Preprint-Server of the SFB 343

"Diskrete Strukturen in der Mathematik"

Directions for use

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Preprintreihe 1997

97-001   Yuri Bilu
         Sum-Free Sets and Related Sets

97-002   J. J. McDonald, R. Nabben, M. Neumann, H. Schneider
         M. J. Tsatsomeros
         Inverse Tridiagonal Z-Matrices

97-003   John R. Klein
         Poincar'e Duality Spaces

97-004   Teimuraz Pirashvili
         Projectives are Free for Nilpotent Varieties

97-005   Rudolf Ahlswede, Zhen Zhang
         Worst Case Estimation of Permutation Invariant
         Functions and Identification via Compressed Data

97-006   Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai
         Arbitrarily Varying Multiple-Access Channels
         Part II: Correlated Sender's Side Information,
         Correlated Messages, and Ambiguous Transmission

97-007   Vladimir Mazorchuk, Sergei Ovsienko
         Submodule Structure of Generalized Verma Modules
         Induced from Generic Gelfand-Zetlin Modules
         Algebr. Represent. Theory, 1 (1998), 3-26

97-008   D. Y. Kleinbock, G. A. Margulis
         Flows on Homogeneous Spaces and Diophantine
         Approximation on Manifolds

97-009   Igor Belegradek
         Intersection Pairing in Hyperbolic Manifolds,
         Vector Bundles and Characteristic Classes

97-010   Genady Margolin, Ulf Rehmann, Vyacheslav Yanchevskii
         Quaternion Generation of the 2-Torsion Part of
         the Brauer Group  of a Local Quintic

appeared in: H. Bass, A.O.Kuku, and C. Pedrini. (Ed). Algebraic
             K-theory and its Applications. Proc. of the Workshop and
             Symposium, (1997), ICTP, Trieste, Italy. World Scientific,
             Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hongkong (1999). 503--535

97-011   R. Ahlswede, N. Cai, Z. Zhang
         Zero-Error Capacity for models with memory and
         the enlightened dictator channel

97-012   M. Bloznelis, F. Götze
         An Edgeworth Expansion for Finite Population

97-013   Rom R. Varshamov
         On One Hypothesis Underlying Arithmetics

97-014   Vladimir B. Balakirsky
         On Interval Linear Complexity of Binary Sequences

97-015   Victor Zinoviev
         On 3-Regular Subgraphs of 4-Regular Graphs with
         Multiple Edges

97-016   Rudolf Ahlswede, Vladimir B. Balakirsky
         Construction of Uniquely Decodable Codes for the
         Two-User Binary Adder Channel

97-017   Reinhard Nabben
         Decay Rates of the Inverse of Nonsymmetric
         Tridiagonal and Band Matrices

97-018   Helen Kovilyanskaya, Volodymyr Mazorchuk
         On Incidence Algebras Associated with Regular
         Cell Decomposition of Sn
         Publ. Math. Debrecen, 54/3-4 (1999), 391-402

97-019   Volodymyr Mazorchuk
         Classification of Simple Harish-Chandra Modules
         over Q - Virasoro Algebra
         Mathematische Nachrichten 209 (2000), 171-177

97-020   K. Bremke, C. K. Fan
         Comparison of a-Functions

97-021   Peter Dräxler, Christof Geiss
         A Note on the Dn-Pattern

97-022   Henning Krause
         Stable Equivalence and Representation Type

97-023   Gennady A. Noskov
         Higher Dimensional Isoperimetric Inequalities
         and Uncombability of the Hilbert Modular Group

97-024   Claus Michael Ringel
         The Repetitive Algebra of a Gentle Algebra

97-025   G. Gutin, A. V. Kostochka, B. Toft
         On the Haj'os Number of Graphs

97-026   Rudolf Ahlswede, Zhen Zhang
         An Asymptotic Estimate of Sizes of Left-Compressed Sets

97-027   Eckhard Steffen
         On Bicritical Snarks

97-028   Olaf Blömer
         A Category of Pseudo-Tangles with Classifying
         Space Omegainfty Sinfty

97-029   A. A. Ageev, A. V. Kostochka
         Vertex Set Partitions Preserving Conservativeness

97-030   Hideto Asashiba
         Derived Equivalence and Stable Equivalence of
         Repetitions of Algebras of Finite Global Dimension

97-031   Peter Eichelsbacher
         Large Deviations for Partial Sums U-Processes in Dependent Cases

97-032   Grzegorz Zwara
         Degenerations for Modules over Representation-Finite
	 Biserial Algebras

97-033   V. M. Petrogradsky
         Growth of Polynilpotent Varieties of Lie Algebras and Fast
	 Increasing Entire Functions

97-034   Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai
         A Counterexample in Rate-Distortion Theory for
         Correlated Sources

97-035   Claus Michael Ringel
         The Ziegler Spectrum of a Tame Hereditary Algebra

97-036   Gerhard Röhrle
         On the Modality of Parabolic Subgroups of Linear
         Algebraic Groups
         (revised version)
         To appear in manuscripta mathematica

97-037   Vladimir I. Chernousov, Vladimir P. Platonov
         The Rationality Problem for Semisimple Group Varieties
         Journal reine angew. Math. 504 (1998), 1-28

97-038   Hideto Asashiba
         The Derived Equivalence Classification of
         Representation-Finite Selfinjective Standard Algebras

97-039   R. Ahlswede, B. Balkenhol, L. Khachatrian
         Some Properties of Fix-Free Codes

97-040   Manfred Lehn
         On the Cotangent Sheaf of Quot-Schemes

97-041   Ludwig Elsner, Daniel Hershkowitz
         Bounds on Norms of the Adjoint Matrix

97-042   Eckhard Steffen
         Non-bicritical Critical Snarks

97-043   Rudolf Ahlswede, Levon H. Khachatrian
         A Pushing-Pulling Method: 
         New Proofs of Intersection Theorems

97-044   R. Schwänzl, R.M. Vogt  
         Cofibration and Fibration Structures in Enriched

97-045   H.G. Carstens, T. Dinski, E. Steffen
         Reduction of Symmetric Configurations n3

97-046   Claus Michael Ringel
         The Preprojektive Algebra of a Quiver

97-047   Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai
         Isoperimetric Theorems in the Binary Sequences
         of Finite Lengths

97-048   Yuri Bilu, Guillaume Hanrot
         Thue Equations with Composite Fields

97-049   Peter Eichelsbacher
         Moderate and Large Deviations for $U$-Processes

97-050   S. Albeverio, Yu. G. Kondratiev, M. Röckner
         Analysis and Geometry on Configuration Spaces
         J. Funct. Anal. 154, 444-500 (1998)

97-051   R. Ahlswede, H. Aydinian, L.H. Khachatrian
         The Intersection Theorem for Direct Products

97-052   Steffen König, Changchang Xi
         Strong Symmetry Defined by Twisting Modules, Applied to
         Quasi-Hereditary Algebras with Triangular Decomposition
         and Vanishing Radical Cube
	 Comm.Math.Phys. 197 (1998), 427-441

97-053   Barbara Baumeister
         Factorizations of Primitive Permutation Groups

97-054   Thomas Dinski
         Some Existentially Closed Graphs

97-055   Ludwig Elsner, Daniel Hershkowitz
         Hadamard Functions Preserving Nonnegative H-Matrices
         To appear in Linear Algebra Appl.

97-056   V.V. Benyash-Krivetz, V.I. Chernousov
         Representation Varieties of the Fundamental Groups
         of Compact Non-Orientable Surfaces
         Math. Sbornik 188 (1997), N7, 47-92 (in Russian)

97-057   S. Albeverio, V. Bogachev, M. Röckner
         On Uniqueness of Invariant Measures for Finite and 
         Infinite Dimensional Diffusions
         (revised version 12.8.98)
         Commun. Pure and Appl. Math., 52:325-362, 1999 

97-058   Vladimir B. Balakirsky
         Coding for a Model of Random-Access Memories of a 
         Computer and Write-Unidirectional Memories

97-059   Judith Plümer
         Topological Invariance of Chow Varieties

97-060   A. Yu. Konstantinov
         Spectral Theory of Some Matrix Differential 
         Operators of Mixed Order

97-061   Ann Chi Kim, Andrei Vesnin
         Cyclically Presented Groups and Takahashi Manifolds 
         as Cyclic Coverings

97-062   Arkady G. D'yachkov, Vyacheslav V. Rykov
         Optimal Superimposed Codes and Designs 
         for Renyi's Search Model

97-063   V.V. Benyash-Krivetz
         On Decomposing One Relator Products of
         Cyclic Groups into Free Products with Amalgamation

97-064   Pham Ngoc Anh   
         Immediate Extensions of Rings

97-065   Richard Dipper, Gordon James, Andrew Mathas
         Cyclotomic q-Schur Algebras

97-066   Andrew Mathas
         Murphys Operators and the Centre of the 
         Iwahori-Hecke Algebras of Type A

97-067   P. Dräxler, J. A. de la Peña
         The Homological Quadratic Form of a Biextension Algebra

97-068   Thomas Hübner
         Reflections and Almost Concealed Canonical Algebras

97-069   V.V. Benyash-Krivetz
         Character Classes in the Two Generator Free Group

97-070   P. Dräxler, J. A. de la Peña
         Tree Algebras with Non-Negative Tits Form

97-071   F. Götze, A. Yu. Zaitsev
         Multidimensional Hungarian Construction for Vectors
         with Almost Gaussian Smooth Distributions

97-072   V. Bogachev, M. Röckner, T.S. Zhang
         Existence and Uniqueness of Invariant Measures:
         An Approach via Sectorial Forms
         Appl. Math. Optim., 41:87-109, 2000

97-073   S. Albeverio, Yu.G. Kondratiev, M. Röckner
         Diffeomorphism Groups and Current Algebras:
         Configuration Space Analysis in Quantum Theory
         Reviews in Math. Phys., 11:1-24, 1999

97-074   J. Mennicke
         A Remark on the Congruence Subgroup Problem

97-075   U. Jürgens, G. Röhrle
         Algorithmic Orbit Classification for Parabolic Subgroups
         of Simple Algebraic Groups

97-076   S.G. Bobkov, F. Götze
         Exponential Integrability and Transportation Cost Related 
         to Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities

97-077   V. Bentkus, F. Götze
         Optimal Bounds in Non-Gaussian Limit Theorems 
         for $U$-Statistics

97-078   Steffen König, Changchang Xi
         Cellular Algebras: Inflations and Morita Equivalences 
         (revised version)
         to appear in: J. London Math.Soc.

97-079   Barbara Baumeister
         On Subgroups of Prime Power Index

97-080   K. Erdmann, O. Kerner, A. Skowroñski
         Self-Injective Algebras of Wild Tilted Type

97-081   Peter Dräxler, Andrzej Skowroñski
         Biextensions by Indecomposable Modules 
         of Derived Regular Length 2

97-082   Peter Eichelsbacher, Uwe Schmock
         Large and Moderate Deviations of Products of 
         Empirical Measures and $U$-Empirical Measures 
         in Strong Topologies

97-083   H. Abels, G.A. Margulis, G.A. Soifer
         On the Zariski Closure of the Linear Part 
         of a Properly Discontinuous Group of Affine Transformations

97-084   E. Vinberg
         Invariants of 2 x 2 Matrices

97-085   Nanhua Xi
         Irreducible Modules of Quantized Enveloping
         Algebras at Roots of 1, II

97-086   Nanhua Xi
         Primitive and Quasi Primitive Elements 
         in Weyl Modules for Type $A_2$

97-087   Christof Geiss
         Homomorphisms between Representations of Clans

97-088   Viktor Bekkert
         Sincere Cycle-Finite Schurian Vector Space Categories

97-089   Marja Kankaanrinta
         A Note about $G$-Equivariant Homotopies and Isotopies,
         where $G$ is a Lie Group

97-090   Wilhelm Stannat
         (Nonsymmetric) Dirichlet Operators on $L^1$: Existence,
         Uniqueness and Associated Markov Processes
         Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4), Vol. 28, No. 1, 99-140, 1999

97-091   S. Albeverio, Yu.G. Kondratiev, M. Röckner
         Analysis and Geometry on Configuration Spaces: 
         The Gibbsian Case
         J. Funct. Anal., 157:242-291, 1998

97-092   Ludwig Elsner, Pauline van den Driessche
         On the Power Method in Max Algebra
         To appear in Linear Algebra Appl.

97-093   Hee Oh
         Tempered Subgroups and Representations with Minimal
         Decay of Matrix Coefficients
         Journal Bull. Soc. Math. France, vol 126, Pg 355-380 (1998)

97-094   A. Potapchik, A. Rapinchuk
         Low-Dimensional Linear Representations
         of Aut Fn, n >= 3

97-095   Hans-Georg Carstens, Walter Deuber, Wolfgang Thumser, Elke Koppenrade
         Geometrical Bijections in Discrete Lattices

97-096   István Ágoston, Erzsébet Lukács, Claus Michael Ringel
         Realizations of Frobenius Functions

97-097   Manfred Lehn
         Chern Classes of Tautological Sheaves on Hilbert Schemes
         of Points on Surfaces
         (revised version)

97-098   Roland Matthes
         On Some Poincaré-Series on Hyperbolic Space

97-099   Vladimir B. Balakirsky
         Lower Bounds on the Code Rate for a Model of Data 
         Transmission with Side Information

97-100   R. Ahlswede, L.H. Khachatrian
         A Diametric Theorem for Edges

97-101   Wilhelm Stannat
         The Theory of Generalized Dirichlet Forms and its
         Applications in Analysis and Stochastics
         Memoirs of the AMS, Vol. 142, No. 678, 1999 

97-102   Vitali Liskevich, Michael Röckner
         Strong Uniqueness for a Class of Infinite Dimensional
         Dirichlet Operators and Applications
         to Stochastic Quantization
         Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., Serie IV, XXVII(1):69-91, 1998

97-103   L. Hille, G. Röhrle
         A Classification of Parabolic Subgroups of
         Classical Groups with a Finite Number of Orbits
         on the Unipotent Radical
         (revised version 17.8.98)
         To appear in: Transformation Groups

97-104   L. Kramer, G. Röhrle, K. Tent
         Defining $k$ in $G(k)$

97-105   Peter Eichelsbacher
         Moderate Deviations for Functional $U$-Processes

97-106   Rajendra Bhatia, Ludwig Elsner
         Sensitivity of the Solutions of Some Matrix Equations

97-107   Xueqing Chen, Jie Xiao
         Root Vectors Arising from Auslander Reiten Quivers

97-108   Michael Neumann, Hans Schneider
         Partial Norms and the Convergence of General Products
         of Matrices

97-109   Thomas Müller
         Enumerating Representations in Finite Wreath Products

97-110   Alexander V. Karzanov
         Metrics with Finite Sets of Primitive Extensions
         (without pictures)

97-111   Nikolai N. Kuzjurin
         On a Conjecture of Kierstead

97-112   Ulrich Tamm
         Splittings of Cyclic Groups and Perfect Shift Codes

97-113   Michael Röckner, Byron Schmuland
         A Support Property for Infinite Dimensional
         Interacting Diffusion Processes
         Une propriété de support pour des processus de
         diffusion en dimension infinie avec interaction
         C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, t. 326, Serie I, 359-364 (1998)

97-114   Alexey Rasskazov, Andrei Vesnin
         On Isometries of the Hyperbolic Fibonacci Manifolds

97-115   Thomas Brüstle, Lutz Hille
         Actions of Parabolic Subgroups of $GL(V)$ on
         Certain Unipotent Subgroups and Quasi-Hereditary Algebras

97-116   G. Röhrle
         A Note on Normal Abelian Subgroups in Parabolic Groups
97-116   On normal abelian subgroups in parabolic groups
         (revised version: 3.8.98)
         to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourier

97-117   Manuel Ojanguren, Ivan Panin
         A Purity Theorem for the Witt Group

97-118   Rudolf Ahlswede
         General Theory of Information Transfer

97-119   Ernst Dieterich
         Dissident Algebras

97-120   Konstantin Athanassopoulos
         Rotation Numbers and Isometries

97-121   Konstantin Athanassopoulos
         Volume Preserving Flows with Cyclic Winding Numbers Groups
         and without Periodic Orbits on 3-Manifolds

97-122   Henning Krause, Manuel Saorín
         On Minimal Approximations of Modules

97-123   Rolf Farnsteiner, Detlef Voigt
         On Cocommutative Hopf Algebras of Finite Representation Type
         (revised version)

97-124   Peter Dräxler
         Circular Biextensions of Tame Concealed Algebras

97-125   V. Bentkus, F. Götze
         Lattice Point Problems and Distribution of Values
         of Quadratic Forms

97-126   Steffen König, Changchang Xi
         On the Number of Cells of a Cellular Algebra
	 to appear in: Comm. in Alg.


E97-001  Bernhard Balkenhol
         Problems in Sequential and Parallel Game Tree Search

E97-002  Meike Schröder
         Partition Regular Systems of Linear Inequalities

E97-003  L. Elsner, Kh. D. Ikramov
         Normal Matrices: An Update

E97-004  R. Ahlswede, M. S. Pinsker
         Report on Models of Write-Efficient Memories with
         Localized Errors and Defects

E97-005  P. Alestalo, H. Helling
         On Torus Fibrations over the Circle

E97-006  Peter Eichelsbacher, Matthias Löwe
         Workshop on Probability Theory and its Applications

E97-007  Sarah Rees
         Hairdressing in Groups: A Survey of Combings 
         and Formal Languages

E97-008  Peter Dräxler, Rainer Nörenberg
         Classification Problems in the Representation Theory 
         of Finite-Dimensional Algebras

E97-009  Peter Dräxler, Rainer Nörenberg (editors)
         CREP Manual, Part II

E97-010  Jan H. Schröer
         Hammocks for String Algebras

Copyright © Lars Böker, Dirk Umbach . Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Mathematik, SFB 343. Bei Problemen bitte email an preprint@Mathematik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE. Letzte Änderung: 25.01.2002