Nr. |
Repository: |
Author, Title (Books only): |
Pages: |
Year(s): |
Type: |
1 |
Cornell |
Haan, D. Bierens: Een aanhangsel tot de tafels van onbepaalde integralen, Door D. Bierens de Haan
224 |
1883 |
book |
2 |
Cornell |
Haan, D. Bierens: Mémoire sur une méthode pour déduire quelques intégrales définies en partie très générales, prises entre les limites 0 et et contenant des fonctions circulaires directes
199 |
book |
3 |
Cornell |
Haan, D. Bierens: Note sur une méthode pour la réduction d'intégrales définies et sur son application à quelques formules spéciales
54 |
1855 |
book |
4 |
Cornell |
Haan, D. Bierens: Réduction des intégrales définies générales. [Integral sign]_[infinity symbol] F(x)cos. pxdx/q²+x², [integral sign]_[infinity symbol] F(x)sin. pxdx/q²+x², et application de ces formules au cas, que F(x) a un facteur de la fornie sin
115 |
1857 |
book |
5 |
Michigan |
Haan, D. Bierens de (David Bierens): Exposé de la théorie, des propriétés, des formules de transformation, et des méthodes d'évaluation des intégrales définies / par D. Bierens de Haan.
1862. |
book |
6 |
Michigan |
Haberl, Josef.: Aufgabensammlung aus der analytischen Geometrie der Ebene und des Raumes. Von Josef Haberl.
462 |
1863. |
book |
7 |
Cornell |
Hadamard, Jacques: Four lectures on mathematics, delivered at Columbia University in 1911
52 |
1915 |
book |
8 |
Michigan |
Hadamard, Jacques: Leçons de géométrie élémentaire, par Jacques Hadamard.
1898-1901. |
book |
9 |
Michigan |
Hadamard, Jacques: Leçons sur la propagation des ondes et les équations de l'hydrodynamique, par Jacques Hadamard.
375 |
1903. |
book |
10 |
Cornell |
Hadamard, Jacques: Leçons sur le calcul des variations professées par J. Hadamard ... recueillies par M. Fréchet. Tome premier. La variation première et les conditions du premier ordre. Les conditions de l'extremum libre
520 |
1910 |
book |
11 |
IA |
Hadamard, Jacques, 1865-1963: Four lectures on mathematics, delivered at Columbia University in 1911 *
book |
12 |
Michigan |
Haentzschel, Emil Esais Rudolf: Studien über die Reduction der Potentialgleichung auf gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen.
180 |
1893. |
book |
13 |
Cornell |
Hagen, Johann: Synopsis der höheren Mathematik (Volume 1)
412 |
1891 |
book |
14 |
Cornell |
Hagen, Johann: Synopsis der höheren Mathematik (Volume 2) Geometrie der Algebraischen Gebilde
420 |
1891 |
book |
15 |
Cornell |
Hagen, Johann: Synopsis der höheren Mathematik (Volume 3) Differential- und Integralrechnung
482 |
1891 |
book |
16 |
Michigan |
Hahn, Hans: Theorie der reellen Funktionen, von dr. Hans Hahn.
600 |
1921. |
book |
17 |
Hahn, Wolfgang: Die Nullstellen der Laguerreschen und Hermiteschen Polynome
37 |
1933 |
book |
18 |
IA |
Haler, P. J: A First Course In Mathematics For Technical Students
book |
19 |
IA |
Hall, G. Stanley (Granville Stanley), 1844-1924: Educational problems (Volume 1)
book |
20 |
IA |
Hall, G. Stanley (Granville Stanley), 1844-1924: Educational problems (Volume 2)
book |
21 |
IA |
Hall, Henry Sinclair, 1848-1934: An elementary course of mathematics comprising arithmetic, algebra and euclid
book |
22 |
IA |
Hall, H.S.: A Short Introduction To Graphical Algebra
book |
23 |
Halliman, Peter.: The square and cube root compleated, and made easie. being a secret never yet manifested; but the contrary acknowledged by sundry artists. By Peter Halliman, of Stockton, in the county of Durham
paid subscription required, German NatL |
224 |
1686 |
book |
24 |
IA |
Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (James Orchard), 1820-1889: Rara mathematica; or, A collection of treatises on the mathematics and subjects connected with them, from ancient inedited manuscripts
book |
25 |
IA |
Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (James Orchard), 1820-1889: Rare mathematica : or, A collection of treatises on the mathematics and subjects connected with them, from ancient inedited manuscripts
book |
26 |
IA |
Hallner, Andrew, b. 1846: The scientific dial primer, containing universal code elements of universal language, new base for mathematics, etc.
book |
27 |
Cornell |
Halphen, Georges Henri: Sur les invariants différentiels
1878 |
book |
28 |
Cornell |
Halphen, Georges Henri: Traité des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs applications (Volume 1)
502 |
1886 |
book |
29 |
Cornell |
Halphen, Georges Henri: Traité des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs applications (Volume 2)
672 |
1886 |
book |
30 |
Cornell |
Halphen, Georges Henri: Traité des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs applications (Volume 3)
292 |
1886 |
book |
31 |
Michigan |
Halsted, George Bruce: Géométrie rationnelle; traité élémentaire de la science de l'espace.
1911. |
book |
32 |
Michigan |
Halsted, George Bruce: Metrical geometry.
232 |
1881. |
book |
33 |
Michigan |
Halsted, George Bruce: Rational geometry; a text-book for the science of space; based on Hilbert's foundations, by George Bruce Halsted.
285 |
1904. |
book |
34 |
Cornell |
Halsted, George Bruce: Synthetic Projective Geometry
62 |
1906 |
book |
35 |
IA |
Halsted, George Bruce: Synthetic Projective Geometry *
book |
36 |
Michigan |
Halsted, George Bruce: The elements of geometry.
366 |
1885. |
book |
37 |
IA |
Hamblin Smith J.: Riders In Euclid
book |
38 |
Hamburger, Arthur: Über die Restabschätzung bei asymptotischen Darstellungen der Integrale linearer Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung
59 |
1905 |
book |
39 |
Hamburger, Hans: Über die Integration linearer homogener Differentialgleichungen
71 |
1914 |
book |
40 |
Cornell |
Hamilton, Sir William Rowan: Lectures on quaternions; containing a systematic statement of a new mathematical method; of which the principles were communicated in 1843 to the Royal Irish academy; and which has since formed the subject of successive courses of lectures, delivered in 1848 and subsequent years, in the halls of Trinity college, Dublin: with numerous illustrative diagrams, and with some geometrical and physical applications
736 |
1853 |
book |
41 |
Hamilton, William Rowan: Elemente der Quaternionen
1282 |
1882 |
book |
42 |
Gallica |
Hamilton, William Rowan: Elements of quaternions Volume I
583 |
1899 |
book |
43 |
Gallica |
Hamilton, William Rowan: Elements of quaternions Volume I *
502 |
1901 |
book |
44 |
IA |
Hamilton, William, Sir, 1788-1856: Discussions on philosophy and literature, education and university reform
book |
45 |
IA |
Ham, John, mathematician, mathematician: Of the laws of chance, or, a method of calculation of the hazards of game, plainly demonstrated, and applied to games at present most in use; which may be easily extended to the most intricate cases of chance imaginable
book |
46 |
Michigan |
Hammer, E. (Ernst): Lehrbuch der ebenen und sphärischen Trigonometrie. Zum Gebrauch bei Selbstunterricht und in Schulen, besonders als Vorbereitung auf Geodäsie und sphärische Astronomie, bearb. von Dr. E. Hammer.
572 |
1897. |
book |
47 |
Hammerstein, Adolf: Zwei Beiträge zur Zahlentheorie
78 |
1919 |
book |
48 |
IA |
Hampson, Mrs. P.]: The romance of mathematics; being the original researches of a lady professor of Girtham College in polemical science, with some account of the social properties of a conic; equations to brain waves; social forces; and the laws of political motion
book |
49 |
Hanbury, N. 1658 or 9-1715.: Supplementum analyticum ad aequationes cartesianas per N. Hanbury ...
paid subscription required, German NatL |
25 |
1691 |
book |
50 |
Hancock, Harris: Eine Form des Additionstheorems für hyperelliptische Functionen
44 |
1894 |
book |
51 |
Cornell |
Hancock, Harris: Elliptic integrals
104 |
1917 |
book |
52 |
Cornell |
Hancock, Harris: Lectures on the calculus of variations (the Weierstrassian theory)
292 |
1904 |
book |
53 |
Cornell |
Hancock, Harris: Lectures on the theory of elliptic functions
498 |
1910 |
book |
54 |
Cornell |
Hancock, Harris: Lectures on the theory of maxima and minima of functions of several variables. (Weierstrass' theory)
114 |
1902 |
book |
55 |
Michigan |
Hancock, Harris: Theory of maxima and minima, by Harris Hancock.
193 |
[c1917] |
book |
56 |
Handel, Otto: Das räumliche Analogon eines Steiner'schen Problems der Ebene
56 |
1877 |
book |
57 |
Cornell |
Hankel, Hermann: Die Elemente der projectivischen Geometrie in synthetischer Behandlung [microform]; Vorlesungen
256 |
1875 |
book |
58 |
Gallica |
Hankel, Hermann (1839-1873).: Zur Geschichte der Mathematik in Alterthum und Mittelalter
410 |
1874 |
book |
59 |
IA |
book |
60 |
Cornell |
Hanus, Paul Henry: An elementary treatise on the theory of determinants. A text-book for colleges
217 |
1886 |
book |
61 |
Cornell |
Hardy, Arthur Sherbourne: Elements of quaternions
230 |
1887 |
book |
62 |
IA |
Hardy, George Francis: The theory of the construction of tables of mortality and of similar statistical tables in use by the actuary. A course of lectures
book |
63 |
Cornell |
Hardy, G. H.: The general theory of Dirichlet's series
78 |
1915 |
book |
64 |
IA |
Hardy, G.H.: Divergent Series
book |
65 |
IA |
Hardy, G.H.: The General Theory Of Dirichlets Series
book |
66 |
Michigan |
Hardy, G. H. (Godfrey Harold): A course of pure mathematics, by G.H. Hardy.
428 |
1908. |
book |
67 |
IA |
Hardy, G. H. (Godfrey Harold), 1877-1947: A course of pure mathematics
book |
68 |
IA |
Hardy, G. H. (Godfrey Harold), 1877-1947: A course of pure mathematics *
book |
69 |
Hariot, Thomas, 1560-1621.: Artis analyticae praxis, ad aequationes algebraïcas nouâ, expeditâ, & generali methodo, resoluendas: tractatus e posthumis Thomae Harrioti philosophi ac mathematici celeberrimi schediasmatis summâ fide & diligentiâ descriptus: et illustrissimo Domino Dom. Henrico Percio, Northumbriae comiti, qui haec primò, sub patronatus & munificentiae suae auspicijs ad proprios vsus elucubrata, in communem mathematicorum vtilitatem, denuò reuisenda, describenda, & publicanda mandauit, meritissimi honoris ergò nuncupatus
paid subscription required, German NatL |
188 |
1631 |
book |
70 |
Cornell |
Harkness, James: A treatise on the theory of functions
507 |
1893 |
book |
71 |
Cornell |
Harkness, James: Introduction to the theory of analytic functions
336 |
1898 |
book |
72 |
IA |
Harkness, James.: Introduction ToThe Theory Analytic Functions
book |
73 |
Michigan |
Harnack, Axel: An introduction to the study of the elements of the differential and integral calculus.
404 |
1891. |
book |
74 |
Cornell |
Harnack, Axel: An introduction to the study of the elements of the differential and integral calculus, From the German of the late Axel Harnack, With the permission of the author
404 |
1891 |
book |
75 |
Cornell |
Harnack, Axel: Die Elemente der Differential- und Integralrechnung, Zur Einführung in das Studium, dargestellt von Axel Arnack ..
409 |
1881 |
book |
76 |
Cornell |
Harnack, Axel: Die Grundlagen der Theorie des logarithmischen Potentiales und der eindeutigen Potentialfunktion in der Ebene
158 |
1887 |
book |
77 |
IA |
Harnack, Axel, 1851-1888: Die Grundlagen der Theorie des logarithmischen Potentiales und der eindeutigen Potentialfunktion in der Ebene *
book |
78 |
IA |
Harnack, Axel, 1851-1888: Die Grundlagen der Theorie des logarithmischen Potentiales und der eindeutigen Potentialfunktion in der Ebene * *
book |
79 |
IA |
Harnack, Axel, 1851-1888: Leibniz' Bedeutung in der Geschichte der Mathematik
book |
80 |
IA |
Harold Ordway Rugg , John Roscoe Clark: Fundamentals of High School Mathematics: A Textbook Designed to Follow Arithmetic *
book |
81 |
IA |
Harold Ordway Rugg , John Roscoe Clark: Fundamentals of High School Mathematics: A Textbook Designed to Follow Arithmetic * *
book |
82 |
IA |
Harold Ordway Rugg , John Roscoe Clark , 1887-, John Roscoe Clark: Fundamentals of High School Mathematics: A Textbook Designed to Follow Arithmetic
book |
83 |
Harprecht, Adalbertus: De computationibus functionum ellipticarum, quarum moduli sunt reales
44 |
1862 |
book |
84 |
IA |
Harry Morton Keal , Clarence J. Leonard: Mathematics for Shop and Drawing Students
book |
85 |
IA |
Harry Morton Keal , Nancy Seymour Phelps: Secondary Mathematics
book |
86 |
Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp: Delitiæ Philosophicæ Et Mathematicæ Der Philosophischen und Mathematischen Erquickstunden/ Dritter Theil
659 |
1653 |
book |
87 |
Hartinger, Hans: Über Komplexe, die sich erzeugen lassen durch Kongruenzen 1. Ordnung, 2. Klasse, deren Brennlinien auf einer Regelfläche 2. Grades liegen
60 |
1916 |
book |
88 |
Hartmann, Max: Die Gruppe der Elementargeometrie als automorphe Kollineationsgruppe des absoluten Kegelschnittes
55 |
1923 |
book |
89 |
Hartmann, Theodor: Zur Theorie der Momentanbewegung eines ebenen ähnlich veränderlichen Systems
151 |
1912 |
book |
90 |
Hartnuß, Oskar: Anwendung der Pfaffschen Aggregate auf die orthogonale Determinante B
55 |
1912 |
book |
91 |
Hartshorne, Robin: Ample subvarieties of algebraic varieties
272 |
1970 |
book |
92 |
Hartshorne, Robin: Residues and duality
433 |
1966 |
book |
93 |
IA |
Hart, Walter Wilson, 1869-: Modern courses in secondary mathematics
book |
94 |
IA |
Hart, William L.: Intermediate Algebra
book |
95 |
IA |
Harvey Goodwin: A collection of problems and examples adapted to the 'Elementary course of mathematics'.
book |
96 |
IA |
Harvey Goodwin: A Collection of Problems and Examples, Adapted to the "Elementary Course of Mathematics".: With ...
book |
97 |
IA |
Harvey Goodwin: An Elementary Course of Mathematics: Designed Principally for Students of ...
book |
98 |
IA |
Harvey Goodwin: An Elementary Course of Mathematics: Designed Principally for Students of the University of ...
book |
99 |
IA |
Harvey Goodwin: An Elementary Course of Mathematics: Designed Principally for Students of the University of ... *
book |
100 |
IA |
Harvey Goodwin: An Elementary Course of Mathematics: Designed Principally for Students of the University of ... * *
book |
101 |
Harzer, Wilhelm: Bestimmung der Anzahl der dreiblättrigen Riemannschen Flächen mit beliebig gegebenen Windungspunkten und der vierblättrigen mit Windungspunkten gleicher Ordnung
45 |
1913 |
book |
102 |
Michigan |
Hassler, Jasper Ole: Plane nets periodic of period 3 under the Laplacian transformation ... by Jasper Ole Hassler.
22 |
1916. |
book |
103 |
Cornell |
Hathaway, Arthur S.: A primer of quaternions
113 |
1896 |
book |
104 |
Michigan |
Hathaway, Arthur S. (Arthur Stafford): Analytical dynamics, being a synopsis of leading topics in the analytical theory of dynamics with numerous examples and selections from Newton's Principia and other sources, by Arthur S. Hathaway.
47 |
1906. |
book |
105 |
Hatton, Edward, b. 1664?: Comes commercii: or, The trader's companion Containing I. An exact and usefull table, shewing the value of any quantity of any commodity ready cast up, more adapted to merchants use than any other extant; which is demonstrated by 14 examples relating chiefly to buying and selling. II. A table calculated for universal use, which use is shewn in the solution of questions, in multiplication, division, reduction, merchandizing, and measuring all kind of superficies's and solids, or gauging vessels and casks. ... To which is added, a supplement concerning simple and compound interest, with tables thereof, and the use and manner of calculating the same; and to make up accompts of mortgages, where the mortgagee has receiv'd, the rent, &c. The whole adapted to the use of merchants, and traders, lawyers, surveyers, and measurers of building, &c. By Edw. Hatton, philomercat.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
337 |
1699 |
book |
106 |
Cornell |
Hatton, J. L. S.: The principles of projective geometry applied to the straight line and conic
366 |
1913 |
book |
107 |
IA |
Hatton, J.L.S.: The Theory Of The Imaginary In Geometry
book |
108 |
IA |
Hatton, W. (William): A treatise on friendly societies, with tables constructed from the sickness and mortality experienced by members of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows in passing through 1, 321, 048 years of life ..
book |
109 |
Michigan |
Hauck, Guido: Vorlesungen über darstellende Geometrie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bedürfnisse der Technik, hrsg. von Alfred Hauck.
1912- |
book |
110 |
Haupt, Otto: Untersuchungen über Oszillationstheoreme
52 |
1911 |
book |
111 |
IA |
Havelock, T.H.: The Propagation Of Disturbances In Dispersive Media
book |
112 |
Hawkins, John, 17th cent.: The English school-master compleated containing several tables of common English words, from one, to six, seven, and eight syllables, both whole and divided, according to the rules of true spelling; with prayers, and graces both before and after meat, and rules for childrens behaviour at all times and places, with several other necessaries suitable to the capacities of children and youth. Also brief and easie rules for the true and exact spelling, reading, and writing of English according to the present pronunciation thereof in the famous University of Oxford, and City of London. To which is added, an appendix containing the principles of arithmetick, with an account of coins, weights, measure, time, &c. Copies of letters, titles of honour, suitable for men of all degrees, and qualities, bills of parcels, bills of exchange, bills of debt, receipts, and several other rules and observations fit for a youths accomplishment in the way of trade. John Hawkins school-master at St. Georges Church in Southwark.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
130 |
1692 |
book |
113 |
Hayman, W.K.: On Meromorphic Functions
book |
114 |
IA |
H. Burkhardt, M. Wirtinger, R.Fricke: Encyklopadie Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften
book |
115 |
Cornell |
Hearn, George Whitehead: Researches on curves of the second order, also on cones and spherical conics treated analytically, in which the tangencies of Apollonius are investigated, and general geometrical constructions deduced from analysis; also several of the geometrical conclusions of M. Charles are analytically resolved, together with many properties entirely original
83 |
1846 |
book |
116 |
IA |
Heath, Thomas Little, Sir, 1861-1940: Diophantos of Alexandria; a study in the history of Greek algebra
book |
117 |
IA |
Heath, Thomas Little, Sir, 1861-1940: Diophants of Alexandria; a study in the history of Greek algebra
book |
118 |
IA |
Heath, Thomas Little, Sir, 1861-1940: Diophantus of Alexandria; a study in the history of Greek algebra
book |
119 |
IA |
Heaviside, Oliver, 1850-1925: Electromagnetic theory (Volume 1)
book |
120 |
IA |
Heaviside, Oliver, 1850-1925: Electromagnetic theory (Volume 2)
book |
121 |
Michigan |
Hebbert, Clarence Mark: Some circular curves generated by pencils of stelloids and their polars, by Clarence Mark Hebbert.
1918] |
book |
122 |
Bielefeld |
Hecke, Erich: Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Algebraischen Zahlen
376 |
1923 |
book |
123 |
Cornell |
Hedrick, Earle Raymond: Applications of the calculus to mechanics
116 |
book |
124 |
Michigan |
Hedrick, E. R. (Earle Raymond): Constructive geometry; exercises in elementary geometric drawing.
75 |
1916. |
book |
125 |
Michigan |
Heffter, Lothar: Die Grundlagen der Geometrie als Unterbau für die analytische Geometrie.
27 |
1921. |
book |
126 |
Cornell |
Heffter, Lothar: Einleitung in die Theorie der linearen Differential-Gleichungen mit einer unabhängigen Variablen, Mit 3 Figuren im Text
258 |
1894 |
book |
127 |
Heffter, Lothar: Zur Integration der linearen homogenen Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung
44 |
1886 |
book |
128 |
Michigan |
Heiberg, J. L. (Johan Ludvig): Matematiche, scienze naturali e medicina nell'antichità classica; traduzione di Gino Castelnuovo.
183 |
1924. |
book |
129 |
Michigan |
Heiberg, J. L. (Johan Ludvig): Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik im klassischen Altertum.
102 |
1912 |
book |
130 |
Michigan |
Heiberg, J. L. (Johan Ludvig): Philologische Studien zu griechischen Mathematikern.
1880-1883 |
book |
131 |
Cornell |
Heine, Eduard: Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen, Theorie und Anwendungen (Volume 1)
502 |
1878 |
book |
132 |
Cornell |
Heine, Eduard: Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen, Theorie und Anwendungen (Volume 2)
394 |
1881 |
book |
133 |
Heine, Heinrich Eduard: De aequationibus nonnullis differentialibus
32 |
1842 |
book |
134 |
Heinicke, Hilde: Ebene Flugbahnen starrer Körper
37 |
1932 |
book |
135 |
Heinis, Hugo: Ueber eine Gleichung 5. Grades der komplexen Multiplikation der elliptischen Modulfunktionen
81 |
1911 |
book |
136 |
IA |
H. E. Licks: Recreations in Mathematics
book |
137 |
IA |
H. E. Licks: Recreations in Mathematics *
book |
138 |
IA |
H. E. Licks: Recreations in Mathematics * *
book |
139 |
IA |
H. E. Licks: Recreations in Mathematics * * *
book |
140 |
IA |
H. E. Licks: Recreations in Mathematics * * * *
book |
141 |
Michigan |
Hellwig, C.: Das Problem des Apollonius nebst den Theorien per Potenzörter, Potenzpunkte, Aehnlichkeitspunkte, Aehnlichkeitsgeraden, Potenzkreise, Pole und Polaren im Sinne der neueren Geometrie für alle Lagen der gegebenen Kreise, leicht fasslich dargestellt, von C. Hellwig.
43 |
1856. |
book |
142 |
IA |
Hellwig, Zdzislaw.: Linear Regression And Its Application To Economics
book |
143 |
Helmert, Friedrich Robert: Die Ausgleichsrechnung nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate
364 |
1872 |
book |
144 |
IA |
Helmholtz'schen Raumtheorie - Erdmann, Benno, 1851-1921: Die Axiome der Geometry; eine philosophische Untersuchung der Riemann
book |
145 |
IA |
Hemant Pandey: The mathematics of P vs NP
book |
146 |
Michigan |
Henderson, Archibald: The twenty-seven lines upon the cubic surface ... by Archibald Henderson.
100 |
1915. |
book |
147 |
IA |
Henderson, Robert, 1871-: Mortality laws and statistics
book |
148 |
IA |
Henkin, Leon.: The Axiomatic Method
book |
149 |
IA |
Henkin, Leon.: The Axiomatic Method *
book |
150 |
Henoch, Maximillanus: De Abelianarum functionum periodis
25 |
1867 |
book |
151 |
Michigan |
Henrici, Julius: Lehrbuch der Elementar-Geometrie, von J. Henrici und P. Treutlein.
1891-1901. |
book |
152 |
msri |
Henri Darmon and Shou-Wu Zhang: Heegner points and Rankin L-series
382 |
2004 |
book |
153 |
Cornell |
Henry, Charles: Abrége de la théorie des fonctions elliptiques à l'usage des candidats à la licence ès sciences mathématiques
126 |
1895 |
book |
154 |
IA |
Henry Charles Wolff: Mathematics for Agricultural Students
book |
155 |
IA |
Henry Lewis Rietz , Arthur Robert Crathorne, J. Charles Rietz: Mathematics of Finance
book |
156 |
IA |
Henry Livingston Coar: Functions of Three Real Variables
book |
157 |
IA |
Henry Picquet: Traité de géométrie analytique à l'usage des candidats aux écoles du gouvernement et aux grades ...
book |
158 |
IA |
Henry Suzzallo: The Teaching of Primary Arithmetic: A Critical Study of Recent Tendencies in Method
book |
159 |
IA |
Henry Suzzallo: The Teaching of Primary Arithmetic: A Critical Study of Recent Tendencies in Method *
book |
160 |
IA |
Henry Suzzallo: The Teaching of Primary Arithmetic: A Critical Study of Recent Tendencies in Method * *
book |
161 |
Hensel, Kurt: Arithmetische Untersuchungen über Dicriminanten und ihre ausserwesentlichen Theiler
34 |
1884 |
book |
162 |
Cornell |
Hensel, Kurt: Theorie der algebraischen Zahlen (Volume 1)
1908 |
book |
163 |
Cornell |
Hensel, Kurt: Zahlentheorie
356 |
1913 |
book |
164 |
Michigan |
Hensel, Kurt, and Landsberg, Georg: Theorie der Algebraischen Funktionen einer Variabeln und ihre Anwendung auf Algebraische Kurven und Abelsche Integrale
707 |
1902 |
book |
165 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 1)
book |
166 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 10)
book |
167 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 11)
book |
168 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 12)
book |
169 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 13)
book |
170 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 2)
book |
171 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 3)
book |
172 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 5)
book |
173 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 6)
book |
174 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 7)
book |
175 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 8)
book |
176 |
IA |
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841: Sämtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Volume 9)
book |
177 |
msri |
Herbert Clemens and János Kollár: Current Topics in Complex Algebraic Geometry
1995 |
book |
178 |
IA |
Herbert E. Cobb: Elements of Applied Mathematics
book |
179 |
Herbst, Walter: Mongesche Gleichungen zweiten Grades als Schnittbedingungen von Kurvenscharen
52 |
1912 |
book |
180 |
Gallica |
Hérigone, Pierre (15..?-1643).: Cursus mathematicus, nova, brevi et clara methodo demonstratus...
1634 |
book |
181 |
IA |
Hering, Carl, 1860-1926: Universal wiring computer : for determining the size of wires for incandescent electric lamp leads and for distribution in general, without calculation, formulæ or knowledge of mathematics : with some notes on wiring, and a set of auxiliary tables
book |
182 |
Hermes, Osw.: Verallgemeinerung der Focaleigenschaften der Kegelschnitte
45 |
1868 |
book |
183 |
Michigan |
Hermite, Charles: Correspondance d'Hermite et de Stieltjes.
[1904]-1905. |
book |
184 |
Cornell |
Hermite, Charles: Correspondance d'Hermite et de Stieltjes, publiée par les soins de B. Baillaud, ... [et] H. Bourget, ... . Avec une préface de Émile Picard, ... . Tome I-[II]
504 |
1905 |
book |
185 |
Cornell |
Hermite, Charles: Correspondance d'Hermite et de Stieltjes, publiée par les soins de B. Baillaud, ... [et] H. Bourget, ... . Avec une préface de Émile Picard, ... . Tome I-[II] *
480 |
1905 |
book |
186 |
Cornell |
Hermite, Charles: Cours de M. Hermite rédigé en 1882, par M. Andoyer
293 |
1891 |
book |
187 |
Michigan |
Hermite, Charles: OEuvres de Charles Hermite publiées sous les auspices de l'Académie des sciences.
1905-1917 |
book |
188 |
Cornell |
Hermite, Charles: Sur Quelques Applications Des Fonctions Elliptiques
146 |
1855 |
book |
189 |
IA |
Hermite, Charles, 1822-1901: Correspondance d'Hermite et de Stieltjes. Publiée par les soins de B. Baillaud [et] H. Bouget, avec une préf. de Émile Picard (Volume 1)
book |
190 |
IA |
Hermite, Charles, 1822-1901: Œuvres de Charles Hermite, publiées sous les auspices de l'Académie des sciences (Volume 1)
book |
191 |
IA |
Hermite, Charles, 1822-1901: Œuvres de Charles Hermite, publiées sous les auspices de l'Académie des sciences (Volume 2)
book |
192 |
IA |
Hermite, Charles, 1822-1901: Œuvres de Charles Hermite, publiées sous les auspices de l'Académie des sciences (Volume 3)
book |
193 |
IA |
Hermite, Charles, 1822-1901: OEuvres de Charles Hermite, publiées sous les auspices de l'Académie des sciences (Volume 4)
book |
194 |
Gallica |
Héron d'Alexandrie.: Heronis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt omnia
514 |
1995 |
book |
195 |
Gallica |
Héron d'Alexandrie.: Heronis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt omnia *
450 |
1995 |
book |
196 |
Gallica |
Héron d'Alexandrie.: Heronis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt omnia * *
182 |
1995 |
book |
197 |
Gallica |
Héron d'Alexandrie.: Heronis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt omnia * * *
275 |
1995 |
book |
198 |
Herrmann, Ernst: Über die einförmige Bewegung des ebenen kreisverwandt-veränderlichen Systems
101 |
1913 |
book |
199 |
Hertz, Wilhelm Arthur: Ueber partielle Differentialgleichungen, die in der Variationsrechnung vorkommen
58 |
1903 |
book |
200 |
Herzberger, Max: Ueber Systeme hyperkomplexer Grössen
35 |
1923 |
book |
201 |
Michigan |
Hess, Edmund: Einleitung in die Lehre von der Kugelteilung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Anwendung auf die Theorie der Gleichflächigen und der gleicheckigen Polyeder, von dr. Edmund Hess. Mit sechzehn lithographierten tafeln.
475 |
1883. |
book |
202 |
Hesse, Ludwig Otto: Die Determinanten elementar behandelt
25 |
1872 |
book |
203 |
Michigan |
Hesse, Ludwig Otto: Ludwig Otto Hesse's gesammelte werke.
732 |
1897. |
book |
204 |
Michigan |
Hesse, Ludwig Otto: Vorlesungen aus der analytischen Geometrie der geraden Linie, des Punktes und des Kreises in der Ebene ...
1881. |
book |
205 |
Michigan |
Hesse, Ludwig Otto: Vorlesungen aus der analytischen Geometrie der geraden Linie, des Punktes und des Kreises in der Ebene.
1906. |
book |
206 |
Cornell |
Hesse, Ludwig Otto: Vorlesungen über analytische Geometrie des Raumes, insbesondere über Oberflächen zweiter Ordnung, von Otto Hesse. Revidiert und mit Zusätzen versehen von Dr. S. Gundelfinger ..
546 |
1876 |
book |
207 |
Hessenberg, Gerhard: Über die Invarianten linearer und quadratischer binärer Differentialformen und ihre Anwendung auf die Deformation der Flächen
58 |
1899 |
book |
208 |
Michigan |
Hess, Wilhelm: Über die Euler'schen Bewegungsgleichungen und deren singuläre lösungen ...
60 |
1889. |
book |
209 |
Hettner, Georg: Ueber die Reduction der Integrale einer besonderen Classe von algebraischen Differentialen auf die hyperelliptischen Integrale
40 |
1877 |
book |
210 |
Hilbert, David: Anschauliche Geometrie
303 |
1932 |
book |
211 |
Hilbert, David: Gesammelte Abhandlungen
1470 |
1932 |
book |
212 |
Michigan |
Hilbert, David: Grundzüge einer allgemeinen Theorie der linearen Integralgleichungen, von David Hilbert.
282 |
1912. |
book |
213 |
Hilbert, David (1862 - 1943):: Allgemeine Theorie der gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen : [Vorlesungsmitschriften] Göttingen S-S [Sommersemester] 1912
1912 |
book |
214 |
Hilbert, David (1862 - 1943):: Einführung in die Theorie der Integralgleichungen : Vorlesungen S. S. [Sommersemester] 1905
151 |
1905 |
book |
215 |
Cornell |
Hilbert, David, 1862-1943: Grundzüge einer allgemeinen Theorie der linearen Integralgleichungen
282 |
1912 |
book |
216 |
Hille, Einar and Phillips, R. S.: Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups
808 |
1957 |
book |
217 |
Cornell |
Hill, George William: The collected mathematical works of George William Hill (Volume 1)
399 |
1905 |
book |
218 |
Cornell |
Hill, George William: The collected mathematical works of George William Hill (Volume 2)
353 |
1905 |
book |
219 |
Cornell |
Hill, George William: The collected mathematical works of George William Hill (Volume 3)
585 |
1905 |
book |
220 |
Cornell |
Hill, George William: The collected mathematical works of George William Hill (Volume 4)
470 |
1905 |
book |
221 |
IA |
Hill, George William, 1838-1914: Collected mathematical works (Volume 1)
book |
222 |
IA |
Hill, George William, 1838-1914: Collected mathematical works (Volume 2)
book |
223 |
IA |
Hill, George William, 1838-1914: Collected mathematical works (Volume 3)
book |
224 |
IA |
Hill, George William, 1838-1914: Collected mathematical works (Volume 4)
book |
225 |
IA |
Hill, George William, 1838-1914: The collected mathematical works of George William Hill (Volume 1) *
book |
226 |
IA |
Hill, George William, 1838-1914: The collected mathematical works of George William Hill (Volume 3) *
book |
227 |
IA |
Hill, George William, 1838-1914: The collected mathematical works of George William Hill (Volume 4) *
book |
228 |
Hill, John, Gent.: The exact dealer being an useful companion for all traders : in two parts : I. Containing the growth, manufacture, and trade of all the counties of England and Wales ... a description of weights, measures and coins, with their value ... II. Containing directions for measuring carpenters, joiners, painters, plasterers, glasiers, bricklayers work, &c. ... / by J.H., author of The secretary's guide.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
197 |
1688 |
book |
229 |
Hill, John, Gent.: The exact dealer refined being an useful companion for all traders : in three parts : containing (I.) a description of the commodities, coins, weights and measures of Great Britain and its neighboring countries ... and the keeping of books of accounts ... (II.) containing a plain institution of arithmetick ... (III.) containing the travellers guide through all the principal roads of England ... / by J.H., author of the Secretary's guide.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
186 |
1691 |
book |
230 |
Hill, John, Gent.: The great dealer refined being a useful companion for all traders : in three parts / by J.H.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
177 |
1695 |
book |
231 |
Michigan |
Hill, Micaiah John Muller: The contents of the fifth and sixth books of Euclid, arranged and explained by M. J. M. Hill.
143 |
1900. |
book |
232 |
Cornell |
Hilton, Harold: An Introduction to the Theory of Groups of finite order
236 |
1908 |
book |
233 |
Cornell |
Hime, Henry William Lovett: The Outlines of Quarternions.
184 |
book |
234 |
Hintikka, E. A.: Über das Verhalten der Abbildungsfunktion auf dem Rande des Bereiches in der konformen Abbildung
46 |
1912 |
book |
235 |
Michigan |
Hinton, Charles Howard: Scientific romances, by C. H. Hinton.
229 |
1886. |
book |
236 |
Michigan |
Hippauf, Hermann.: Lösung des Problems der Trisection mittelst der Conchoide auf circularer Basis.
29 |
1872. |
book |
237 |
IA |
Hipsley, W.: Equational Arithmetic Third Edition
book |
238 |
Gallica |
Hirn, Gustave-Adolphe.: La cinétique moderne et le dynamisme de l'avenir
106 |
1995 |
book |
239 |
Gallica |
Hirn, Gustave-Adolphe (1815-1890): L'avenir du dynamisme dans les sciences physiques
69 |
1886 |
book |
240 |
IA |
Hitchcock, Frank Lauren: Differential Equations In Applied Chemistry
book |
241 |
Michigan |
Hjelmslev, Johannes Trolle: Darstellende Geometrie, von Dr. Johannes Hjelmslev. Mit 305 Abbildungen im Text.
320 |
1914. |
book |
242 |
Michigan |
Hjelmslev, Johannes Trolle: Die natürliche Geometrie.
36 |
[1923] |
book |
243 |
IA |
Hobbes, Thomas: The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
book |
244 |
Gallica |
Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679).: Examinatio & emendatio mathematicae hodiernae
187 |
1660 |
book |
245 |
Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679.: Examinatio & emendatio mathematicae hodiernae qualis explicatur in libris Johannis Wallisii geometriae professoris Saviliani in Academia Oxoniensi : distributa in sex dialogos / authore Thoma Hobbes ...
paid subscription required, German NatL |
193 |
1660 |
book |
246 |
Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679.: Examinatio & emendatio mathematicae hodiernae. Qualis explicatur in libris Johannis Wallisii geometriae professoris Saviliani in Academia Oxoniensi. Distributa in sex dialogos. Authore Thoma Hobbes Malmesburiensi.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
198 |
1660 |
book |
247 |
Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679.: Stigmai ageometrias, agroichias, antipoliteas, amatheias, or, Markes of the absurd geometry, rural language, Scottish church-politicks, and barbarismes of John Wallis professor of geometry and doctor of divinity by Thomas Hobbes.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
33 |
1657 |
book |
248 |
Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679.: Three papers presented to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis together with considerations on Dr. Wallis his Answer to them / by Tho. Hobbes.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
11 |
1671 |
book |
249 |
Hobby, David and and McKenzie, Ralph: The Structure of Finite Algebras
209 |
1988 |
book |
250 |
Michigan |
Hobson, Ernest William: On the infinite and the infinitesimal in mathematical analysis.
23 |
1902] |
book |
251 |
Michigan |
Hobson, Ernest William: "Squaring the circle"; a history of the problem, by E. W. Hobson.
57 |
1913. |
book |
252 |
Michigan |
Hobson, Ernest William: The theory of functions of a real variable and the theory of Fourier's series / by E. W. Hobson.
722 |
1907. |
book |
253 |
IA |
Hobson, Ernest William, 1856-1933: Mathematics, from the points of view of the mathematician and of the physicist. An address delivered to the Mathematical and Physical Society of University College, London
book |
254 |
IA |
Hobson, E. W: The Theory Of Functions Of A Real Variable Vol II
book |
255 |
Michigan |
Hochheim, Adolf: Aufgaben aus der analytischen Geometrie der Eben, von Dr. Adolf Hochheim.
1882- |
book |
256 |
IA |
Hockett, Charles Francis: Language, mathematics, and linguistics
book |
257 |
Hodder, James, fl. 1661.: Hodder's Arithmetick: or, That necessary art made most easie Being explained in a way familiar to the capacity of any that desire to learn in a little time. By James Hodder, writing master.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
228 |
1690 |
book |
258 |
Hodder, James, fl. 1661.: Hodder's arithmetick: or, that necessary art made most easie, being explained in a way familiar to the capacity of any that desire to learn it in a little time. / By James Hodder, professor thereof, as also of the art of fair writing, who finding it helpfull to his own scholars, hath now published it for the general good of the kingdome.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
228 |
1685 |
book |
259 |
Hodder, James, fl. 1661.: Hodder's arithmetick: or, That necessary art made most easie Being explained in a way familiar to the capacity of any that desire to learn it in a little time. By James Hodder, schoolmaster near the Royal Exchange.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
226 |
1664 |
book |
260 |
IA |
Hodge, W.V.D.: Methods Of Algebraic Geometry Vol I
book |
261 |
IA |
Hodge, W.V.D.: Methods Of Algebraic Geometry Vol III
book |
262 |
Gallica |
Hoefer, Ferdinand.: Histoire des mathématiques depuis leurs origines jusqu'au commencement du dix-neuvième siècle
602 |
1995 |
book |
263 |
IA |
Hoernle, August Frederich Rudolf, 1841-1918: On the Bakshali manuscript
book |
264 |
IA |
Hoffman, Kenneth.: Banach Spaces Of Analytic Functions
book |
265 |
Hoffmann, J.C.V.: Sammlung der Aufgaben des Aufgaben-Repertoriums der ersten 25 Bänden der Zeitschrift für mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht
411 |
1898 |
book |
266 |
Höflich, Paul: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische Begründung der Ergodenhypothese
43 |
1927 |
book |
267 |
Hofstetter, Peter: Die Bernoullische Funktion und die Gammafunktion
85 |
1912 |
book |
268 |
IA |
Hogan, Wiliam W: Boxstep : a new strategy for large scale mathematical programming
book |
269 |
Höhndorf, Fritz: Verfahren zur Berechnung des Auftriebes gegebener Tragflächen-Profile
23 |
1926 |
book |
270 |
Michigan |
Hölder, Otto: Beiträge zur Potentialtheorie ...
71 |
1882. |
book |
271 |
Michigan |
Holst, Elling: Om Poncelet's betydning for geometrien.
146 |
1878. |
book |
272 |
IA |
Holton, Edward E. (Edward Ellsworth), 1860-: Shop mathematics
book |
273 |
Cornell |
Holzmuller, Gustav: Einführung in die Theorie der isogonalen verwandtschaften und der conformen Abbildungen, verbunden mit Anwendungen auf mathematische Physik
284 |
1882 |
book |
274 |
Homann, Hans: Beiträge zur Untersuchung der Sternbewegungen und der Lichtbewegung durch Spektral-Messungen
37 |
1885 |
book |
275 |
Hood, Thomas, fl. 1582-1598.: A copie of the speache: made by the mathematicall lecturer unto the worshipfull companye present. At the house of the worshipfull M. Thomas Smith, dwelling in Gracious Street: the 4. of Nouember, 1588. T. Hood.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
16 |
1588 |
book |
276 |
Hood, Thomas, fl. 1582-1598.: The making and vse of the geometricall instrument, called a sector Whereby many necessarie geometricall conclusions concerning the proportionall description, and diuision of lines, and figures, the drawing of a plot of ground, the translating of it from one quantitie to another, and the casting of it vp geometrically, the measuring of heights, lengths and breadths may be mechanically perfomed with great expedition, ease, and elight to all those, which commonly follow the practise of the mathematicall arts, either in suruaying of land, or otherwise. Written by Thomas Hood, doctor in physicke. 1598. The instrument is made by Charles Whitwell dwelling without Temple Barre against S. Clements church.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
108 |
1598 |
book |
277 |
Hopf, Eberhard: Über die Zusammenhänge zwischen gewissen höheren Differenzen-Quotienten reeller Funktionen einer reellen Variablen und deren Differenzierbarkeitseigenschaften
31 |
1926 |
book |
278 |
IA |
Hopf, Eberhard.: Mathematical Problems Of Radiative Equilibrium
book |
279 |
Hopf, Heinrich: Ueber Zusammenhänge zwischen Topologie und Metrik von Mannigfaltigkeiten
79 |
1925 |
book |
280 |
Michigan |
Hopkinson, B. (Bertram): Vibrations of systems having one degree of freeedom, by B. Hopkinson.
54 |
1910. |
book |
281 |
Hoppe, Reinhold: Principien der Flächentheorie
98 |
1876 |
book |
282 |
Hopton, Arthur, 1587 or 8-1614.: Hoptons concordancy enlarged Containing a briefe and more perfect account of the yeares of our Lord God, than any other heretofore published, agreeing with the yeares of all the reignes of the kings of England since the conquest. With the use of the English and Roman kalender and an exact and easie almanacke ... Hereunto also are added. 1 Tables of the gold coynes now currant ... 2 New and easie tables, for the valuing of rents, leases and annuities ... 3 A plaine direction for the easie computing of interest, and factoridge ... 4 Most needfull directions for the dividing of a summe of money to be received by creditors, or payd by sureties or tenants ... Exactly computed by Iohn Penkethman.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
547 |
1635 |
book |
283 |
Michigan |
Horn J. (Jakob): Einführung in die Theorie der partiellen Differentialgleichungen, von Dr. J. Horn.
363 |
1910. |
book |
284 |
Cornell |
Horsburgh, Ellice Martin: Modern instruments and methods of calculation, a handbook of the Napier tercentenary exhibition, edited by E. M. Horsburgh; with the co-operation of the following committee: Herbert Bell ... G. A. Carse ... David Gibb ... J. R. Milne ... E. T. Whittaker ... Gargill G. Knott
343 |
1914 |
book |
285 |
IA |
Hoüel, Guillaume Jules, 1823-1886: Recueil de formules et de tables numériques
book |
286 |
Michigan |
Houel, M. (Guillaume Jules): Essai critique sur les principes fondamentaux de la géométrie élémentaire; ou, Commentaire sur les XXXII premières propositions des Éléments d'Euclide, par J. Hoüel.
1883. |
book |
287 |
IA |
Housden, C. E: The precise and therefore economic calculation of pipe drain and sewer dimensions for use in water supply, drainage, & c
book |
288 |
IA |
House examination for 1854. By the moderators and examiners [W. Walton and C.F. Mackenzie] - Mackenzie, C. F: Solutions of the problems and riders proposed in the Senate
book |
289 |
IA |
Householder, Alston S.: Principles Of Numerical Analysis
book |
290 |
IA |
House problems and riders for the year 1860 : with solutions - Routh, Edward John, 1831-1907: Cambridge Senate
book |
291 |
IA |
House Riders, exemplified by the solution of those proposed in the earlier parts of the examinations of the years 1848-1851 - Jameson, Francis James: The principles of the solution of the Senate
book |
292 |
Howes, Edward.: Short arithmetick or, The old and tedious way of numbering, reduced to a new and briefe method. Whereby a mean capacity may easily attain competent skill and facility. The particulars appear in the table. / By Edward Howes, rector of Goldancher in Essex.
paid subscription required, German NatL |
108 |
1650 |
book |
293 |
Howe, Willy: Die Rotations-Flächen, welche bei vorgeschriebener Flächengrösse ein möglichst grosses oder kleines Volumen enthalten
27 |
1887 |
book |
294 |
Hoyer, Paul: Ueber die Integration eines Differentialgleichungssystems von der Form dx
41 |
1879 |
book |
295 |
Hronyecz, Georg: Herleitung der Fuchsschen Periodenrelationen für lineare Differentialsysteme
36 |
1912 |
book |
296 |
IA |
Huang, Chi-fu: A rational anticipations general equilibrium asset pricing model : the case of diffusion information
book |
297 |
IA |
Huang, Chi-fu: Information structure and equilibrium asset prices
book |
298 |
Michigan |
Hudson, R. W. H. T. (Ronald William Henry Turnbull): Kummer's quartic surface, by R.W.H.T. Hudson.
222 |
1905. |
book |
299 |
Cornell |
Hugel, Theodor: Das Problem der magischen Systeme.
48 |
1876 |
book |
300 |
IA |
Hughes, William R: Decimal tables; simple and compound interest, exchange ... witth miscellaneous tables and full instructions, illustrations, etc
book |
301 |
IA |
Hugo Reid: First book of mathematics
book |
302 |
Cornell |
Humbert, Georges: Cours d'analyse professé à l'École polytechnique (Volume 1)
506 |
1903 |
book |
303 |
Cornell |
Humbert, Georges: Cours d'analyse professé à l'École polytechnique (Volume 2)
516 |
1903 |
book |
304 |
IA |
Hunrath, Karl: Ueber das Auszichen der Quadratwurzel bei Greichen und Indern [microform]
book |
305 |
Cornell |
Hunter, Harry St. John Arnele: Key to Todhunter's differential Calculus
154 |
1888 |
book |
306 |
IA |
Huntington, E. V. (Edward Vermilye), 1874-1952: Four place tables of logarithms and trigonometric functions, with auxiliary tables (chiefly to three figures) of squares, square roots, cubes, cube roots, reciprocals, circumferences and areas of circles, exponentials, natural logarithms, radians, and constants
book |
307 |
IA |
Huntington, E. V. (Edward Vermilye), 1874-1952: Handbook of mathematics for engineers
book |
308 |
Hurwitz, Adolf: Vorlesungen über allgemeine Funktionentheorie und elliptische Funktionen
700 |
1960 |
book |
309 |
Hurwitz, Wallie Abraham: Randwertaufgaben bei Systemen von linearen partiellen Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung
98 |
1910 |
book |
310 |
Cornell |
Hurwitz, Wallie Abraham: Randwertaufgaben bei Systemen von Linearen Partiellen Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung
97 |
1910 |
book |
311 |
Husemoller, D.: On Cyclic Homology
book |
312 |
IA |
Hussey, William J. (William Joseph), 1862-1926: Logarithmic and other mathematical tables
book |
313 |
IA |
Hussey, William J. (William Joseph), 1862-1926: Logarithmic and other mathematical tables *
book |
314 |
Michigan |
Hustler, James Devereux.: The elements of the conic sections, with the sections of the conoids.
77 |
1845. |
book |
315 |
IA |
Hutchinson, Myron: Exact astronomy : a dynamical solution of the fundamental problems of mathematical astronomy
book |
316 |
IA |
Hutton, Charles, 1737-1823: A course of mathematics composed for the use of the Royal Military Academy. Continued and amended by Olinthus Gregory. 12th ed., with considerable alterations and additions by Thomas Stephens Davies (Volume 1)
book |
317 |
IA |
Hutton, Charles, 1737-1823: A course of mathematics for the use of academies, as well as private tuition. from the 5th, 6th and 7th London ed. ... Rev., cor. and impr. To which is added as Elementary essay on descriptive geometry. By Robert Adrain .. (Volume 1)
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Hutton, Charles, 1737-1823: A course of mathematics : for the use of academies, as well as private tuition (Volume 1)
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Hutton, Charles, 1737-1823: A course of mathematics : in three volumes : composed for the use of the Royal Military Academy ... (Volume 3)
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Hutton, Charles, 1737-1823: A course of mathematics, in two volumes: composed, and more especially designed for the use of the gentlemen cadets in the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich (Volume 1)
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Hutton, Charles, 1737-1823: A course of mathematics, in two volumes: composed, and more especially designed for the use of the gentlemen cadets in the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich (Volume 2)
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Hutton, Charles, 1737-1823: Mathematical tables: containing the common, hyperbolic, and logistic logarithms, also sines, tangents, secants, and versed sines both natural and logarithmic. Together with several other tables useful in mathematical calculations. Also the complete description and use of the tables
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IA |
Hutton, Charles, 1737-1823: Tracts on mathematical and philosophical subjects, comprising among numerous important articles, the theory of bridges, with several plans of recent improvement; also the results of numerous experiments on the force of gunpowder, with applications to the modern practice of artillery .. (Volume 1)
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Huygens, Christiaan: Nouveau Traité De La Pluralité Des Mondes / Par feu Mr Hughens, cy-devant de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. Traduit du Latin en François. Par D.
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Huygens, Christiaan: Traite De La Lvmiere : Où sont expliquées Les causes de ce qui luy arrive Dans la Reflexion, & dans la Refraction ; Et particulierement Dans l'etrange Refraction Dv Cristal D'Islande ; Avec un Discours de la Cause De La Pesantevr / Par C. H. d. Z.
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Huygens, Christiaan (1629 - 1695):: Christiani Hugenii opera varia. Bd. 2: Opera geometrica. Opera astronomica. Varia de optica.
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Gallica |
Huygens, Christiaan (1629-1695).: Oeuvres complètes de Christiaan Huygens
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Huygens, Christiaan, 1629-1695: Christiani Hugenii aliorumque seculi XVII virorum celebrium exercitationes mathematicæ et philosophicæ :
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Cornell |
Hyde, Edward Wyllys: Grassmann's Space Analysis
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Michigan |
Hymers, John: A treatise on the theory of algebraical equations.
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