients : under the following heads, in three volumes : vol. I., Agriculture, commerce, architecture, sculpture, painting, music, the art military : vol. II., Art military, grammar, philology, rhetoric, poetry : vol. III., Poetry, history, eloquence, philosophy, civil law, metaphysics and physics, physic, botany, chymisty [sic], anatomy, mathematics, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, geography, and navigation (Volume 1) (by Rollin, Charles, 1661-1741) book
109 IA The history of the arts and sciences of the antients : under the following heads, in three volumes : vol. I., Agriculture, commerce, architecture, sculpture, painting, music, the art military : vol. II., Art military, grammar, philology, rhetoric, poetry : vol. III., Poetry, history, eloquence, philosophy, civil law, metaphysics and physics, physic, botany, chymisty [sic], anatomy, mathematics, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, geography, and navigation (Volume 2) (by Rollin, Charles, 1661-1741) book
110 IA The history of the arts and sciences of the antients : under the following heads, in three volumes : vol. I., Agriculture, commerce, architecture, sculpture, painting, music, the art military : vol. II., Art military, grammar, philology, rhetoric, poetry : vol. III., Poetry, history, eloquence, philosophy, civil law, metaphysics and physics, physic, botany, chymisty [sic], anatomy, mathematics, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, geography, and navigation (Volume 3) (by Rollin, Charles, 1661-1741) book
111 IA A history of the conceptions of limits and fluxions in Great Britain from Newton to Woodhouse (by Cajori, Florian, 1859-1930) book
112 IA A history of the conceptions of limits and fluxions in Great Britain, from Newton to Woodhouse (by Cajori, Florian, 1859-1930) book
113 Cornell A history of the mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth from the time of Newton to that of Laplace (Volume 1) (by Todhunter, I) 1873 book
114 Cornell A history of the mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth from the time of Newton to that of Laplace (Volume 2) (by Todhunter, I) 1873 book
115 IA A history of the study of mathematics at Cambridge (by Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse), 1850-1925) book
116 IA A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge (by Walter William Rouse Ball) book
117 IA A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge * (by Walter William Rouse Ball) book
118 IA A history of the study of mathematics at Cambridge * (by Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse), 1850-1925) book
119 IA A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge * * (by Walter William Rouse Ball) book
120 IA History of the theory of numbers (Volume 1) (by Dickson, Leonard E. (Leonard Eugene), 1874-) book
121 IA History of the theory of numbers (Volume 2) (by Dickson, Leonard E. (Leonard Eugene), 1874-) book
122 IA History of the theory of numbers (Volume 3) (by Dickson, Leonard E. (Leonard Eugene), 1874-) book
123 IA History of the theory of numbers (Volume 3) * (by Dickson, Leonard E. (Leonard Eugene), 1874-) book
124 IA A Histroy Of The Calculus Of Variations (by Todhunter, I) book
125 EEBO* Hobbius Heauton-timorumenos, or, A consideration of Mr. Hobbes his dialogves in an epistolary discourse, addressed, to the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq. / by John Wallis ... (by Wallis, John, 1616-1703.) paid subscription required, German NatL 164 1662 book
126 EEBO* Hodder's Arithmetick: or, That necessary art made most easie Being explained in a way familiar to the capacity of any that desire to learn in a little time. By James Hodder, writing master. (by Hodder, James, fl. 1661.) paid subscription required, German NatL 228 1690 book
127 EEBO* Hodder's arithmetick: or, that necessary art made most easie, being explained in a way familiar to the capacity of any that desire to learn it in a little time. / By James Hodder, professor thereof, as also of the art of fair writing, who finding it helpfull to his own scholars, hath now published it for the general good of the kingdome. (by Hodder, James, fl. 1661.) paid subscription required, German NatL 228 1685 book
128 EEBO* Hodder's arithmetick: or, That necessary art made most easie Being explained in a way familiar to the capacity of any that desire to learn it in a little time. By James Hodder, schoolmaster near the Royal Exchange. (by Hodder, James, fl. 1661.) paid subscription required, German NatL 226 1664 book
129 Michigan Höhere Analysis ... (by Junker, Friedrich Heinrich) 1898-99. book
130 Michigan Höhere Analysis für Ingenieure von Dr. John Perry. Autorisierte deutsche Bearbeitung von Dr. Robert Fricke, und Fritz Süchting. Mit 106 in den Text gedruckten Figuren. (by Perry, John) 423 1902. book
131 msri Holomorphic Spaces (by Sheldon Axler, John McCarthy, and Donald Sarason) 476 1998 book
132 AMS Homeomorphisms in Analysis (by Goffman, Casper, Nishiura, Togo, and Waterman, Daniel) 216 1997 book
133 IA Homological Algebra (by Cartan, Henri.) book
134 EuDML Homology, Homotopy and Applications 2001-2005 journal
135 EEBO* Hoptons concordancy enlarged Containing a briefe and more perfect account of the yeares of our Lord God, than any other heretofore published, agreeing with the yeares of all the reignes of the kings of England since the conquest. With the use of the English and Roman kalender and an exact and easie almanacke ... Hereunto also are added. 1 Tables of the gold coynes now currant ... 2 New and easie tables, for the valuing of rents, leases and annuities ... 3 A plaine direction for the easie computing of interest, and factoridge ... 4 Most needfull directions for the dividing of a summe of money to be received by creditors, or payd by sureties or tenants ... Exactly computed by Iohn Penkethman. (by Hopton, Arthur, 1587 or 8-1614.) paid subscription required, German NatL 547 1635 book
136 Houston Houston Journal of Mathematics 1975-present journal
137 Cornell How to draw a straight line; a lecture on linkages (by Kempe, Alfred Bray) 62 1877 book
138 IA The human worth of rigorous thinking; essays and addresses (by Keyser, Cassius Jackson, 1862-1947) book
139 IA The human worth of rigorous thinking: essays and addresses (by Keyser, Cassius Jackson, 1862-1947) book
140 Michigan Hvorledes mathematiken i tiden fra Platon til Euklid blev rationel videnskab, af H. G. Zeuthen. Avec un résumé en français. (by Zeuthen, H. G. (Hieronymus Georg)) 1917. book
141 EEBO* Hydrostaticks: or, Instructions concerning water-works. Collected out of the papers of Sir Samuel Morland Containing the method which he made use of in this curious art. (by Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625-1695.) paid subscription required, German NatL 84 1697 book
142 IA Hyperbolic Functions (by McMahon, James) book
143 Cornell Hyperbolic functions (by McMahon, James) 77 1906 book
144 icm Hypothése du continu (by Sierpiski W.) book
145 Gallica Hystérésis et viscosité (by Duhem, Pierre (1861-1916).) 133 1999 book

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