DML: Digital Mathematics Library
Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library

Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs

New items here since 1. 1. 2013, most recent first Start

Contains links to 4609 digitized books (> 647486 pages )
and to 577 digitized journals/seminars (> 4303824 pages).
(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.)

Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Library",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003 [Local Copy]
A similar list is offered at

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Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an
overview of the repositories.

Google search for this registry:

Author:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
Title:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Remark: Repositories marked by '*' require paid subscription.

Nr. Repository: Author, Title (Books only): Pages: Year(s): Type:
1 IA Ian Stewart , David Tall: Algebraic Number Theory Fermat 's last Theorem Ian Stewart , David Tall book
2 Cornell Ibbetson, William John: An elementary treatise on the mathematical theory of perfectly elastic solids, with a short account of viscous fluids 515 1887 book
3 GDZ Iglisch, Rudolf: Reelle Lösungsfelder der elliptischen Differentialgleichung [Delta] u = F (u) und nichtlinearer Integralgleichungen 27 1929 book
4 TIFR Igusa , J.I.: On Forms of Higher Degree book
5 IA II.) - Euclid, Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching: The Elements of Plane Geometry: PPart I(corresponding to Euclid Books I. book
7 IA Ince, E.L.: Ordinary Differential Equations book
8 IA Incorporated Association.: The Teaching Of Mathematics book
9 IA Institute of Actuaries Students' Society: Interest and life contingencies; book
10 IA International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics: Abhandlungen über den mathematischen Unterricht in Deutschland book
11 IA International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics: Abhandlungen über den mathematischen Unterricht in Deutschland * book
12 IA International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics: Berichte über den mathematischen Unterricht in Österreich book
13 IA International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics: L'Enseignement mathématique book
14 IA International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics: L'Enseignement mathématique * book
15 IA International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics: Mathematics in the elementary schools of the United States book
16 IA International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics: Report on the teaching of mathematics in Japan book
17 IA International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics: Training of teachers of elementary and secondary mathematics book
18 IA International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics , Estados Unidos Bureau of Education: Influences tending to improve the work of the teacher of mathematics book
19 IA International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics , Felix Klein: Abhandlungen über den mathematischen Unterricht in Deutschland veranlasst ... book
20 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 1) book
21 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 10) book
22 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 11) book
23 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 12) book
24 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 13) book
25 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 14) book
26 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 15) book
27 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 2) book
28 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 3) book
29 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 4) book
30 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 5) book
31 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 6) book
32 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 7) book
33 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 8) book
34 IA International Congress of Arts and Science (1904 : St. Louis): International Congress of Arts and Science (Volume 9) book
35 IA International Congress of Mathematicians (1893 : Chicago, Ill.): Mathematical papers read at the International Mathematical Congress held in connection with the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 book
36 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians. 1897--1924.: International Congress of Mathematicians. Proceedings 1897--1924.. book
37 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1897 Zürich: International Congress of Mathematicians 1897 Zürich 306 1898 book
38 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1900 Paris: International Congress of Mathematicians 1900 Paris 455 1902 book
39 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1904 Heidelberg: International Congress of Mathematicians 1904 Heidelberg 755 1905 book
40 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1908 Rome Vol 1: International Congress of Mathematicians 1908 Rome Vol 1 217 1909 book
41 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1908 Rome Vol 2: International Congress of Mathematicians 1908 Rome Vol 2 319 1909 book
42 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1908 Rome Vol 3: International Congress of Mathematicians 1908 Rome Vol 3 588 1909 book
43 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1912 Cambridge Vol 1: International Congress of Mathematicians 1912 Cambridge Vol 1 500 1913 book
44 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1912 Cambridge Vol 2: International Congress of Mathematicians 1912 Cambridge Vol 2 657 1913 book
45 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1920 Strasbourg: International Congress of Mathematicians 1920 Strasbourg 679 1921 book
46 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1924 Toronto Vol 1: International Congress of Mathematicians 1924 Toronto Vol 1 935 1928 book
47 Michigan International Congress of Mathematicians 1924 Toronto Vol 2: International Congress of Mathematicians 1924 Toronto Vol 2 1006 1928 book
48 IA International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa: The business man's handbook, a covenient book of reference for business men book
49 Cornell International Mathematical Congress: Mathematical papers read at the International Mathematical Congress held in connection with the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Edited by the Committee of the Congress, E. Hastings Moore, Oskar Bolza, Heinrich Maschke, Henry S. White 411 1896 book
50 IA Inwood, William, 1771?-1843: Inwood's tables of interest and mortality for the purchasing of estates and valuation of properties, including advowsons, assurance policies, copyholds, deferred annuities, freeholds, ground rents, immediate annuities, leaseholds, life interests, mortgages, perpetuities, renewals of leases, reversions, sinking funds, etc., etc book
51 IA Isaac Dalby: A Course of Mathematics: Designed for the Use of the Officers and Cadets, of the Royal Military ... book
52 IA Isaac Dalby: A Course of Mathematics: Designed for the Use of the Officers and Cadets, of the Royal Military ... * book
53 Cornell Isenkrahe, C.: Verfahren der Funktionswiederholung, seine geometrische Veranschaulichung und algebraische Anwendung 113 1897 book
54 IA I. Todhunter: A Treatise On The Differential Calculus book
55 TIFR Ito, K.: On Stochastic Processes book
56 IA Ives, Howard Chapin: Natural Trigonometric Functions book
57 GDZ Ivey, Joe Nettles: Ueber die Perodicitätsmoduln der Abelschen Integralen erster Gattung 54 1901 book
58 TIFR Ivic, A.: On Mean Values of the Riemann Zeta Function book

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