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99-001 Jörg Kienitz A Note on Existence and Path Properties of Space-Time Processes Corresponding to Time Dependent Fleming-Viot Operators 99-002 Rubén A. Hidalgo A4, A5, S4 and S5 of Schottky Type 99-003 Rubén A. Hidalgo Schottky Uniformizations of Bordered Compact Riemann Surfaces with a Special Group of Automorphisms 99-004 V. Bentkus, F. Götze Lattice Points in Multidimensional Bodies 99-005 Yu.G. Kondratiev, R.A. Minlos, M. Röckner, G.V. Shchepan'uk Exponential Mixing for Classical Continuous Systems (revised version) To appear in Proc. Leipzig Conference, vol.II, 12 pp., 1999 99-006 Alexei Stepanov, Nikolai Vavilov Decomposition of Transvections: A Theme with Variations 99-007 Jie Du, Hebing Rui Specht Modules and Branching Rules for Ariki-Koike Algebras 99-008 Alexandre A. Panin A Note on the Arrangement of Subgroups in the Automorphism Groups of Submodule Lattices of Free Modules 99-009 D.J. Benson, H. Krause Generic Idempotent Modules for a Finite Group 99-010 Vojtech Rödl, Andrzej Rucinski Perfect Matchings in $\epsilon$-Regular Graphs and the Blow-Up Lemma 99-011 I. Reiten, A. Skowronski Sincere Stable Tubes 99-012 Rolf Farnsteiner, Detlef Voigt Schemes of Tori and the Structure of Tame Restricted Lie Algebras (revised version, 20.1.00) 99-013 Dominique Arlettaz, Grzegorz Banaszak, Wojciech Gajda On 2-adic Cyclotomic Elements in K-Theory and étale Cohomology of the Ring of Integers 99-014 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Alexander V. Kolesnikov Open Mappings of Probability Measures and the Skorohod Representation Theorem 99-015 Heinz Helling On the Automorphism Group of the Rank Two Free Group 99-016 Changchang Xi On the Representation Dimension of Finite Dimensional Algebras 99-017 Steffen König, Changchang Xi A Self-Injective Cellular Algebra is Weakly Symmetric to appear in: Journal of Algebra 99-018 Sergio Albeverio, Yuri Kondratiev, Yuri Kozitsky, Michael Röckner Uniqueness for Gibbs States of Quantum Lattices in Small Mass Region 99-019 Bangming Deng Quasi-Hereditary Algebras and Quadratic Forms 99-020 Bangming Deng Finite Subcategories and Heredity Chains 99-021 Hee Oh, Dave Witte Cartan-Decomposition Subgroups of SO(2,n) 99-022 Hee Oh, Dave Witte Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Homogeneous Spaces of SO(2,n) 99-023 Grzegorz Bobinski, Andrzej Skowronski Geometry of Tame Tubular Families of Modules 99-024 V. Futorny, S. König, V. Mazorchuk Categories of Induced Modules and Projectively Stratified Algebras to appear in: Algebras and Representation Theory 99-025 L. Elsner Some Observations on Inverses of Band Matrices and Low Rank Perturbations of Triangular Matrices 99-026 Eckhard Steffen Circular Flow Numbers of Regular Multigraphs 99-027 Vladimir Chernousov, Erich W. Ellers, Nikolai Gordeev Gauss Decomposition with Prescribed Semisimple Part: Short Proof 99-028 Teimuraz Pirashvili Stable Homotopy of Abelian $\Gamma$-Groups 99-029 Peter Dräxler, Klara Kögerler An Algorithm for Finding All Preprojective Components of the Auslander-Reiten Quiver 99-030 Grzegorz Bobinski, Andrzej Skowronski Selfinjective Algebras of Euclidean Type with Almost Regular Nonperiodic Auslander-Reiten Components 99-031 Peter Löber Quantum Channels and Simultaneous ID Coding 99-032 Andreas Winter Rate and Error Estimates for Quantum Channels 99-033 Andreas Winter Coding Theorem and Strong Converse for Nonstationary Quantum Channels 99-034 Andreas Winter Schumacher's Quantum Coding Revisited 99-035 Zhi-Ming Ma, Michael Röckner, Wei Sun Approximation of Hunt Processes by Multivariate Poisson Processes 99-036 Alexander Mednykh, Andrei Vesnin Spherical Coxeter Groups and Hyperelliptic 3-Manifolds 99-037 Andrzej Szczepanski, Andrei Vesnin Generalized Neuwirth Groups and Seifert Fibered Manifolds 99-038 V. Futorny, S. König, V. Mazorchuk A Combinatorial Description of Blocks in {$\cal O(P,\Lambda)$} Associated with $sl(2)$-Induction to appear in: Journal of Algebra 99-039 Alexander D. Mednykh On the Remarkable Properties of the Hyperbolic Whitehead Link Cone-Manifold 99-040 Gohar Kyureghyan On the Incidence Matrix Construction of Superimposed Codes 99-041 V. Bentkus, A. Juozulynas, V. Paulauskas Bounds for Stable Measures of Convex Shells and Stable Approximations 99-042 Peter Eichelsbacher, Tim Zajic Risk Sensitive Impulse Control and Deterministic Games 99-043 Andrew V. Goldberg, Alexander V. Karzanov Maximum Skew-Symmetric Flows and Their Applications to B-Matchings 99-044 Claus Michael Ringel Tame Algebras are WILD 99-045 Claus Michael Ringel On Generic Modules for String Algebras 99-046 Heike Althöfer Matching Numbers for n-th Powers of Bipartite Graphs and Matching Capacities 99-047 Wolf-Jürgen Beyn, Johannes Schropp Runge-Kutta Discretizations of Singularly Perturbed Gradient Equations 99-048 G.P. Chistyakov, F. Götze Moderate Deviations for Self-Normalized Sums 99-049 Alexandre Khomenko, Volodymyr Mazorchuk Three Papers on Generalized Verma Modules paper #2: to appear in Arkiv för Matematik paper #3: Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli 48 (1999), 145-148 99-050 Rudolf Ahlswede, Levon H. Khachatrian, Andras Sarközy On Prefix-Free and Suffix-Free Sequences of Integers 99-051 Thomas W. Müller Representations in Finite Wreath Products 99-052 Vladimir Chernousov, Lev Timoshenko Some Remarks on the Group of R-Equivalence Classes of Semisimple Groups over Arithmetic Fields 99-053 A.A. Felikson Coxeter Decompositions of Spherical Tetrahedra 99-054 Kay Magaard, Pham Huu Tiep Irreducible Tensor Products of Representations of Finite Quasi-Simple Groups of Lie Type 99-055 Steffen König Ringel Duality and Kazhdan-Lusztig Theory, I 99-056 Jie Xiao, Shilin Yang BGP-Reflection Functors and Lusztig's Symmetries: A Ringel-Hall Algebra Approach to Quantum Groups 99-057 Alex Furman Mostow-Margulis Rigidity with Locally Compact Targets 99-058 Thomas Brüstle, Lutz Hille Triangular Bimodules, Quasi-Hereditary Algebras, and Actions of Parabolic Subgroups in GLn$ 99-059 Yehuda Shalom Rigidity of Commensurators and Irreducible Lattices 99-060 Ludwig Danzer, Gerrit van Ophuysen A Species of Planar Triangular Tilings with Inflation Factor $\sqrt{-\tau}$ 99-061 Henning Krause Brown Representability and Flat Covers 99-062 Andreas Eberle Lp Uniqueness of Non-Symmetric Diffusion Operators with Singular Drift Coefficients, I. The Finite-Dimensional Case 99-063 Christof Menzel The Whitehead Link Complement and the Borromean Rings Complement are Torus Bundles 99-064 Christian Kleinewächter On Identification 99-065 Wolf-Jürgen Beyn, Barnabas M. Garay Estimates of Variable Stepsize Runge-Kutta Methods for Sectorial Evolution Equations with Nonsmooth Data 99-066 Erik Elfving The G-Homotopy Type of Proper Locally Linear G-Manifolds II 99-067 Jiachen Ye, Zhongguo Zhou Irreducible Characters for Algebraic Groups in Characteristic Three 99-068 Suren Poghosyan, Hans Zessin Strong Cluster Properties and Geometric Expansion of the log-Partition Function of the Ginibre Gas 99-069 Hans-Jürgen Bandelt, Victor Chepoi, Alexander V. Karzanov A Characterization of Minimizable Metrics in the Multifacility Location Problem 99-070 Vladimir V. Sergeichuk Canonical Matrices for Linear Matrix Problems 99-071 Friedrich Götze, Alfredas Rackauskas Adaptive Choice of Bootstrap Sample Sizes 99-072 H. Helling The Trace Field of a Series of Hyperbolic Manifolds 99-073 John R. Klein The Dualizing Spectrum of a Topological Group 99-074 Heinz Helling, Christof Menzel Towards an Algorithmic Construction of the Hyperbolic Structure on Surface Bundles 99-075 A. Rapinchuk Normal Subgroups of the Multiplicative Group of a Division Algebra, and Valuations 99-076 Roland Schwänzl, Ross Staffelt, Friedhelm Waldhausen K-Theory and Generalized Free Products of S-Algebras: Localization Methods 99-077 R. Ahlswede, L.A. Bassalygo, M.S. Pinsker On the Hamming Bound for Nonbinary Localized-Error-Correcting Codes 99-078 Claus Michael Ringel The Representation Type of the Full Transformation Semigroup $T_4$ 99-079 Thomas W. Müller Parity Patterns in Hecke Groups and Fermat Primes 99-080 Fu-Zhou Gong, Feng-Yu Wang Functional Inequalities for Uniformly Integrable Semigroups and Applications 99-081 Thomas Brüstle Derived-Tame Tree Algebras 99-082 Changchang Xi Standardly Stratified Algebras and Cellular Algebras 99-083 M. Klucznik, V. Mazorchuk Parabolic Decomposition for Projectively Stratified Algebras 99-084 Jörg Liesen Faber Polynomials Corresponding to Rational Exterior Mapping Functions 99-085 I.B. Alberink, V. Bentkus Bounds for the Concentration of Asymptotically Normal Statistics 99-086 Vladimir Bogachev, Michael Röckner Elliptic Equations for Infinite Dimensional Probability Distributions and Lyapunov Functions C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I, 329:705-710, 1999 99-087 Rudolf Ahlswede, Peter Löber Quantum Data Processing 99-088 Michael Röckner, Feng-Yu Wang Ultracontractivity and Supercontractivity of Markov Semigroups 99-089 Vladimir Bogachev, Michael Röckner, Feng-Yu Wang Elliptic Equations for Invariant Measures on Riemannian Manifolds: Existence and Regularity of Solutions 99-090 Vitali Liskevich, Michael Röckner, Zeev Sobol Dirichlet Operators with Variable Coefficients in $L^p$-Spaces of Functions of Infinitely Many Variables IDAQP, 2:487-502, 1999 99-091 N.V. Krylov Some Properties of Traces for Stochastic and Deterministic Parabolic Weighted Soboloev Spaces 99-092 V. Bernik, D. Kleinbock, G.A. Margulis Khintchine-Type Theorems on Manifolds: Convergence Case for Standard and Multiplicative Versions. 99-093 R. Ahlswede, L. Khachatrian, A. Sark"ozy On Primitive Sets of Squarefree Integers 99-094 S.G. Bobkov, F. Götze, C. Houdré On Gaussian and Bernoulli Covariance Representations 99-095 M. Bloznelis, F. Götze One Term Edgeworth Expansion for Finite Population $U$-Statistics of Degree Two 99-096 Volodymyr Mazorchuk On Simple Mixed Modules over the Virasoro Algebra 99-097 T. Brüstle, L. Hille, G. Röhrle Finiteness for Parabolic Group Actions in Classical Groups 99-098 Changchang Xi On the Quasi-Heredity of Birman-Wenzl Algebras 99-099 Olaf Blömer A Category of Pseudo-Tangles with Classifying Space $\Omega^\infty S^\infty$ and Applications 99-100 Peter Abramenko, Thomas W. Müller Are Braid Groups Linear Groups? 99-101 D. Notbohm Homology Decompositions for Classifying Spaces of Finite Groups Associated to Modular Representations 99-102 Alexander Vladimirov, Ludwig Elsner, Wolf-Jürgen Beyn Stability and Paracontractivity of Discrete Linear Inclusions 99-103 S. Adian, F. Grunewald, I. Lysionok, J. Mennicke Some Remarks on Quaternion Groups 99-104 Rudolf Ahlswede, Christian Bey, Konrad Engel, Levon H. Khachatrian The $t$-Intersection Problem in the Truncated Boolean Lattice 99-105 Steffen König, Inger Heidi Slungard, Changchang Xi Double Centralizer Properties, Dominant Dimension and Tilting Modules 99-106 Rolf Farnsteiner, Detlef Voigt On Infinitesimal Groups of Tame Representation Type 99-107 Thomas Gunnarsson, Roland Schwänzl Coherence of Operations in $A$-Theory 99-108 Claus Michael Ringel The Multisegment Duality and the Preprojective Algebras of Type A 99-109 James E. McClure, Jeffrey H. Smith A Solution of Deligne's Conjecture 99-110 Claus Michael Ringel Krull-Remak-Schmidt Fails for Artinian Modules Over Local Rings 99-111 Oleg T. Izhboldin The Groups $H^3(F(X)/F)$ and $CH^2(X)$ for Generic Splitting Varieties of Quadratic Forms 99-112 V. Guletskii Algebras of Exponent 2 over an Elliptic Curve 99-113 V. Futorny, S. König, V. Mazorchuk Categories of Induced Modules for Lie Algebras with Triangular Decomposition to appear in: Forum Mathematicum 99-114 S. König, V. Mazorchuk An Equivalence of Two Categories of $sl(n,\mathbb{C})$-Modules to appear in Algebras and Representation Theory 99-115 Ludwig Elsner, P. van den Driessche Modifying the Power Method in Max Algebra 99-116 Henning Krause Auslander-Reiten Theory via Brown Representability 99-117 Martin Markl Homotopy Algebras are Homotopy Algebras 99-118 R. Ahlswede, H. Aydinian, L. Khachatrian Maximal Number of Constant Weight Vertices of the Unit n-Cube Contained in a $k$-Dimensional Subspace 99-119 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Michael Röckner, Wilhelm Stannat Uniqueness of Invariant Measures and Maximal Dissipativity of Diffusion Operators on L1 In: Infinite dimensional stochastic analysis, 39-54, Editors: P. Clement et al. Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 2000 99-120 Rolf Farnsteiner, Detlef Voigt Representations of Infinitesimal Groups of Characteristic 2 99-121 R. Farnsteiner, G. Röhrle Almost Split Sequences of Verma Modules 99-122 David Benson, Henning Krause Pure Injectives and the Spectrum of the Cohomology Ring of a Finite Group 99-123 Oleksandr Khomenko, Volodymyr Mazorchuk Generalized Verma Modules Induced from $sl(2,\mathbb{C})$ and Associated Verma Modules 99-124 Jiuzhao Hua, Jie Xiao On Ringel-Hall Algebras of Tame Hereditary Algebras 99-125 Feng-Yu Wang Estimates of Semigroups and Eigenvalues Using Functional Inequalities 99-126 Nicola J. Richmond A Stratification for Varieties of Modules 99-127 Arkady Berenstein, Andrei Zelevinsky Tensor Product Multiplicities, Canonical Bases and Totally Positive Varieties 99-128 G. Banaszak, W. Gajda, P. Krasoń A Support Problem for K-Theory of Number Fields 99-129 Hideto Asashiba On Stable Equivalences of Morita Type Between Representation-Finite Selfinjective Algebras 99-130 S. König, V. Mazorchuk Enright's Completions and Injectively Copresented Modules 99-131 Peter Abramenko, Gabriele Nebe Lattice Chain Models for Affine Buildings of Classical Type 99-132 Peter Abramenko, Hendrik Van Maldeghem 1-Twinnings of Buildings 99-133 Bernhard Balkenhol, Yuri M. Shtarkov One Attempt of a Compression Algorithm Using the BWT 99-134 V. Bentkus, A. Juozulynas, V. Paulauskas Lévy-Lepage Series Representation of Stable Vectors. Convergence in Variation 99-135 Reinhard Nabben A Class of Inverse M-Matrices 99-136 Reinhard Nabben On Green's Matrices for Trees 99-137 Shmuel Friedland, Reinhard Nabben On Cheeger-Type Inequalities for Weighted Graphs 99-138 Th. Brüstle, S. König, V. Mazorchuk The Coinvariant Algebra and Representation Types of Blocks of Category ${\cal{O}}$ (revised version) 99-139 Harry Reimann Reduction of Shimura Varieties at Parahoric Levels 99-140 Reinhard Nabben Improved Upper Bounds for the Real Part of Nonmaximal Eigenvalues of Nonnegative Matrices 99-141 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Nicolai V. Krylov, Michael Röckner On Regularity of Transition Probabilities and Invariant Measures of Singular Diffusions under Minimal Conditions 99-142 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Michael Röckner Elliptic Equations for Measures on Infinite Dimensional Spaces and Applications (revised version) to appear in: Probap. Th. Rel. Fields, 47 pages. 99-143 M. Bloznelis, F. Götze Orthogonal Decomposition of Finite Population Statistics and its Applications to Distributional Asymptotics
E99-001 Angelika Bunse-Gerstner, Volker Mehrmann, Reinhard Nabben, Matthias Pott, Wolf-Jürgen Beyn (editors) Workshop on Applied Linear Algebra E99-002 Stefan Schwede, Rainer Vogt (editors) Workshop "Stable Homotopy Theory and Algebraic K-Theory" E99-003 Michael Röckner, Karl-Theodor Sturm (editors) Workshop on Dirichlet Spaces and Applications E99-004 Michael Klucznik, Steffen König Characteristic Tilting Modules Over Quasi-Hereditary Algebras E99-005 Rainer Vogt (editor) Workshop on Operads, Osnabrück June 15th - 19th E99-006 Volodymyr Mazorchuk Generalized Verma Modules E99-007 Peter Dräxler, Rainer Nörenberg (editors) CREP Manual, Part III E99-008 Jörg Liesen Construction and Analysis of Polynomial Iterative Methods for Non-Hermitian Systems of Linear Equations E99-009 Tino Koch Fordsche Fundamentalbereiche hyperbolischer einfach-punktierter Torus-Bündel E99-010 Ralf Siekmeyer Optimierung von Matrix-Abständen durch unitäre Ähnlichkeitstransformationen E99-011 Nai Bing On Groups of Isometries of Hadamard Manifolds