My research interests are diverse, but essentially they are covered by
Discrete Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry. Main interests are:
Tilings, Convex Polytopes
Symmetry Groups, Finitely Presented Groups
Hyperbolic Geometry
Graph Theory, Combinatorics
Selfsimilarity, Fractals
Model Sets, Diffraction
...as well as Recreational and Entertaining Mathematics.
Some material about this below (less than 333 KB, if not stated
otherwise). For some cool pictures related to my work, see the
Internet Project:
- Tilings Encyclopedia. An internet project
in cooperation with Franz Gähler (and originally Edmund Harriss), a
large collection of aperiodic substitution tilings.
Book Chapter:
- More Inflation Tilings,
in: "Aperiodic Order" Vol 2,
eds.: M. Baake, U. Grimm, Cambridge University Press (2017)
Research Papers:
- Perfect colourings of simplices
and hypercubes in dimension four and five with few colours,
Bulletin Mathematique de la Société des Sciences
Mathématiques de Roumanie 67 (2024) 191-201.
- With Alexey Garber, Neil Mañibo:
Substitution tilings
with transcendental inflation factor, Discrete Analysis, in press.
- The slides of the
talk in Milton Keynes, July 2022.
- With Alexey Garber, Neil Mañibo:
Catalan numbers as
discrepancies for a family of substitutions on infinite alphabets
, Indagationes Mathematicae, in press.
- The slides of the
talk in Heidelberg, Oct. 2023
- With Christian Richter:
Fair partitions of the plane into incongruent pentagons,
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, in press.
- With Alexey Garber, Lorenzo Sadun:
Number of bounded distance
equivalence classes in hulls of repetitive Delone sets,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 42 (2022) 1403-1414.
- With Alexey Glazyrin, Zsolt Langi:
Hexagon tilings of the plane that
are not edge-to-edge,
Acta Mathematica Hungarica 164 (2021) 341-349.
- The slides of the
talk in Bukarest, Sept. 2021 (part 2, slides 26-40)
- With Christian Richter:
Incongruent equipartitions of the plane
into quadrangles of equal perimeters,
Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 182 (2021) Article ID 105461.
- The slides of the
talk in Bukarest, Sept. 2021 (part 1, slides 1-25)
- With Yotam Smilansky, Yaar Solomon:
Pairwise non-BD sets arising from substitution tilings,
Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 177 (2021) Article ID 105326.
- With Joseph Damasco:
Perfect colourings of regular graphs,
AMS Contemporary Mathematics 764 (2021)
- The slides of the
talk on this topic at Kolloquium Kombinatorik, Paderborn Nov 2018
- With Christian Richter:
Incongruent equipartitions of the plane,
European Journal of Combinatorics 87 (2020) 103129 (13 pages)
- With Joseph Damasco, Manuel Loquias: Fundamental
domains for rhombic lattices with dihedral symmetry of order 8,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26 (2019) Paper 3.5
- With Alexey Garber: Weighted 1x1
cut-and-project sets in bounded distance to a lattice Discrete
and Computational Geometry 62 (2019) 649-661
- With Alexey Garber: Pisot
substitution sequences, one dimensional cut-and-project sets and
bounded remainder sets
with fractal boundary Indagationes Mathematicae 29 (2018) 1114-1130
- The slides of the
talk on this topic at Fractal Geometry and Stochastics 6, Bad
Herrenalb Sep 2018
- With April Say-awen, Ma. Louise Antonette N. De Las Peñas:
Primitive substitution tilings with rotational symmetries,
Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A 74 (2018) 388-398
- Noncongruent equidissections
of the plane, in: M.D.E. Conder, A. Deza, A.I. Weiss
(Eds.): Discrete Geometry and Symmetry, Veszprém, Hungary, June 2015,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 234 (2018)
- With April Say-awen, M. Louise A.N. de las Penas:
Substitution tilings with dense tile orientations
and n-fold rotational symmetry, Indagationes Mathematicae 28 (2017)
- With Alexey Garber: Symmetries of
monocoronal tilings, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science 17 (2015) 203-234
- The slides of the
talk on this topic at "Geometry and Symmetry", Veszprem July 2015 (4 MB)
- With Hofstetter Kurt: Inductive rotation
tilings, Proceedings Steklov Institute 288 (2015) 269-280
- With Benjamin Whitehead, Michael Whittaker:
Cohomology of the Pinwheel Tiling,
Journal of the Australian Math Society 97 (2014) 162-179
- With Reinhard Lück:
Hyperbolic icosahedral tilings by Buckyballs,
Acta Physica Polonica A 126 (2014) 524-526
- With Christoph Richard: Dynamical
properties of almost repetitive Delone sets,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 34 (2014) 531-556
- With Edmund Harriss: Parallelogram
tilings, worms and finite orientations, Discrete
and Computational Geometry 49 (2013) 531-539
- The slides of the talk
'Tilings with tiles in finitely many and infinitely many orientations'
at CIRM, Luminy, Marseille, Jan 2013 (721 KB)
- With Paulo Bugarin, Louise de las Penas:
Perfect colourings of cyclotomic
integers, Geometriae Dedicata 162 (2013) 271-282
- The slides of the talk
'On colour symmetries of hyperbolic regular tilings and cyclotomic
integers' in Dortmund, July 2009 (1.1 MB)
- With Valérie Berthé, Victor Sirvent:
Self-dual substitutions in dimension one,
European Journal of Combinatorics 33 (2012) 981-1000
- The slides of the talk
'About duality of cut-and-project tilings' in Davidson, NC, March
2007 (1.2 MB)
- A fractal fundamental domain
with 12-fold symmetry, Symmetry: Culture and Science 22 (2011)
237-246 (363 KB)
- With Nikolai Dolbilin: Properties of
Böröczky tilings in high dimensional hyperbolic spaces
, European Journal of Combinatorics 31 (2010) 1181-1195
- With Paulo Bugarin, Louise de las Penas:
Colourings of cyclotomic integers with class number one, Phil. Mag.
90 (2010) DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2010.525544
- With Alexey Glazyrin: The lonely vertex
problem, Beiträge Algebra und Geometrie 50 (2009) 71-79
- Substitution tilings with statistical
circular symmetry, European Journal of Combinatorics 29 (2008) 1881-1893
- The slides of the
corresponding talk 'About substitution tilings with statistical
circular symmetry' in Leicester, Sept 2009 (1.4 MB)
- Counting perfect colourings of plane
regular tilings, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 223 (2008) 773-776
- The slides of the corresponding
talk in London, July/August 2008 (745 KB)
- With Reinhard Lück: Ten colours in
quasiperiodic and regular hyperbolic tilings, Z. Krist. 223 (2008)
782-784 (2 MB)
- With M.L.A.N. de las Penas, E. Bugarin, I. Evidente, R.,P. Felix:
On color groups of Bravais colorings of planar modules with
quasicrystallographic symmetry, Z. Krist. 223 (2008) 785-790
- About substitution tilings with statistical
circular symmetry, Phil. Mag. 88 (2008) 2033-2039
- Self-dual tilings with respect to
star-duality , Theoretical Computer Science 391 (2008) 39-50 (595 KB)
- The slides of the talk
'Self-duality and *-dual tilings' in Liège, May 2006 (866 KB)
- With Michael Baake, Uwe Grimm: A radial
analogue of Poisson's summation formula with application to powder
diffraction and pinwheel patterns, Journal of Geometry and Physics 57
(2007) 1331-1343 (780 KB)
- With Michael Baake, Uwe Grimm:
Pinwheel patterns and
powder diffraction, Phil. Mag. 87 (2007) 2831-2838
- With Bernd Sing: Computing Modular Coincidences
for substitution tilings and point sets, Discrete Computational Geometry 37
(2007) 381-407 (456 KB)
- Duality of Model Sets Generated by
Substitutions, (634 KB), Romanian Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics 50 (2005) 619-639
- With Michael Baake:
SCD Patterns Have Singular Diffraction, Journal of Mathematical Physics
46 (2005)
- Selfsimilar Tilings with Integer
Factor, Symmetry: Art and Science 2 (2002) 379-384
Eternal Preprints
- With Daniel Frohn: Wallpaper Groups, mathematik lehren 204/2017
- With Mathias Hattermann:
Frettlöh D., Hattermann M. (2016) Konzeption eines Mathematik-Förderprogramms für Informatikstudierende der Universität Bielefeld. In: Hoppenbrock A., Biehler R., Hochmuth R., Rück HG. (eds) Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik in der Studieneingangsphase. Konzepte und Studien zur Hochschuldidaktik und Lehrerbildung Mathematik. Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden.
- With Mathias Hattermann:
Projekt richtig einsteigen. Ein Förderprogramm
für Studienanfänger der Universität Bielefeld unter Einbezug erster
Erfahrungen der Technischen Fakultät, khdm-Report,
Online-Schriftenreihe khdm