Charles Vial

Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Mathematik
Postfach 100131
33501 Bielefeld

My official page

SFB-TRR 358 "Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory"

Bielefeld algebraic and arithmetic geometry seminar


Published papers and preprints

My research is also available through MathSciNet, zbMath, Google and the arXiv.

  1. The Beauville-Voisin-Franchetta conjecture and LLSS eightfolds, with R. Laterveer. pdf
  2. On proper splinters in positive characteristic, with J. Krah. pdf
  3. Around the de Rham–Betti conjecture, with T. Kreutz and M. Shen. pdf
  4. A complete answer to Albanese base change for incomplete varieties, with J. Achter and S. Casalaina-Martin. pdf
    Annales de l'Institut Fourier, to appear.
  5. Decomposition of the diagonal, intermediate Jacobians, and universal codimension-2 cycles in positive characteristic, with J. Achter and S. Casalaina-Martin. pdf
    Astérisque, to appear.
  6. Effective zero-cycles and the Bloch-Beilinson filtration, with O. Martin. pdf
    Mathematical Research Letters, to appear.
  7. On the birational motive of hyper-Kaehler varieties. pdf journal
    Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (journal de Liouville) 163 (2022) 577–624.
  8. The Walker Abel-Jacobi map descends, with J. Achter and S. Casalaina-Martin. pdf journal
    Mathematische Zeitschrift 300 (2022) 1799–1817.
  9. On the image of the second l-adic Bloch map, with J. Achter and S. Casalaina-Martin. pdf chapter
    "Rationality of Algebraic Varieties", proceedings of the 2019 Schiermonnikoog conference.
    Progress in Mathematics, volume 342, Birkhäuser.
  10. A functorial approach to regular homomorphisms, with J. Achter and S. Casalaina-Martin. pdf journal
    Algebraic Geometry 10 (2023) 87–129.
  11. Cubic fourfolds, Kuznetsov components and Chow motives, with L. Fu. pdf journal
    Documenta Mathematica 28 (2023) 827–856.
  12. A motivic global Torelli theorem for isogenous K3 surfaces, with L. Fu. pdf journal
    Advances in Mathematics 383 (2021).
  13. The generalized Franchetta conjecture for some hyper-Kaehler varieties, II, with L. Fu and R. Laterveer. pdf journal
    Journal de l'École Polytechnique, Tome 8 (2021) 1065–1097.
  14. Multiplicative Chow-Kuenneth decompositions and varieties of cohomological K3 type, with L. Fu and R. Laterveer. pdf journal
    Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 200 (2021) 2085–2126.
  15. Zero-cycles on double EPW sextics, with R. Laterveer. pdf journal
    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 23 (2021).
  16. Normal functions for algebraically trivial cycles are algebraic for arithmetic reasons, with J. Achter and S. Casalaina-Martin. pdf journal
    Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 7 (2019), e36, 22pp.
  17. Generic cycles, Lefschetz representations, and the generalized Hodge and Bloch conjectures for abelian varieties. pdf journal
    Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 21 (2020) 1411–1451.
  18. On the Chow ring of Cynk-Hulek Calabi-Yau varieties and Schreieder varieties, with R. Laterveer. pdf journal
    Canadian Journal of Mathematics 72 (2020) 505–536.
  19. Distinguished cycles on varieties with motive of abelian type and the Section Property, with L. Fu. pdf journal
    Journal of Algebraic Geometry 29 (2020) 53–107.
  20. The generalized Franchetta conjecture for some hyper-Kaehler varieties, with L. Fu and R. Laterveer. pdf journal
    Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (journal de Liouville) 130 (2019) 1–35.
  21. Motivic hyperKaehler resolution conjecture, I: Generalized Kummer varieties, with L. Fu and Zh. Tian. pdf journal
    Geometry & Topology 23 (2019) 427–492.
  22. Derived equivalent threefolds, algebraic representatives, and the coniveau filtration, with J. Achter and S. Casalaina-Martin. pdf journal
    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 167 (2019) 123–131.
  23. Derived equivalent varieties have isogenous Picard varieties, with J. Achter, S. Casalaina-Martin and K. Honigs.
    Appendix to `Derived equivalence, Albanese varieties, and the zeta functions of 3-dimensional varieties' by K. Honigs. pdf journal
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (2018) 1005–1013.
  24. Distinguished models of intermediate Jacobians, with J. Achter and S. Casalaina-Martin. pdf journal
    Journal de l'Institut Mathématique de Jussieu 19 (2020) 891–918.
  25. Parameter spaces for algebraic equivalence, with J. Achter and S. Casalaina-Martin. pdf journal
    International Mathematics Research Notices IMRN 2019, no. 6, 1863–1893.
  26. On descending cohomology geometrically, with J. Achter and S. Casalaina-Martin. pdf journal
    Compositio Mathematica 153 (2017) 1446–1478.
  27. Exceptional collections, and the Neron–Severi lattice for surfaces. pdf journal
    Advances in Mathematics 305 (2017) 895–934.
  28. On the motive of some hyperKaehler varieties. pdf journal
    Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's journal) 725 (2017) 235–247.
  29. The motive of the Hilbert cube X^[3], with Mingmin Shen. pdf journal
    Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 4 (2016) 55pp.
  30. The Fourier transform for certain hyperKaehler fourfolds, with Mingmin Shen. pdf journal erratum
    Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 240 (2016), no. 1139, vii+163 pp.
  31. Non-commutative resolutions and Grothendieck groups, with H. Dao, O. Iyama, and R. Takahashi. pdf journal
    Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 9 (2015) 21–34.
  32. Remarks on motives of abelian type. pdf journal
    Tohoku Mathematical Journal 69 (2017) 195–220.
  33. Algebraic cycles and fibrations. pdf journal
    Documenta Mathematica 18 (2013) 1521–1553.
  34. Chow-Kuenneth decomposition for 3- and 4-folds fibred by varieties with trivial Chow group of zero-cycles. pdf journal
    Journal of Algebraic Geometry 24 (2015) 51–80.
  35. Projectors on the intermediate algebraic Jacobians. pdf journal
    New York Journal of Mathematics 19 (2013) 793–822.
  36. Niveau and coniveau filtrations on cohomology groups and Chow groups. pdf journal
    Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 106(2) (2013) 410–444.
  37. Pure motives with representable Chow groups. pdf journal
    Comptes Rendus Mathématiques 348 (2010) 1191–1195.
  38. Operations in Milnor K-theory. pdf journal
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (2009) 1325–1345.

Postdocs and PhD students

2024-now Haitao Zou

2024-now Luigi Martinelli

2023-now Salvatore Floccari

2023-now Carlo Mazzanti

2023-now Pablo Magni

2021-now Johannes Krah

2017-2020 Fei Xie
